Variadas 10 Flashcards
While evaluating a patient diagnosed with Achilles tendinitis, a therepist notes that the foot appears to be pronated in standing. Traditionally which anatomical alignment is associated with pronation in standing?
A:hindfoot pronation and forefoot supination
B: hindfoot supination and forefoot pronation
C: hindfoot varus and forefoot varus
D. hindfoot valgus and forefoot valgus
The movement of the patella is influenced and controlled by all of the following except
A.medial meniscus
B. medial patellofemoral ligament
С.height of the patella
D. vastus medialis obliquus
A therapist measures a patient for a wheelchair. Which measurement is used to determine the arm rest height in a wheelchair?
A. seat to anterior superior illac spine
B. seat to elbow distance
C.femur to elbow distance
D. elbow to acromion distance
What diagnostic test could be used to identify a contracture of the iliotbial band?
A. Thomas test
B. Trendelenburg test
C. Ober test
D.Yergason’s test
C: to evaluate tight, contracted or inflamed tfl and iliotibi band
Thomas t: iliopsoas tightness/ flexibility of hip flexors
Trendelemburg: weakness of hip abd
Yergason:biceps sh
A therapist evaluates a 25 year old male rehabilitating from a tibial plateau fracture. The physician orders indicate the patient is non-weghtbearing on the involved lower extremity. The most appropriate gait pattern for the patient is…
A. two point
B. three point
C. four point
D. swing-to
A patient rehabilitating from a medial meniscus repair has been instructed by the orthopedic surgeon to remain non-weightbearing for three weeks following surgery. The patient has no significant past medical history and is expected to make a full recovery.
Which of the following would be the most appropriate assistive device for the patient?
A.straight cane
B. axillary crutches
C. parapodium
D. walker
A therapist attempts to reduce a child’s genu recurvatum using an ankle-foot orthosis. Which ankle setting would be the most effective ip achieve the therapist’s objective?
A. 5-10 degrees of dorsiflexion
B. neutral
C. 5-10 degrees of plantarflexion
D. 15-20 degrees of plantarflexion
A therapist attempts to palpate the peroneus longus and brevis tendons on a patient diagnosed with chronic ankle instability. To facilitate palpation of these structures the therapist should
A. ask the patient to invert and dorsifiex his foot
В.ask the patient to evert and plantarflex his foot
C.ask the patient to invert and plantarflex his foot
D. ask the patient to evert and dorsilex his foot.
Communication and perceptual problems are extremely common in hemiplegic patients, Which clinical problem would be characteristic of a right CVA?
A. inability to recognize symbols to do simple computations
В.inability to plan and execute serial steps in activities
C.distorted awareness and impression of self
D. diminished functional speech
An 81 year old female diagnosed with left-sided congestive heart failure is referred to physical therapy. Which objective finding is most commonly associated with left-sided heart failure?
A.distended neck veins
В.liver and spleen congestion
C.peripheral edera
D. pulmonary edema
A patient in a phase 1 cardiac rehabilitation program begins walking with assistance. Which of the following monitoring techniques would not be necessary in a phase 1 program?
A. blood pressure
B. electrocardiography
C. electromyography
D. hear rate
A therapist completes a developmental assessment on a five month old infant. If the therapist elects to evaluate the infant’s palmar grasp reflex, which of the following stimuli is the most appropriate?
A. contact to the ball of the foot in upright standing
B. maintained pressure to the palm of the hand
C.noxious stimulus to the palm of the hand
D. sudden change in the position of the hand
A therapist reviews the medical chart of a cardiac patient with a history of recurrent dysthythmias. The therapist is concerned about the patient’s past medical history and would like to monitor the patient during all activities. Which of the following parameters would be the most valuable for the therapist to monitor?
А.heart rate
B. electrocardiogram
C. blood pressure
D. respiratory rate
A therapist examines an athlete immediately after sustaining a knee injury playing softball.
The therapist evaluates the ligamentous integrity of the athlete’s knee by performing a series of special tests. The therapist concludes that during an anterior draw test the patient’s knee demonstrates excessive anterior translation of the tibia on the femur. An injury to what structure other than the anterior cruciate ligament could give the impression of excessive anterior instability?
A. lateral collateral ligament
B. medial colfateral ligament
C. medial meniscus
D. posterior cruciate ligament
A therapist instructs a patient to expire maximally after taking a majimal inspiration. The therapist can use these instructions to measure the patient’s:
A(expiratory reserve volume
B. inspiratory reserve volume
C. total lung capacity
D. vital capacity
Chest percussion and vibration are appropriate bronchial drainage techniques for all of the following except the
A. anterior apical segment
B. fingula
C. left middle lobe
D. right middle lobe
A therapist monitors a patient’s vital signs while exercising in a phase I cardiac rehabilitation program. The patient is status post myocardial infarction and has progressed without difficulty while involved in the program. Which of the fallowing vital sign recordings would exceed the typical limits of a phase I progrem?
A. heart rate elevated 18 beats/minute above resting level
B. respiration rate = 25 breaths/minute
C.systolic blood pressure decreases by 20 mmHig from resting level
D. diastolic blood pressure less than 100 mmHg
A child fractures her femoral shaft after falling out of a tree house. The most serious complication of a femoral shaft fractures is
A.avascular necrosis
В.coxa vara deforiy
C.persistent knee stifiness
D.Volkmann’s ischemia
therapist prepares to treat a patient with limited ankle range of motion using joint mobilization techniques. If the therapist elects to mobilize the talocrural joint in the loose pecked position, the therapist should position the ankle in .
A. 10 degrees dorsiflexion, 5 degrees inversion
B. 10 degrees dorsiflexion, 5 degrees eversion
C. 10 degrees plantarflexion, 5 degrees inversion
D. 10 degrees plantarflexion, 10 degrees eversion
A patient recovering in the hospital from a total knee replacement is evaluated by a physical therapist. Assuming an uncomplicated recovery, what knee range of motion would be a realistic goal for the patient prior to discharge from the hospital?
A. 0-60 degrees
B. 0-90 degrees
C)15-90 degrees
D.15-105 degrees
A therapist conducts an exercise test on a pulmonary patient to determine the amount of Impairment caused by her present illness. Which of the following would not be considered acceptable criteria for stopping a pulmonary exercise test?
A. cardiac ischemia or arrhythmias
B. increased cardiac output
C. maximal shortness of breath
D. symptoms of fatigue
A therapist instructs a patient ambulating with axillary crutches to move cautiously and deliberatety on any potentially hazardous surface. Which galt pattem would allow the patient maximum security?
A. swing to
B. swing through
C. three point
D. four point