Various Terms Flashcards
Ligamentum Nuchae
A ligament at the back of the neck that extends from the external occipital protuberance on the skull and median nuchal line to the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra in the lower part of the neck
Gestational Age
Age of fetus or newborn, in weeks, from first day of mother’s last normal period
Conceptual Age
Age of fetus or newborn in weeks since conception
Exploratory Play
0-2 years, child develops a body scheme, sensory integrative, and motor skills by exploring the properties of the world
Symbolic Play
2-4 years, Child engages in play by using one object to represent another during make-believe play. Parallel play becomes more common.
Creative Play
4-7 years, Child participates in social play with using many roles and objects. Cooperative peer groups.
Wheelchair ramp guidelines
One foot of slope for every inch of rise
Continuum of Supervision
- Close: daily, direct contact at the work site
- Routine: direct contact at least every 2 weeks with indirect communication in between
- General: at least monthly direct contact with supervision available as needed by other methods
- Minimal: as needed basis
under or overshooting a target when reaching
Joints move separately when reaching for a target, rather than a smooth movement
Impaired ability to perform rapid alternating movements
Loss of motor control including tremors, dysdiadochokinesia, dyssynergia, and nystagmus
Cogwheel rigidity
alternative contraction/relaxation of muscles being stretched
Leadpipe rigidity
consistent contraction of muscle being stretched throughout the range
Dyskinetic condition that includes inadequate timing, force, and accuracy of movements in the trunk/limbs. Movements are writhing and worm-like.
Unilateral chorea characterized by violent, forceful movements of the proximal muscles
Cock-up splint
Supports the wrist in 10-20 degrees of extension to prevent contracture and allows the digits to function.
Resting hand splint
Used when the wrist, digits, and thumb need to be supported in a functional position for prolonged periods.
Overhead suspension sling
arm support by a sling suspended from an overhead rod. Persons with proximal weakness with muscle grade of 1/5 to 3/5 are appropriate.
Rheumatic, connective tissue disease associated with impaired immune response. Three components are vascular, fibrotic, and autoimmunity. Can be limited or systematic. Causes problems based on involved organs. Connected with raynaud’s syndrome.
Ideational Apraxia
A breakdown in the knowledge of what is to be done. A lack of knowledge regarding object use.
Ideomotor apraxia
Purposeful movement cannot be achieved because of ineffective motor planning. Can do tasks automatically, but not on command.
Diminished awareness of body structure and a failure to recognize body parts as one’s own.
An unawareness of deficits due to a lack of insight.
A loss of ability to recognize objects, persons, sounds, shapes, or smells while the specific sense is not defective and there is no memory loss.
CREST syndrome
Systematic scleroderma. Calcinosis (calcium in skin) Raynaud's phenomenon Esophageal dysfunction Slerodactyly of fingers and toes Telangiectasis (red spots on hands, feet, forearms, face, and hips)
Work Hardening Program
Interdisciplinary. Uses real or simulated work activities to address productivity, safety, physical tolerance, and work behaviors. Must be CARF accredited.
Work Conditioning Program
One discipline. Uses real or simulated work activities to address flexibility, strength, movement, and endurance. Does not require accreditation.
Ergonomic Program
Main focus is preventing injury by fitting the work place to the human body. Can be done through job site analysis, training, seminars, or stretching/exercise programs.
Rehabilitation (sheltered) workshops, supported employment, and transitional employment programs
Multidisciplinary. Real work activities are used. Sheltered workshops pay at a piece-work rate. Competitive wage is paid at TEP and supported employment. Participants are considered employees. May transition to competitive employment or stay in sheltered workshop or supported employment permanently.
P= permission LI= limited information SS= specific suggestions IT= intensive therapy (requires special training)
Capital Expenses
Permanent or long term purchases or new facilities. Typically above a fixed amount. Examples: New ADL kitchen, new wing of building.
Operating Expenses
The daily financial activity of the program.
Direct Expenses
costs related to OT service provision including salaries, benefits, office supplies, and treatment equipment
Indirect expenses
Costs shared by the setting as a whole such as utilities, housekeeping, and marketing.
Fixed expenses
Remain at the same level even when there are changes in the amount of service provided (rent)
Variable expenses
Change in direct proportion to the amount of services provided (splinting materials, etc.)
Quality improvement
a system-oriented approach that views limitations and problems proactively as opportunities to increase quality. Blame is not attributed to others, but to organizational improvement needs.
Total Quality Management
The creation of an organizational culture that enables all employees to contribute to an environment of continuous improvement
Utilization Review
A plan to review the use of resources within a facility
Risk Management
Identifies and corrects risk and plans the activities and resources of OT services to decrease actual or potential losses. Risks include injury, property loss/damage, and financial loss
Stage 1 Cancer
tumor present, no perceived spread. Good prognosis. Operable.
Stage 2 Cancer
localized spread of tumor. Operable and can be removed with margins. Responds well to treatment
Stage 3 Cancer
Extensive evidence of primary tumor that has spread to other organs. Can be operated, but may leave cancer behind. Widespread evidence of cancer.
Stage 4 Cancer
Inoperable lesion. Survival depends on depth and ability of tumor to respond to treatment. Unlikely to survive.
Self recognition of vulnerability and self sense of mortality