Sexual anatomy (female) Flashcards
Female external genital organs
Organs collectively known as the vulva
- clitoris
- mons pubis
- inner lips
- outer lips
- vaginal opening
–> appearance of the vulva varies greatly
A higly sensitive organ that is exceptionally important in the female sexual response
- Tip: a knob of tissue externally in front of the vaginal opening and urethral opening
- shaft: consists of two corpora cavernosa
- Crura: two longer spongy bodies that lie deep in the body and run from the tip to either side of the vagina
Mons pubis
Fatty pad of tissue under the pubic hair
Outer lips - labia majora
Rounded pads of fatty tissue lying along both sides of the vaginal opening, covered with pubic hair
Inner lips - labia minora
Two hairless folds of skin lying between the outer lips and running right along the edge of the vaginal opening
Bartholin glands
Two tiny glands located on either side of vaginal entrance
The skin between vaginal entrance and anus
The vaginal entrance
The tube through which urine passes from the bladder out of the body
A thin open membrane which, if present, partially covers the vaginal opening. For gyneachologists it defines the border between outer and inner anatomy
- one of a number of different types
- generally has some openings
- also called cherry or maidenhead, but it is not a sign of virginity
Internal genital organs of the female
- vagina
- vestibular bulbs
- Skene’s gland
- uterus
- pair of ovaries
- pair of fallopian tubes
The tube-shaped organ into which the penis is inserted during coitus and through which a baby passes during birth
- at the bottom it ends in the vaginal opening (introitus)
- muscles surrounding it are the pelvic muscles
Pubococcygeus muscle
A muscle around the vaginal entrance that is stretched during coitus
- surrounding the vagina, urethra, and anus is a set og muscles called the plevic floor muscles
Vestibular bulbs - clitoral bulbs
Erectile tissue running under the inner lips
Skene’s gland - female prostate
Glnd located on the front wall of the vagina with ducts that empty into the urethra
- in some women, secreted fluid that is buochemically similar to male prostate fluid
The organ in which the fetus develops
- endometrium
- myometrium
- perimetrium
The lower part of the uterus, which opens to the vagina
Sloughed off at menstruation, creating the menstrual discharge
A muscular but highly elastic middle layer that creates the powerful contractions of labor and orgasm
The external cover of the uterus
Fallopian tubes - oviducts
The tubes extending from the uterus to the ovaries
- pathway by which the egg travels toward the uterus and the sperm reach the egg
- extremely narrow; lined with hairlike projections called cilia
–> fertilization typically occrs in the section closest to the ovary called the infundibulum
- ends in fimbriae, fingerlike projectios that extend to the ovary
Two organs about the size and shape of unshelled almonds, lying on either side of the uterus
- contain eggs (ova)
- manufacture the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone
- contains numeorus follicles, each a capsule that surrounds an undeveloped egg
The breast
Each breast consists of 15 or 20 clusters of mammary glands, each with a separate opening to the nipple, surrounded by fatty and fibrous tissues
- at the tip is the nipple, into which the milk ducts open
- darker area surrounding the nipple is the areola
Female Genital cutting
- hemorrhaging: doodbloeden
- infecties: tetanus, hepers, BV, HIV an hep. B
- urineweginfecties
- pijnlijke seks
- ernstige complicaties tijdens de bevalling
Chemical substances manufactured by the endocrine gland; secreted directly into the bloodstream but also with paracrine activation
- testosterone
- estrogen
- progesterone
Hypothalamus-hypofyse-gonad feedback loop
Hypothalamus –> hypofyse –> gonaden
Follikel Stimulerend Hormoon FSH
Produceert follikel/blaasjes waarin het eitje zich bevindt. Dit wordt steeds groter en groter zodat het eitje kan rijpen en loslaten van de eierstokken