Sex for sale Flashcards
Prostitutes/sex workers
People who engage in sexual acts in return for money or drugs and do so in a promiscuous, fairly nondiscriminating fashion
Call girl
The most expensive and exclusive category of prostitutes
A house of prostitution where prostitutes and customers meet for sexual activity
Massage parlor
A place where massages as well as sexual services can generally be purchased
A lower-status sex worker who walks the streets selling sexual services
Strip club
A bar or business that provides sexualized entertainments such as erotic dances, but not necessarily sex with a customer
Women who sell erotic services using webcam technology, usually through a public chat room
A prostitute’s companion, protector and master
- geeft gezelschap en seks
- haalt uit gevangenis
- geeft eten, huis, kleding en drugs
- bescherming
A woman who manages a brothel, in-call, out-call, or escort services
Sex trafficking
The recruitment and control of people for sexual exploitation
A man who provides companionship and sexual gratification on a continuing basis to a woman in exchange for money
A male sex worker who sells his services to men
Sex tourism
Leisure travel with the purpose of purchasing sexual services
Sexually arousing art, literature, or films
That which is offensive to decency or modesty, or calculated to arouse sexual excitement or lust