ADL assessments Flashcards
Barthel Index
Measures independence in basic ADL and functional mobility through direct observation, interview, or review of medical records. Used for adults and elders with physical and/ or chronic disabilities.
Cognitive Performance Test
Assesses functional ADL tasks like dressing, shopping, makng toast, making a phone call, washing, and traveling. Scoring is based on Allen’s Cognitive levels. Used for adults and elders with psychiatric and/or cognitive dysfunction.
Katz Index of ADL
Focuses on 6 basic ADLS: bathing, dressing, toiling, transferring, continence, and feeding. Can be observed or interviewed. Scores are converted to a global letter score. Can be used for adults and elders with chronic illness.
Kitchen Task Assessment (KTA)
Focuses on judgment, planning, and organizing skills during simple cooking task. of making pudding. Originally developed for Alzheimer’s patients, but is now used for other populations with cognitive dysfunction.
Klein-Bell Activities of Daily Living Scale
Assesses BADLs including: dressing, elimination, mobility, bathing, eating, and emergency telephone communication. Use of assistive devices is allowed. Scored as “achieved” or “failed”. Used for individuals from 6 months old to elderly with any diagnosis.
Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills (KELS)
Evaluates ADL/IADL including: self-care, safety and health, money management, transportation and telephone, and work/leisure. Originally used for acute psychiatric hospitals, but is now used for a diversity of diagnoses and the elderly.
Milwaukee Evaluation of Daily Living Skills (MEDLS)
Assesses ADL/IADL such as toileting, dressing, medication management, safety in home and community, transportation, and use of money. Originally used for adults with chronic mental illness residing in a hospital or group home, but is now used for others with ADL deficits.
Routine Task Inventory
Evaluates ADLs and IADLs based on Allen’s cognitive levels. Used for adults with cognitive impairments.
Scoreable Self-Care Evaluation
Assesses areas of personal care, housekeeping, work/leisure, and financial management. Used for adolescents and adults with psychiatric illnesses in acute settings or living in the environment.
Activity Index
Determines perception of the meaning of leisure and extent of leisure participation. Questionnaire. Developed for elders, but can be used with other populations.
Interest Checklist
Checklist and interview to determine interest in 80 leisure activities, as well as history of leisure pursuits. Used for adolescents to elders.
Leisure Diagnostic Battery
measurement of leisure experience and motivational and situational issues influencing leisure. Original used for adults. Adapted scales for children 9-14 without cognitive deficits and with diagnosis of MR.
Meaningfulness of Activity Scale
Measures the level of enjoyment, motivation source, perception of competence, and participation in leisure. Questionnaire. Used for adults and elders.
Minnesota Leisure Time Physical Activity Questionnaire
Measures energy expended by a person during engagement in leisure activities. Interview. Used to determine pre-morbid physical activity levels and examine their relationship with general health, cardio fitness, and weight control. Used for adults.
Play History
Assesses developmental level and adequacy of play environments. Interview with parents or caregiver. Used for children and adolescents.