Variations in sexual behavior Flashcards
When is sexual behavior abnormal?
Terms like:
- sexual deviance
- perversion
- sexual variance
- paraphilia
Statistical definition of abnormal sexual behavior
A sexual behavior that is rare or not practiced by many people
Sociological approach of abnormal sexual behavior
Sexual behavior that violates the norms of the society
Psychological approach of abnormal sexual behavior
Criteria include dysfunctional behavior, distress, highly deviant behavior, behavior that is dangerous to the self and others
Medical approach of abnormal sexual behavior
DSM-5 includes 8 atypical sexual interests
Unusual, unconventional sexual behavior
- coercive and victimizing vs.
- noncoercive and nonvictimizing
Paraphilic disorder
Paraphilia that causes the person distress or impairs their functioning, or causes harm to self or others
The normal - abnormal continuum
- normal and abnormal sexual behavior are not two seperate categories but rather gradations on a continuum
- a mild, or even a strong preference for an object is within the normal range of sexual behavior but is abnormal if it becomes an extreme necessity
Fetish as a necessity
When a sexual fetish becomes a necessity, it becomes abnormal
Sexual fixation on some object other than another human being and attachment of great erotic significance to that object
- tend to develop early in life
2 explanations for fetishdevelopment
- learning theory
- cognitive psychology
(we are not sure what causes fetishes to develop)
Learning theory for fetishes
A learned association is built between the fetish object and sexual arousal and orgasm
Cognitive psychology for fetishes
A serious cognitive distortion; arousal may be caused by guilt and self-loathing
Refers to dressing as a member of the other gender
- drag queens/kings
- female impersonators
Drag queens/kings
(Wo)men who dress op as (wo)men
Female impersonators
Men who dress as women, often as part of an entertainment job
The practice of dressing as a member of the other gender to experience sexual arousal
- occasional cross-dressing is one of the harmless, victimless sexual variations
- problematic only when it is the person’s only source of erotic gratification or it becomes a compulsion that causes distress in other areas of the person’s life
Transvestic disorder
A heterosexual man who dresses in female clothing to produce or enhance sexual arousal (almost exlusively a male sexual variation)
- may be often in private
- persists for at least 6 months
- clinically significant distress
Sexual sadist
A person who derives sexual satisfaction from inflicting pain on another person
- Marquis de Sade
Sexual masochist
A person who derives sexual satisfaction from experiencing pain
- Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
Sadism and Masochism
Sadomasochism is a rare form of sexual behavior
- S-M behavior seems to be scripted
- hypermasculinity, administering and receiving, physical restriction, and humiliation
Causes for sadism and masochism
Causes are not precisely known
- a child learns to associate pain with sexual arousal
- a desire to escape from self-awareness
A person who becomes sexually aroused from viewing unsuspecting persons who are nude, undressing or having sex
- preference of strangers
- like the element of risk
- may or may not videotape it
The person derives sexual pleasure from exposing his genitals to a nonconsenting person
- Goal: to produce shock or other strong emotional response (more common in men)
- cause may be linked to social skill deficits
Seksverslaving in de DSM 5
Gedrag gaat via een cyclus van vier stappen
- preoccupatie (kan nergens anders aan denken)
- rituelen (bepaalde ritueel voorafgaand aan gedrag
- dwangmatig seksueel gedrag
- wanhoop
Kritiek seksverslaving
Het is geen verslaving, omdat er geen ontwenningsverschijnselen zijn en men bang is dat de verslaving een excuus wordt voor illegaal, detructief gedrag, zoals verkrachting
- Compulsief Seksueel Gedrag als alternatief
Compulsief seksueel gedrag
Een stoornis waarbij een persoon intense seksuele opwindende fantasieën, neigingen en geassocieerde seksuele gedragingen ervaart die opdringerig, gedreven en herhalend zijn
- gebrek aan impulscontrole
- krijgen sociale en legale sancties
- interferentie in interpersoonlijk en beroepsmatig functioneren
- gezondheidsrisico’s
An excessive, insatiable sex drive
- leads to compulsive behavior; sexuality can overshadow all other concerns and interests
- one operational definition of hypersexuality suggests > 7 orgasms per week consistently for a min. of 6 months
- gebrek aan controle
- moeite met gedrag reguleren
- hogere mate van seksueel verlangen
- negatieve uitkomsten ervaren
- frequent seksueel actief
Soorten hyperseksualiteit
- parafilische hyperseksualiteit
- avoidant masturbation
- chronic adultery
- sexual guilt
- designated patient
Parafilische hyperseksualiteit
Extreem hoge frequenties van het kijken van porno of frequent gebruik van betaalde partners en verschillende extra parafiele stoornissen
Avoidant masturbation
Mannen die veel tijd spenderen aan het kijken van porno en een paar uur per dag masturberen
Chronic adultery
Mensen die veel vreemd gaan, maar een paar parafiele interesses hebben en weinig tijd spenderen met het najagen van seksuele bevrediging
Sexual guilt
De hoeveelheid seks ligt in een normale range, maar mensen voelen zich er heel schuldig over
Designated patient
De partner heeft hele strenge geloven over seks en ontdekt activiteit bij de cliënt waar ze het niet mee eens zijn. De client vertoont geen extreme gedragingen of parafiele stoornissen
Defined as a lack of sexual attraction to a person of either sex
- asexuals were more likely women
- less likely to be cisgender
- and less likely to be in a serious romantic relationship
IS asexuality a symptom of a mental disorder?
