Respiratory Conditions Flashcards
- Barrel chest
-X-Ray: hyperinflation with flattened ribs
-Hyper-resonant - Dyspnea
- Tachypnea
-Acessory breathing muscles
-Pursed lip breathing - Decreased breath sounds and may have dry crackles
What is the condition name?
- Chronic inflammation condition caused by increase reactivity of trachea/bronchi to various stimuli
What’s the condition name?
Loss lung compliance ( increased airway resistance on inhalation)
What’s the condition name?
Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
- chronic produtive cough
-purulent sputum(yellow/white/green)
-can lead to R side heart failure
-peripheral edema
What’s the condition name?
Chronic Bronchitis
-chronic inflammation of airway
-early insp. Wet crackles
-decreased BS
-x ray: white haziness (secretion + air)
What is the condition name?
Chronic bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis
-severe expiratory airflow limitations
-pink skin due to CO2 retention
What’s the condition name?
-chest “tightness “
-increased accessory resp muscle use
-decreased tactile fremitus (air trapped)
-hyper resonant (air trapped)
-wheezing (Rhonchi)
Irreversible destruction and dilation of the airways associated with chronic bacterial infection.
What is the condition name?
Excess mucus production that narrows the airways.
What’s the condition?
-person is thin and fatigued
-foul-smelling mucus
-severe cough
-coarse crackles
-decreased tactile fremitus
-hyper resonant
What’s the condition?
Name Obstructive diseases…
1- emphysema
2- chronic bronchitis
4-bronchiectasis (ob and rest.)
Name restrictive diseases…
1-Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)
3-acute respiratory distress syndrome
4- pneumothorax
5-pleural efusion
-Sob (dyspnea)
-increased respiratory rate
-shallow breathing
-dry unproductive cough
-decreased chest expansion
-decreased PaO2 and PaCO2
What’s the condition?
Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
Collapse of alveoli or lung tissue…
What is the condition?
-ipsilateral tracheal deviation
-elevated hemi diaphragm
-decreased PaO2
-dry insp crackles
-shallow breathing
What’s the condition?
Abnormal collection of fluid in the pleural space.
What’s the condition?
Pleural effusion
-may have chest pain
-increased resp rate
-dry cough
-contralateral tracheal deviation w large effusion
-elevated hemidiaphragm on the same side of the disease…
What’s the condition?
Pleural effusion
-severe dyspnea (req mechanical ventilation)
-x-ray: white out. Patchy infiltrate in periphery of lungs
-increased tactile fremitus
-insp crackles
What’s the condition?
Acute resp distress syndrome (ARSD)
Collapse of the lungs due to air gathering in the pleural space…
What’s the condition?
-chest pain
-increased resp rate
-auscultation decreased or absent
-xray: flattened hemi diaphragm
-tactile fremitus decreased
-hyper resonant
What’s the condition?
On the obstructive lung diseases the forced expiratory flow rates will be increased or decreased?
What is the physio TX for COPD?
-O2 adm (88-92% is enough)
Pursed lip breathing