Respiratory Conditions Flashcards
- Barrel chest
-X-Ray: hyperinflation with flattened ribs
-Hyper-resonant - Dyspnea
- Tachypnea
-Acessory breathing muscles
-Pursed lip breathing - Decreased breath sounds and may have dry crackles
What is the condition name?
- Chronic inflammation condition caused by increase reactivity of trachea/bronchi to various stimuli
What’s the condition name?
Loss lung compliance ( increased airway resistance on inhalation)
What’s the condition name?
Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
- chronic produtive cough
-purulent sputum(yellow/white/green)
-can lead to R side heart failure
-peripheral edema
What’s the condition name?
Chronic Bronchitis
-chronic inflammation of airway
-early insp. Wet crackles
-decreased BS
-x ray: white haziness (secretion + air)
What is the condition name?
Chronic bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis
-severe expiratory airflow limitations
-pink skin due to CO2 retention
What’s the condition name?
-chest “tightness “
-increased accessory resp muscle use
-decreased tactile fremitus (air trapped)
-hyper resonant (air trapped)
-wheezing (Rhonchi)
Irreversible destruction and dilation of the airways associated with chronic bacterial infection.
What is the condition name?
Excess mucus production that narrows the airways.
What’s the condition?
-person is thin and fatigued
-foul-smelling mucus
-severe cough
-coarse crackles
-decreased tactile fremitus
-hyper resonant
What’s the condition?
Name Obstructive diseases…
1- emphysema
2- chronic bronchitis
4-bronchiectasis (ob and rest.)
Name restrictive diseases…
1-Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)
3-acute respiratory distress syndrome
4- pneumothorax
5-pleural efusion
-Sob (dyspnea)
-increased respiratory rate
-shallow breathing
-dry unproductive cough
-decreased chest expansion
-decreased PaO2 and PaCO2
What’s the condition?
Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
Collapse of alveoli or lung tissue…
What is the condition?
-ipsilateral tracheal deviation
-elevated hemi diaphragm
-decreased PaO2
-dry insp crackles
-shallow breathing
What’s the condition?
Abnormal collection of fluid in the pleural space.
What’s the condition?
Pleural effusion
-may have chest pain
-increased resp rate
-dry cough
-contralateral tracheal deviation w large effusion
-elevated hemidiaphragm on the same side of the disease…
What’s the condition?
Pleural effusion
-severe dyspnea (req mechanical ventilation)
-x-ray: white out. Patchy infiltrate in periphery of lungs
-increased tactile fremitus
-insp crackles
What’s the condition?
Acute resp distress syndrome (ARSD)
Collapse of the lungs due to air gathering in the pleural space…
What’s the condition?
-chest pain
-increased resp rate
-auscultation decreased or absent
-xray: flattened hemi diaphragm
-tactile fremitus decreased
-hyper resonant
What’s the condition?
On the obstructive lung diseases the forced expiratory flow rates will be increased or decreased?
What is the physio TX for COPD?
-O2 adm (88-92% is enough)
Pursed lip breathing
What is a bullae?
Dilated air space in the lung tissue. It is a critical condition
What is the physio Tx for Asthma?
1- keep pt upright and use inhaler if prescribed
2- lean forward and teach pursed lip breathing
3-education on how to avoid triggers
What is the physio Tx for Bronchiectasis?
Regular secretion clearance techniques
Antibiotics and bronchodilator (medical)
What is the physio Tx for atelectasia?
1-identify underlying causes: suctioning/secretion removal
2 -positioning.mobility as tol. and breathing exercs
Medical: chest tube if due to pneumo/hemo thorax
What is the Tx for ARSD?
-ventilator assistance
-prone position
-secretion clearance (if needed)
Innervation of the diaphragm…
Phrenic nerve
“C3-4-5 keeps the diaphragm alive”
Systemic hereditary disease of the exocrine glands of the body.
Results in copious amount of secretions…
What is the condition?
Cystic fibrosis
Increase of electrolyte (Na+ & CI-) content in sweat is the pathophysiology of which condition?
Cystic fibrosis…
Increase of sodium and cloride content
-low weight
-barrel chest
-copious amounts of mucopurulent
-insp/exp crackles
What’s the condition?
Cystic fibrosis
Acute inflammation of the lungs associated with alveolar filling by exudates(consolidation)
What’s the condition?