No, similar rates of depression
Is asexuality an arousal disorder or sexual desire disorder?
No, asexuals do not necesserily report suffering from distress and they seem to have normal physiological arousal capacity
Is asexuality a paraphilia?
No, a lack of interest is not considered to be an atypical sexual interest
Is asexuality a sexual orientation?
If sexual orientation refers to attraction to members of one’s own gender, members of the other gender, or both, then attraction to neither can be considered as an orientation
The grey spectrum of asexuality
- Sex repulsed asexual
- sex neutral asexuals
- demi- sexuals (sexual attraction after emotional bond)
- grey sexuals (occasionally sexual attraction)
Niet opwindende online seksuele activiteit OSA
Het online opzoeken van informatie over seks
- solitary-arousal OSA
- parnered-arousal OSA
Solitary-arousal OSA
Het bekijken van seksueel expliciete foto’s of video’s
Partnered-arousal OSA
Het participeren in een online seksuele chat voor seksuele opwinding
Herhaalde blootstelling aan pornografie zorgt ook neurofysische veranderingen tot het punt waarop het lan leiden tot beperking op professioneel of persoonlijk vlak.
Asphyxiophilia (or hypoxyphilia)
The desire to induce in oneself a state of oxygen deficiency to create sexual arousal or to enhance excitement and orgasm
- people believe that arousal and orgasm are intensified by reduced oxygen
Zoophilia (bestiality or sodomy)
Sexual contact with an animal
Sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving touching or rubbing one’s genitals agains the body of a non-consenting person
Desire to damage or soil a woman and her clothes or the image of a women
Feces are important to sexual satisfaction
Urine is important to sexual satisfaction
Sexual contact with a dead person
Primaire preventie seksuele variatie
Interventies om te voorkomen dat er problemen ontstaan, is moeilijk om de volgende reden:
- categoriën diagnose onduidelijk
- meerdere diagnoses
- comorbiditeit
- onstaan in de kindertijd
Secundaire preventie seksuele variatie
Cliënt in een vroeg stadium van de diagnose kan behandeld worden tijdens het moment van deviant gedrag, zodat problemen voorkomen kunnen worden
Medical treatment for sexual variations
Hormonal treatment involves the use of drugs to reduce sexual desire
- Psychopharmacological treatment is based on the idea that treatiing psychological problems such as depression will take care of the paraphilic behavior
Cognitive behavior therapies for sexual variation
- education on the condition and factors that contribute
- practice in impulse-control skills and minfulness
- training in problem solving skills if the person experiences depression, anxiety or boredom
- cognitive restructuring to deal with negative thoughts
- skills to prevent relapse
Multisystemische therapie MST
Een therpeutisch programma wat gericht is op jonge zedendeliquenten.
- combinatie van familietherapie, vaardigheidstraining en cognitieve gedragstherapie
Skill training for sexual variation treatment
- how to carry on a conversation
- how to develop intimac
- how to be appropriately assertive
- identification or irrational fears
- basic sexuality education