Ventricular Rhythms Flashcards
What are five ventricular rhythms?
Premature ventricular complexly (PVC) Ventricular tachycardia Ventricular fibrillation Idioventricular rhythm Asystole
Are p waves visible with ventricular rhythms?
No. The atria aren’t being conducted
What is the relationship between QRS and T waves with premature ventricular complexes?
T wave extends in opposite direction of QRS complex
What is an interpolated PVC?
When the PVC is between two regular beats
What is a compensatory pause?
When the PVC takes place of a beat and the surround RRI is doubled the normal RRI
What are PVCs an indication of?
Myocardial irritability
What are unifocal PVCs?
PVCs that have the same configuration throughout the EKG. They come from a single focus
What are multifocal PVCs?
PVCs with two or more configurations along the EKG. There are multiple foci initiating ectopics
What is R on T phenomenon?
When the R wave of a PVC falls during the relative refractory period of the T wave
What is a PVC couplet?
When two PVCs are attached to each other
What is a run of PVCs?
When three or more PVCs follow each other
What is grouped beating?
When frequently occurring PVCs occur in pattern with normal beats
What is bigeminy?
When every other beat is a PVC
What is it called when there’s a repetitive cycle of a PVC followed by three normal beats?
What is quadrigeminy?
A repetitive cycle of four beats followed by a PVC
Premature Ventricular Complex
Disrupts regularity of underlying rhythm
Premature Ventricular Complex
Depends on underlying rhythm
Premature Ventricular Complex
P wave morphology
No P waves
Premature Ventricular Complex
Premature Ventricular Complex
Wide and bizarre
Greater than .12 seconds
T wave in opposite direction
Ventricular tachycardia
Usually regular or slightly irregular
Ventricular tachycardia
Can be faster or slower
Ventricular tachycardia
P wave morphology
No p waves
Ventricular tachycardia
Ventricular tachycardia
Wide and bizarre
Greater than .12
T wave in opposite direction of R wave
What does ventricular tachycardia look like?
A run of PVCs that last the whole strip
What is ventricular tachycardia caused by?
A single irritable focus in the ventricles
What is the difference between ventricular tachycardia and ventricular flutter?
The rate
Ventricular flutter is faster (300 bpm)
What does ventricular fibrillation look like?
Chaotic, irregular activity with no waves or complexes
How are idioventricular rhythms initiated?
By the escape mechanism of the heart
What ventricular rhythm is an agonal rhythm?
Idioventricular rhythm
Idioventricular rhythm
Usually regular
Idioventricular rhythm
Can drop below 20
Idioventricular rhythm
P wave morphology
Idioventricular rhythm
Idioventricular rhythm
Wide and bizarre
.12 or greater
What do you see with asystole?
No electrical activity
Just a straight line
What is the only way to treat ventricular fibrillation?
How long is the QRS measurement with ventricular rhythms?
Greater than .12 second