Elbow/ Wrist Flashcards
What is the grade classification for sprains?
Grade 1 (micro tear):
Minimal swelling and pain. No lig laxity
Grade 2 ( partial tear):
Moderate swelling,ecchymosis (bruise) and pain. Increased lig laxity but firm end feel
Grade 3 ( complete tear):
Significant swelling,ecchymosis and pain.
Gross laxity present.no end feel is noted
What is the mechanism of injury of the UCL(ulnar collateral ligament)?
Valgus stress(acute or chronic)
What is nursemaid’s elbow dislocation?
Subluxation of the radial head
What is the most commom tendon involved in the lateral epicondylosis? (Tenista)
ECBR extensor carpi radialis brevis
What is the function of the ECBR estensor carpi radialis brevis?
Extends and abducts hand at the wrist
What are the symptoms for Lateral epicondylosis?
Aching pain on the lateral epicondyle
Pain w wrist extension and gripping
What are some interventions for lateral epicondylosis?
Strengthening (ECCENTRIC)
Cross friction massage
How to differentiate epicondylosis from radiculopathy?
Testing dermatome,miotomes and reflexes
Also test upper limb tension test.
ROM is affected on the cervical spinal (lateral flexion and rotation if radiculopathy)
What are the tendons involved on medial epicondylosis?
Pronator teres( main one) and flexor carpi radialis tendons
What is Colles fracture?
Fracture to the distal radius with or without fracture of the ulnar styloid
What is the mechanism of Colles fracture?
Some signs and symptoms of Colles fracture?
“Dinner fork” deformity
Dorsal wrist pain
What are the movs that are contraindicated for Colles fracture?
Pronation and supination
What is CRPS complex regional pain syndrome?
Chronic pain disorder caused by sympathetic nervous system malfunction.
Characterized by pain that is out of proportion to the original insult or injury
What is allodynia?
Pain due to a stimulus that does NOT normally provoke pain
What is hyperalgesia?
When u have extreme sensitivity to pain
Are allodynia and hyperalgesia associated with complex regional pain syndrome?
Also the pt experience “burning” pain
What are some signs and symptoms of Complex regional pain syndrome?
Severe pain
Sensory abnormalities
Abnormal blood flow
Abnormal sweating
Abnormal motor function
Shiny tight skin
Abnormal hair and nail growth
What are the three stages of CRPS?
Stage 1 Acute:
Warmth and erythena(redness)
Stage 2 ischemic stage:
Coldness and osteoporosis
Stage 3 atrophic stage:
Severe osteoporosis,muscle wasting and contractures
What are some interventions for complex regional pain syndrome?
Early AROM (don’t do PROM or mobilization)
Tendon gliding
Nerve mobilization
Encourage adls
Edema: elevate, compression, retrograde massage
Modalities: tens ( for desensitization)
What are some complications of scaphoid fracture?
Avascular necrosis( if the radial artery gets affected it won’t provide blood supply.)
Nonunion of fracture (does not heal)
What is the mechanism for scaphoid fracture?
What are some signs and symptoms of scaphoid fracture?
Radial sided wrist pain
Tenderness/ swelling in the snuffbox
Pain with longitudinal compression of thumb
What are some interventions for scaphoid fracture?
Medical management: immobilization
PT management ( after imobilization) :
Mobilization and strengthening
When returning to activities that falling is a common occurrence, using a wrist guard can decrease the chance of re fracture
Which of the following is most commonly associated with a colles fractures?
a. Triangular fibrocartilage tear
b. Volkmann’s ischemia
c. Tendon rupture
d. Fever
Correctly identify the contents of the carpal tunnel:
a. Flexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, median nerve.
b. Flexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve.
c. Flexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, flexor carpi radialis, median nerve.
d. Flexor pollicis longus, flexor digitprum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, flexor carpi radialis, palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve.