Gender and sexuality Flashcards
Gender binary
The classification of people into one of two categories, male or female
Gender role
Set of norms, or culturally defined expectations, that define how people pf one gender ought to behave
A generalization about a group of people that distinguishes them from others
An approach that simultaneously considers the consequences of multiple group memberships
- considers the effects of gender, race, social class, and sexual orientation simultaneously
- some groups experience multiple disadvantages
- some may be part of a disadvantaged group but also part of a priviliged group
(gender-role) socialization
How society conveys to the individuals its norms or expectations for his or her behavior
- occurs especially in childhood, but also adulthood
- sources: paretns, peers, and the media
Psychological differences in sexuality
Men and women are in many ways quite similar in their sexuality
- men are more likely to have masturbated
- men are more approving of casual sex
- men are considerably more likely to report using porn
- men and women are similar in their response to erotic materials, but women are sometimes inaware of their own arousal
Gender differences in sexuality in sex
Men more consistently have orgasms during sex
- orgasm gap still appears, but narrows, with masturbation
- lesbian women vs hetero women
Men tend to have stronger sex drive than women
- men think about sex more often and have more frequent and varied fantasies
- men desire more sexual partners and a greater frequency of intercourse
–> men score higher on risk-taking and sensation seeking
Bogus Pipeline study
Do people report what is expected of them, shaped by gender norms? –> are the differences bogus?
- Alexander and Fisher, 2003:
- 3 experimental conditions (random assignment):
- bogus pipeline condition: fake polygraph, however, respondents were told the machine could detect lies
- anonymous condition: after completing the test, the questionnaire was placed in a locked box
- exposure threat condition: the completed test was handed over to the experimenter, who sate in full view while the respondents completed the test
Results of bogus pipeline study
The bogus pipeline method investigated the possibility that differences documented by self-report are not true
- found that these differences can be exaggerations
- men may exaggerate their desire
- women may minimize theirs
–> psychological measures are not vulnerable to these same biases
Anatomy for gender differences in sexuality
The female genitals do not gave an abvious arousal response like the male’s erection
- women may be less aware of her arousal
- women may as a result be less likely to masturbate and less likely to develop their full sexual potential
Hormones for gender differences in sexuality
Women have less teststerone than men, which may result in lower levels of sexual behavior
- the effects of testosterone on human sexual interest and behavior are less consistent and more complex than in other species
–> we need to be reluctant to draw any conclusion
Double standard in sexuality
The same sexual behavior is evaluated differently depending on gender
- gives men more sexual freedom
Gender roles dictate proper behavior for men and women
- stereotypes of men as initiator and women as passive ibject may not encourage women to take active steps to bring about her own orgasm
Sexuality beyond the young adult
Male and female sexuality changes over the lifespan
- adolescent male sexuality is body centered and the person centered aspect is not added until later
- adolescent female sexuality is person centered and body centered sex comes later
A broad term, encompassing persons whose gender identity does not match their gender assigned at birth
Transsexual person
A person who believes he or she was born with the body of the other gender
- term typically reserved for those who undergo medical treatments such as sergery or hormone therapy
Gender dysphoria
Psychological distress about a mismatch between one’s gender identity and gender assigned at birth
- DSM-5-TR
- already visible in childhood
- Predictor of persistence: intensity of gender dysphoria
Criteria for gender dysphoria
Strong desire to be treated as a gender different from one’s gender assigned at birth
- a resistance wearing clothing typical to the natal gender
- a preference for toys and games typical of the other gender
Strong desire for the primary and secondary sex characteristics of another gender
- a desire for their genitals to match their gender identity
ICD terms for gender dysphoria
- Gender incongruence of Childhood
- Gender incongruence of Adolescence and Adulthood
Gender affirming therapy
Many trans people choose not to have surgery
- counseling
- hormone therapy
- real-life experience
- surgery
–> two-thirds of those who have gender affirming surgery show improvements in adjustment such as a reduction in depression
Aantrekking to vrouwen vanuit een trasnsgender perspectief
Aantrekking tot mannen vanuit een transgender perspectief
Male-to-female procedure
Hormone therapy with estrogen –> orchiectomy (testesremoval) –> vaginoplasty (vagina construction) –> penectomy (penis removal) –> breast augmentation –> reduction thyroid chondroplasty (Adam’s apple) –> voice surgery –> face feminization
Female-to-male procedures
Chest resconstruction –> hysterectomy/oophorectomy (uterus/ovary removal) –> Metoidioplasty (male genital) –> phalloplasty (erect male penis) –> scrotoplasty (scrotum) –> urethroplasty (urethral canal construction) –> vaginectomy (vagina removal)
Cause for gender variation
Causes are unknown
- processes in prenatal development, in which the genitals differentiate toward those of one gender and identity differentiates toward the other gender
- genes
Transgender wet voorstellen
- give persons the right to change the sex listed on their birth certificate without an expert’s statement
- reduce the age at which someone can apply to change the gender that is registered formally to 16 yrs
- persons can make this request without the intervention of a judge
- persons can request a change at their local town hall, in stead of their place of birth