Theoretical perspectives on sexuality Flashcards
The application of evolutionary biology to understand the social behavior of animals, including humans
A theory that all living things have aqcuired their present forms through gradual changes in their genetic endowment over successive generations
- natural selection
Natural selection
A process in nature resulting in greater rates of survival of those plants and animals that are best adapted to their environment
Healthy, viable offsprings
- identifying healthy mates
- courtship patterns
- family structure and infant vulnerability
Parental investment
Behaviors or other investments in the offspring by the parent that increase the offspring’s chance of survival
Sexual selection
A specific type of selection that creates differences between males and females
- competition among same gender members (intrasexual)
- partner selection by the other member (intersexual)
Evolutionary psychology
Focuses on psychological mechanisms that have been shaped by evolution
- assumes that every characteristics we observe must have some adaptive significance
Sexual strategies
- mating behavior is not random
- women and men face different adaptive problems in short-term or casual mating and in long-term mating and reproduction
Patricia Gowaty
- given varied environments, it is not adaptive for humans to display fixed behaviors - or fixed gender differences in behavior - determined by evolution (genderneutral evolutiontheory)
- evolution has selected for flexibility and adaptability
Genderneutrale evolutietheorie
- Patricia Gowaty
Stelt dat gezien de gevieerde omgeving het niet adapteif is voor mensen om vaste gedragingen of vaste sekseverschillen in gedrag, te heebben dat bepaald is door de evolutie.
- psychoanalytische theorie
Human behavior is driven by sex drive or sex energy and death
- focus on varios regions of the body knows as erogenous zones
- id, ego, superego
Id, Ego and Superego
Id: present at birth, operates on the pleasure principle; contains libido
Ego: operates on the reality principle;exists to keep a check on id
Superego: operates on idealism; considered to be our conscious
Oral phase
- up to 1 year
Pleasure is derived from stimulating the lips and mouth
Anal phase
- year 2
Pleasure is derived from controlling bladder and bowel movement
Phallic phase
- 3-6 years
Child’s interest in its genital
- oedipus complex
- electra complex
Oedipus compelx
The sexual attraction of a boy to his mother. Fearing his father’s retaliation, he feels castration anxiety and eventually stops desiring his mother and shifts to identifying with his father.
Electra complex
The sexual attraction of a girl to her father. Girls stays immature, because the complex cannot be resolved
Girl realizes that she has no penis and cannot resolve it (penis envy)
Latency phase
- 6years to adolescence
Sexual impulses are repressed or are in a quiescent state.
Genital phase
Sexual urges reawaken in puberty. Sexual urges become more specifically genital. Oral, anal and genital urges fuse together to promote reproduction
Kritiek fases van Freud
- psychoanalystische theorie
- veel aspecten zijn niet wetenschappeelijk te onderzoeken
- data komt van patienten
- te veel nadruk op biologische instincten
- male-centered
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