Pregnancy and childbirth Flashcards
Egg released in the fallopian tube at around day 14 of cycle.
- 5 day trip to uterus if fertilized;
- falls apart within 48 hours if not fertilized
Sperm enters woman through ejaculation and swims to the egg (0.1% reaches the egg)
Acrosoom en zona pellucida
Acrosoom is de top van de spermaceel die door de zona pellucida heen kan. Dit is de een laagje dat om de eicel heen zit
An enzyme secreted by the sperm that allows one sperm to penetrate the egg
- part of conception
- puncture through the zona pellucida
Kans oop bevruchting vergroten
- 400 mg foliumzuur dagelijks
- up to date met vaccinaties
- genetische testing
- gezond gewicht
- bloedsuikerspiegel onder controle
- geen tarotagenen
- getimede gemeenschap
- voorkomen van ovulatie (pil)
- voorkomen vab bevruchting (condoom/sterilisatie)
- voorkomen innesteling (spiraal)
A fertilized egg
- travels down the fallopian tube- after 36 hours it start celldivision
–> first 8 weeks = embryo; after that = fetus
Determining ovulation
- body temperature
- day 14 of cycle
- cervical mucys
- sympto-thermal methods
Window of fertility
Sperm lives up to 5 days
Egg lives upto 2 days unfertilized
–> conception has to happen within those 2 days of alive egg
- Missionary would be the best position
Different layers of the embryo
Two layers:
- endoderm (digestive and respitory system)
- ectoderm (nervous system)
–> later also mesoderm (muscles, skeleton, connective tissue nd reproductive and circulatory systems)
Cefalo-causle volgorde
Eerst ontwikkelt het hoofd, dan pas het lichaam.
An organ formed on the wall of the uterus through which the fetus receives oxygen and nutrients and gets rid of waste products
Umbilical cord
The tube that connects the fetus to the placenta
- blood from both the mother and child circulate, but never mix
Human chorionic gonadotropin
- hCG
A hormone secreted by the placenta; it is the horone detercted in pregnancy tests
Amniotic fluid
The watery fluid surrounding a developing fetus in the uterus
- this fluid fills the cavity called the amnion
Fetal development milestones
3-4 weeks: head, nervous system and backbone
5 week: umbilical cord
4-8 weeks: external body parts; eyes, ears, arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes. Liver, lungs, pancreas, kidneys and intestines als start
week 14: fetal movement
week 18: heartbeat
week 24: sensitive to light and sound
week 28: fat –> chubby baby
week 29+: fast growth
Symptoms of pregnancy
- missed menstrual period (not always)
- higher body temp at ovulation that stays for more than 2 weeks (due high progesterone)
- tenderness of breast (nipples)
- vomiting/nausea
- more frequent urination
- feelings of fatigue
Pregnancy test
As early as possible, for good natal care
- detects hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)
- false negative if it is too early
- 98-99% effective
- beta-hCG radioimmunoassay: early stages of hCG
Nägele’s rule
Deliviery date calculation
- First day of last cycle - 3 months + 1 year and 7 days
Physical changes 1st trimester
- increase in hormones
- breast swell and tingle
- more frequent urination
- morning sickness
- fatigue/sleepiness
Psychological changes 1st trimester
- moodswings
- irrational cravings
- etc.
Physical changes 2nd trimester
- fetal movements
- Edema
Excessive fluid retention and swelling
- face, hands, wrists, ankles, and feet swell
A watery substance that is secreted from the breast at the end of pregnancy and during the first few days after delivery
Psychological changes 2nd trimester
- depression is less likely
- less anxiety if there is partner support
Physical changes 3rd trimester
- Fetus is very active (also at night)
- Size of uterus puts pressure on organs
- Braxton-Hicks contractions
Braxton-Hicks contractions
Contractions of the uterus during pregnancy that are not part of labor
- could help strengthen the uterine muscles as preperation
Physical changes is dad
- some experience indigestion, gastritis, nausea, change in appetite and headaches –> couvade syndrome
- due to hormonal differences