OCE- Special Tests Flashcards
Functional opening “knuckle “ test
2 fingers
Cervical spine ( 2 testes)
Cervical distraction ( p testar compression)
Spurling test
Median nerve, c5-c7
Median nerve, axilary nerve
Radial nerve
Ulnar nerve
Cervical instability
Lateral flexion alar lig stress test
Sharp purser tedt
Segmental instability cervical
Craniocervical flexion test - pressure biofeedback test
Test for neurogenic or intermittent claudication
Bicycle test
Test for lumbar instability
Prone segmental instability test
H and Instability test
Tests for ToS ( thoracic outlet syndrome)
Entrapment syndrome caused by pressure on branchial plexus
-Adson( anatomical position ,turb head and palate radial nerve
Roos ( open and close fist 90degrrrs ombro por 3 min
Shoulder separation
Cross body add test
Glenoumeral instability
Anterior instability : cranck test
90 abd + passive ext rotation
Shoulder tendinophaty biceps
Subacromial imping syndrome
Shoulder tendinophaty supraspinatus
Drop arm test
Empty can test
Ulnar collateral lig( medial)
Valgus stress test
Lateral epicondylosis
Cozen test ( resisted wrsit extension)
Mill test ( passive wrist flex)
Medial epicondylosis
Reverse mills
Passive wrist extension
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Tinel test: tapping on the median nerve
Reverse Phalen (oracao)
Hip OA
Scour test
Patrick(FABER) test
Hip AB weakness
Hip flexors/ iliopsoas
Hip flexors/ iliopsoas
IT band, TFL
Ober test
Medial and lateral meniscus tear
Mc murray
Knee flex+ ex r tibia-+valgus stress: medial
Knee flex + int r tibia + varus stress : lateral
To differentiate between ligaments and meniscus injury
Apleys test
Pt prone w knee flexed 90
Move tibia in/ext rotate w distraction and compression.
Compression: meniscus
Distraction: lig
Amterior crutiate lig tear
Anterior drawer test
Posterior crutiate lig tear
Post drawer
Medial and lateral colateral lig
Medial: valgus stress test
Lateral: varus stress test
Lateral ankle sprain
Anterior drawer test : determine ankle instability
Achilles tendinitis
Thompson test
Plantar fascitis
Windlass test
Great toe ext