Infant Reflexes Flashcards
Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex
Stimulus: Observe posture in prone and supine
Response: Flexed posture in prone, extended in supine
Onset: 40 w gestation
Integration: 6 months
Purpose: Facilitates total body flexor/extensor tone
Stimulus: In supine, turn head to one side
Response: Extension of arm and leg on face side; flexion of lime on skull side
Onset: 37 w gestation
Integration: 4-6 months
Purpose: Promotes visual hand regard
Placing Reflex (Legs)
Stimulus: Touch top of foot to tabletop
Response: Places foot on table with flexion, then extension
Onset: 26 w gestation
Integration: 2 months
Stimulus: Prone over lap. Flex neck, observe. Extend neck, observe.
Response: With neck flexion, arms flex and legs extend. Opposite with neck extension.
Onset: 4-6 months
Integration: 8-12 months
Purpose: Facilitates static quadruped position
Placing Reflex (Arms)
Stimulus: Touch back of hand on tabletop
Response: Places hand on tables with flexion, then extension
Onset: 36 w gestation
Integration: 2 months
Landau Reflex
Stimulus: Hold in prone suspension Response: Neck, arms, and legs extend Onset: 3-4 months Integration: 12-24 months Purpose: Facilitates prone extension, breaks up flexor dominance
Stepping Reflex
Stimulus: Upright, slightly tip forward placing some weight on bottom of feed
Response: Rhythmic, alternating steps
Onset: 37 w gestation
Integration 2 months
Neck Righting (NOB)
Stimulus: Place infant in supine and fully turn head to one side
Response: Log rolling of entire body to maintain head alignment
Onset: 4-6 months
Integration: 5 years
Purpose: Initiates rolling (first ambulation effort)
Palmar Grasp Reflex
Stimulus: Pressure in palm with finger Response: Fingers flex into tight grip Onset: 28 w. gestation Integration: 2-4 months Note: Replaced with pincer grasp at approximately 36 weeks. Affects handwriting and dexterity if retained
Body Righting (BOB)
Stimulus: Place infant in supine, flex one hip and knee toward chest, hold briefly
Response: Segmental rolling of upper trunk to maintain alignment
Onset: 4-6 months
Integration: 5 years
Purpose: Facilitates trunk/spinal rotation
Downward Parachute (protective extension downward)
Stimulus: Rapidly lower infant toward supporting surface while suspended vertically
Response: Extension of lower extremities
Onset: 4 months, persists
Purpose: allows accurate placement of lower extremities in anticipation of surface
Galant Reflex
Stimulus: Hold infant in prone suspension and scratch alongside spine, from shoulder to buttocks
Response: Lateral trunk flexion
Onset: 32 w gestation
Integration: 2 months
Purpose: Facilitates lateral trunk movements necessary for stabilization
Forward Parachute (protective extension forward)
Stimulus: Suddenly tip infant forward toward supporting surface while vertically suspended
Response: Extension of UEs, hand opening, neck extension
Onset: 6-9 months, persists
Purpose: Allows accurate placement of upper extremities to prevent fall
Phasic Bite Reflex
Stimulus: Pressure on the gums
Response: Up and down jaw motion
Note: Tonic bite is never normal and may indicate CNS damage
Rooting Reflex
Stimulus: Stroke side of mouth to cheek
Response: Head turns toward stimulus
Onset: 28 w gestation
Integration: 3-4 months (longer in nursed babies)
Purpose: Allows searching/locating of food sources
Suck-Swallow Reflex
Stimulus: Downward pressure on tongue with head in midline
Response: Rhythmical sucking
Onset: 28 w gestation
Integration 2-5 months
Note: Absence may indicate CNS depression; persistence may inhibit voluntary sucking
Traction Reflex
Stimulus: Grasp infant’s forearms and pull to sit
Response: Complete flexion of upper extremities
Onset: 28 w gestation
Integration: 2-5 months
Purpose: Enhances momentary reflexive grasp
Moro Reflex
Stimulus: Suppor in semi-reclined position. Release support momentarily.
Response: Arms abduct, extend, ext. rotate; followed by flexion and adduction
Onset: 28 w gestation
Integration: 4-6 months
Purpose: Protective response; facilitates ability to depart from dominant flexor posture
Plantar Grasp Reflex
Stimulus: Pressure with finger on bottom of foot
Response: Toes flex
Onset: 28 w. gestation
Integration: 9-12 months
Purpose: Increases tactile input to soles of feet
Labyrinthine/Optical Righting Reflex
Stimulus: Hold infant suspended vertically and tilt slowly to the side, front, or back
Response: Upright positioning of the head
Onset: Birth - 2 months, Persists
Purpose: Orients head in space; keeps head vertical
Sideward Parachute (protective extension sideward)
Stimulus: Quickly tip infant to the side while in sitting position
Response: Arm extension and abduction to side
Onset: 7 months, persists
Purpose: Prevents falls, supports body for unilateral use of other arm
Backward Parachute (protective extension backward)
Stimulus: Quickly tip infant off-balance backward
Response: Backward arm extension or arm extension to one side
Onset: 9-10 months, persists
Purpose: Prevents falls, unilaterally facilitates spinal rotation
Prone Tilting
Stimulus: Position infant in prone, slowly raise one side of supporting surface
Response: Curving of spine toward raised side; abduction/extension of arms and legs
Onset: 5 months, persists
Purpose: Maintain equilibrium without arm support; facilitate postural adjustments in all positions
Supine and Sitting Tilting
Stimulus: Position infant in sitting or supine, slowly raise one side of supporting surface
Response: Curving of spine toward raised side; abduction/extension of arms and legs
Onset: 7-8 months, persists
Purpose: Maintain equilibrium without arm support; facilitate postural adjustments in all positions
Quadruped Tilting
Stimulus: Position infant on all fours, slowly raise one side of supporting surface
Response: Curving of spine toward raised side; abduction/extension of arms and legs
Onset: 9-12 months, persists
Purpose: Maintain equilibrium without arm support; facilitate postural adjustments in all positions
Standing Tilting
Stimulus: Position infant in standing, slowly raise one side of supporting surface
Response: Curving of spine toward raised side; abduction/extension of arms and legs
Onset: 12-21 months, persists
Purpose: Maintain equilibrium without arm support; facilitate postural adjustments in all positions