-wet inspiratory crackles
-decreased PaO2
-x-ray: air bronchograms, opacities in surrounding alveoli
-mediastinal shifts away
What is the Tx for pneumonia?
-02 support
-airway clearance techniques
An infectious, SYSTEMIC, inflammatory disease that primarily affects the lungs and other organs.
What’s the condition?
-productive cough (mucus/blood)
-night sweats
-weight loss
-may have swollen lymph nodes
What’s the condition?
What is the physio TX for TB?
1- secretion clearance techniques
2-deep breathing
FEV1/FVC% is <70% (less then) is it an obstructive or restrictive disease?
Obstructive disease
All the lungs capacity are increased
Types of O2 delivery:
Nasal prongs
Supplies 1-6L/min
Most common type of O2 delivery
Types of O2 delivery:
Simple mask
Simple mask: 5-10L/min
Useful when a moderate amount of O2 is needed
Types of O2 delivery:
Non rebreathing mask
Minimum flow of 10L/min
Used in acute medicam emergencies
The mask draw 02 from the reservoir bag with 1-way valve that directs exhaled air out of mask to prevent inhalation of exhaled C02
Types of O2 delivery:
Face tent
Used for individuals with poor tolerance for NP or face mask.
Ex: face trauma
Pump handle action of ribs
With inspiration the ribs are pulled up and forwards
Bucket handle action of ribs
With inspiration the ribs move upwards laterally like a bucket handle
Caliper action of ribs
With inspiration the ribs move laterally (like a caliper paquimetro)
High V/Q ratio
Shunt or dead space?
Dead space
Low V/Q ratio
Shunt or dead space?
Air is inhaled but enable to take part in gas exchange.
Shunt or dead space?
Dead space
The alveoli are perfused with blood as normal but the ventilation fails to supply the perfused region.
Shunt or dead space?
Chronic bronchitis, atelectasia and pneumonia.
Shunt or dead space?
Shunt or dead space?
Pulmonary embolism and emphysema
Dead space
A patient with moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease performs an exercise test that will stress the patient to the point of limitation. During the test the therapist monitors the patients physiologic response to exercise. Which of the following findings would not require cessation of the testing session?
А.a 20 mmHg decrease in diastolic blood pressure with an increase in work lad
B.systolic hypertension greater than 160 mmHg
C.a PaO, of less than 55 mmHg
D. maximal shortness of breath
A therapist examines a patient’s breath sounds through auscultation. The therapist classifies the breath sounds in a selected lung segment as absent. Which condition is not typically associaled with absent breath sounds?
A. pleural effusion
B. pneumothorax
D. pulmonary fibrosis
A therapist treats a patient with emphysema. As part of the treatment session the therapist teaches the patient to perform diaphragmatic breathing exercises, The primary goal for diaphragmatic breathing is to
A. decrease tidal ventilation
B. increase respiration rate
C. decrease accessory muscle use
D. decrease oxygenation
A 60 year old man complains of feeling unwell and weak. He displays shortness of breath when at rest. He went to see his doctor 3 days ago and was given oral antibiotics. Early today he was admitted to the hospital diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and pneumonia. He has increased secretions and bronchospasm.
What breath sounds would you not expect to hear on auscultation?
a. Medium and high pitched wheezes.
b. Absent breath sounds.
c. Decreased breath sounds throughout.
d. Bronchial breath sounds over consolidated regions of the lung.
Which of the following x-ray findings are indicative of pneumonia rather than COPD?
a. Large lung fields
b. Flattened diaphragm
c. Horizontal ribs
d.Obscured cardiophrenic angles
• Large lung fields - COPD
•Due to hyperinflation
• Flattened diaphragm - COPD
Due to hyperinflation
• Horizontal ribs - COPD
Due to barrel chest as a result of hyperinflation
• Obscured cardiophrenic angles - This is a silhouette sign and is the loss of lung/soft tissue interface caused by a mass or fluid in the normally air filled lung. This can be seen with pneumonia due to secretions.
You are performing exercise testing on an 18 year old male for research purposes. He has no prior medical history and lives a sedentary lifestyle.
Which of the following statements are false regarding maximum oxygen uptake?
a. VOmax increases with age up to 20 years of age.
b. Before puberty, girls and boys show no significant differences in maximum aerobic capacity.
c. Cardiac output in children is the same as in the adult for any given oxygen consumption.
d. Endurance times increase with age.
• Endurance times increase with age - False
Endurance times increase with age up until 17 to 18 years of age