Sex research Flashcards
Sex research
Techniques of sex reseatch vary in terms of the following
- how sexuality is measured
- whether large numbers of people or small numbers of people are studied
- whether the studies are conducted in the laboratory or in the field
- whether the behavior is studies as it occurs or if there is more attemot to manipulate it
Non-experimental studies
To describe people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a systematic manner
- surveys
- behavioral measures
- case reporting
- implicut measures
- biological measures
Self-reports are the most common method for measuring sexuality: participants are asked questions about sexual behaviors and attitudes
- paper questionnaires (Golombok-Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction or International Index of Erectile Function)
- interviews
- online
Golombok-Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction (GRISS)
Een zelfrapportage vragenlijst over de beleving van seks; hoe tevreden mensen zijn
- Kritiek: bepaling cut-offs, oordelend
Interantional index of erectile function
Is een oude zelfrapportage vragenlijst over het erectiel functioneren van een man, wordt veel gebruikt
- er worden definities gegeven
- inleiding wordt vaak overgeslagen
Kinsey reports
Based on thousands of interviews conducted in the US between 1938-1949: Sexual behavior in the Human Male and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female
- Masturbation, homosexuality, extramarital sex were more commen than expected (but sampling issues)
Directe observatie
Seks bekijken in het laboratorium
- S/M in sim-public settings
Behavioral measures: eye-tracking
Participants wear an eye-tracking device that measures their point of gaze as they are shown pictures on a computer
- research question: Where do men look first?
- Photos of naked women were presented
Case studie
Gaan over een heel specifiek voorval, waardoor er maar weinig participanten deelnemen.
Implicit Measures
Implicit Association Test: measures individual’s strength of association between different pairs of concepts
- reaction time is measured in millisecond
- quick reaction when two concepts are strongly associated
Direct observation
- Masters and Johnson
They pioneered the biological measurement of sexual response
- genital measures assess erection in males and vaginal changes in females
- observed how (wo)mens’s bodies respond to sexual stimulation in the lab
- after engeging in sexual activity, participants were interviewed
- nonrepresentative
- their research was controversial and deemed ‘pornographic’
Biological measures
Genital measures: measure erection in males and vaginal changes in females
- penile strain gauge (penile circumference)
- Vaginal photoplethysmograph (vaginal blood volume)
- pupil dilation: arousal
- functional MRI: brain and neural activity (blood flow)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Looks at anatomy by using magnets to send and receive signals that give information while participants lie in the center of the magnet (scanner)
- provides good contrast between soft tissues of the body
- noninvasive
National health and social life surveys
Start van Kinsey reports –> interviews en kort geschreven vragenlijsten.
National survey of sexual health and behavior
Is het recentste onderzoek, waarbij gebruik werd gemaakt van zelfrapportage vragenlijst
Experimental studies
Researchers manipulate or change the independent variable to see its effects on the dependent variable
- cause-and-effect
- confounding: other factors change alongside the independent variable
Qualitative methods
Research results conveyed in words as opposed to numbers
- interviews
- focus groups
- media content analysis
–> in general, methods used to generate hypotheses and small samples (data saturation), coding protocols, intercoder reliability
Media content analysis
Een set procedures die gebruikt wordt om valide inferenties te maken over een tekst
1. wat ga je analyseren?’
2. opstellen codeerprotocol (hoe je gaat analyseren)
3. toetsen betrouwbaarheid: intercoder reliability
- hypotheses genereren
- kleine steekproef
- data saturatie: je weet van tevoren niet hoeveel them’s er zijn, dus je moet tijdens een interview blijven doorvragen totdat er niks meer te vragen is
- hypotheses testen
- grote steekproef
- vooraf wordt de hypothese opgesteld, waardoor er dus maar X aantal thema’s onderzocht dienen te worden
Participant-observer technique
Wordt de wetenschapper deel van de maatschappij die bestudeerd wordt, waardoor hij kan observeren van binnenuit
Measuring gener and sexual orientation
- With understanding that there are more than two genders, the measurement of gender has become more complicated
- proposals for questionnaired include asking a series of two questions and also asked open-ended questions
- these same issues apply to the measurement of sexual orientation
- Population is idenitfied
- method for obtaining a sample is adopted
- people iin the sample are contacted and asked to participate
Population: a group of people a researcher wants to study and make inferences about
Sample: a part of a population
Random sample
Each member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample
Probability sampling
Each member of the population has a known probability of being included in the sample
Convenience sample
A sample chosen in a haphazard manner relative to the population of interest
Snowball sampling
Existing participants suggest names of future participants to be recruited
Problem of refusal or nonresponse
Some people will refuse to participate in a sex survey
- Volunteer bias: the bias that results because those who volunteer to participate may in some ways differ from those who refuse to participate
Accuracy in sampling
Purpose distortion: intentionally giving self-reports that are distortions of reality
Memory: it is difficult to remember facts accurately
Difficulties with estimates: it is difficult to estimate time, especially when engaged in an absorbing activity
test-hertest bedtrouwbaarheid
Respondent krijgt een set vragen en na een tijdje, krijgt hij dezelfde set vragen. Er wordt gekeken naar de correlatie
Computer-assisted self0interview
Kan worden gecombineerd met een urio-component, zodat de vragen niet alleen gelezen hoeven worden, maar ook gehoord kunnen worden
Ethical issues
- Tearoom trade study
- Tuskegee Syphikis study
- Stanley Milgram’s study
- Stanford Prison Experimetn
Tearoom trade study
- Humphreys
Homoseksual encounters in public places
- geen informed consent of debiefing, waardoor mensen geen idee hadden dat ze meededen aan een onderzoek
Tuskegeen Syphilis study
- Jones
The natural progression of syphilis
Progressie SOA bij laagopgeleide, Afro-Amerikanen.
- voorgelogen dat ze medicatie kregen en dit niet meer mochten –> velen overleden
Stanley Milgrams study
- Milgram
Studie met de schokjes geven
- geen informed consent, en de participanten dachten dat ze daadwerkelijk iemand pijn deden/vermoord hadden
Ethical rules for research
- protections from harm including anonymity
- informed consent in which subjects make a conscious decision based on true nature of study
- justice principle in which the risk and benefits of participation should be distributed fairly across groups in society
- cost-benefit approach in which the cost of the research is weighted against the benefits of the research
- freedom to withdraw
- debriefing in which subjects are informed of the research purpose afterward; misconceptions corrected
system of moral principles; a way of determining right and wrong
- some people use moral in the same way
- refers to a system of principles established by some particular group
Web based surveys
- rekruteren van participanten via internet
- participanten online vragenlijsten in laten vullen
Meta analyse
Is een techniek waarbij resultaten van alle voorgaande onderzoeken over het bestuderen onderwerp gecombineerd worden
1. De onderzoeker zoekt alle studies over het onderwerp
2. Verschillen tussen de studies worden onderzocht
3. De onderzoeker neemt het gemiddelde van al deze verschilscores
Abortion - pro-life
- seen as part of an overal commitment to respect for life
- distinction between human life and human personhood is crucial for some
Pro-choice positions
Absolute: pregnancy is solely the concern of a women
Modified: there may be many situations in which abortion is the least bad choice
– ethics
Rejectionist position opposes any sexual acts between persons of the same gender
- Modified rejectionist position: same-gender sexual orientation = morally neutral but rejecting same-gender sexual acts
- “Love the sinner but hate the sin.”
- At the other end of the spectrum is full acceptance
- Two issues continue to provoke the most debate:
* ordination (in Dutch: kerkelijke wijding)
* marriage