Questions M. 14 l. 3 and M. 15 L. 1-2-4 Flashcards
What increased the demand for labor?
Cotton Gin
Where (Location) did most slaves work?
On plantations in the South
What did most slaves work?
the fields, planting, tending, picking, and processing cotton.
When (time) did slaves normal work?
Sunup to sundown
Who directed the work of slaves?
How were Enslaved African American living conditions usually?
-Tiny cabins
-leaky roofs
-dirty floors
-Poor food
-old dirty clothing
What were some of the punishments they got if they didn’t do what they were told to do?
Harsh punishment, including beatings, withholding food, and threatening family members, was commonly used to encourage obedience.
Slaves didn’t just work on farms they worked in cities what were they called?
Domestic Servants
What was a main religion that Slaves practiced and why?
Christianity, because slaves were particularly inspired by the story of Moses, who led his people out of slavery in Egypt
What did slaves add to Christianity that made it there own religion?
Features of traditional African religion
What were some Oral Tradition stories about?
Often featured animals with human characteristics and sometimes had morals for children to learn
Why would slaves sing Spiritual?
Singing Spirituals offered comfort for pain, eased the drudgery of daily work, and bound people together
Who was Nat Turner?
A slave
After Nat Turner’s Revolt what happened with Nat Turner?
Nat Turner was captured and executed
What did the state’s government do after Nat Turner’s Rebellion?
Many states strengthened their slave codes
What did Nat Turner say when he was cought?
When Turner was caught, he said that the revolt was justified and that it was worth dying for
What were most Europeans immune to ?
Measles, smallpox, and Typhus
Why did so many Native Americans die after the Europeans arrived in America?
Native Americans had no resistance to these diseases, because they were never exposed to them
What was the problem with Native Americans dying?
There were a shortage of Native Americans to work as labor in the fields
Who had the main problem with Native Americans dying?
With a shortage of Native American workers, Spanish and Portuguese plantation owners had to find other sources of cheap labor.
What did Americans think that the solution of shortage of Native Americans was?
To get slaves from West Afcria
What government legalized the sale of slaves in the colonies?
Spanish Government
Why did many slaves die on the Middle Passage?
Many slaves died of sickness, suffocation, or malnutrition during the voyage
What position as a slave did you get better food, clothing, and shelter but required more hours of work?
Working in the Planter’s Home
What system did planters use to get their fields farmed?
Gang labor System
What did some states pass?
Slave codes to control slaves’ actions
Where did most slave trading or buying happen?
At slave auctions
What’s an example of a slave code or law that was passed?
In some states it was illegal to teach slaves to read and write
How did slaves pass down heritage?
Through oral histories and folktales
Did slaves worship right in front of there slave owners?
They Worshipped in secret, out of sight of slaveholders
What are some ways enslaved slaves rebelled in small ways?
-working slower
-running away for days or trying to escape permanently
-sabotaging equipment
What is one thing that Christian slaves believed?
That in God’s eyes, they were equal to anyone else
Where did Nat Turner’s Rebellion happen?
After the Mexican-American War What caused bitter slavery dispute?
Additional land gained
What prohibited slavery north of latitude 36°30’?
Missouri Compromise of 1820
Who offered the Wilmot Proviso, and when did they offer it?
During the Mexican-American War
Representative David Wilmot
Was the Wilmot Proviso passed?
was not passed
Since the Wilmot Provis was not passed what did it reveal?
Growing Sectionalism
Who formed the Free-Soil Party and what did they support?
-Antislavery northerners
-They supported the Wilmot Provis
Which area of the country supported slavery more? The South or the North? And why?
South, because in the South it was mainly farmland, and farmers need slaves to work the fields. If farmers did have slaves than they wouldn’t have anyone working the fields.
What was the Free-Soil Party?
It was a political party
Who offered the Compromise of 1850?
Senator Henry Clay
What did the Compromise of 1850 do?
It’s purpose was to maintain Americas free/slavery states balance.
-California would enter the union
-Texas borders would be set and would give up western and northern territory’s for the U.S. to pay for Texas debt from when it was an independent republic.
-The rest of Mexico’s lands would become part of the United States. A vote would determinate if slavery was to happen
-Slave would end at the U.S. capital
- Fugitive Slave Act law would be passed
Why did the U.S. need the Compromise of 1850?
The compromise was necessary in part because some southerners thought their states should secede from the Union.
What did the Fugitive Slave Act do?
-Made it a crime to help runaway slaves and allowed officials to arrest runaway slaves in free areas
-Slaveholders could take suspected fugitives to U.S. commissioners, who decided their fate. Commissioners received more money for returning them to slaveholders.
-Accused fugitives could not testify on their own behalf.
-Enforcement of act immediately
What did a lot slaves do in fear of the Fugitive Slave Act?
Thousands of northern African Americans fled to Canada in fear
Who was Anthony Burns?
A Virginian fugitive returned to slavery with federal help in 1854
Many people persuaded people to join What?
Abolitionist cause
What did Northern abolitionists use to gain sympathy for their cause?
stories of fugitive slaves
What is one influential antislavery novel published in 1852 and who wrote it?
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Where was Senator Henry Clay from?
Where did abolitionists try to rescue Anthony Burns from?
Boston Jail
Who tried to rescue Anthony Burns from jail and how did it end?
Ended in violence
How did slaves keep their culture alive?
Oral Tradition
How could slaves buy their freedom?
Some skilled slaves were able to save their own freedom
How were laws used to control slaves?
Laws limited what slaves could do
What factors caused colonists to decide to use African slaves?
Native Americans died so they needed someone to work the plantations for them