Urology Flashcards
Markers for non-seminomatous testicular cancer
alpha feto protein and beta HCG
Testicular mass: biopsy is ____ via ____
orchiectomy via inguinal incision— never trans-scrotal (Every year)
_________ (cancer) is very radiosensitive= even stage I gets RT (___% have occult mets)
seminoma; 25% w occult mets
Node + gets _______; usually ages ______; most tumors are ___ (benign/malignant); ___ (rare/common) in african/americans
platinum chem; ages 20-35; tumors malignant; rare in african-americans
Cryptoorchidism: ___ incr/decr cancer risk by ___ fold.
Orchiopexy does ____ but does not ____. When to operate?
incr testicular ca x 3-14. orchiopexy incr fertility but does not decr cancer risk; do age ~2 years
Testicular torsion rx?
Rx with bilateral orchiopexy
Varicocele: remember L gonandal vein drains to….. think about…..
L gonadal vein drains to L renal vein (may be obstructed by renal cell CA)
Ureteral injury: avoid _________, use ______, rx?
(iatrogenic or otherwise): avoid ureteral dissection (compromise blood supply), use absorbable suture (otherwise nidus for stones as with bile duct); stent and drain
Urethral injury: suspect with _____, ___, ____; dx with ____; 1st rx is ____
suspect with blood at the meatus, scrotal/penile injury, high-riding prostate. dx with retrograde urethrogram (RUG); 1st rx is DO NOT place foley-> needs suprapubic cath
Bladder injury: when with pelvic fx, usally _____ and ____ (rx); If NO pelvic fx, is usually ____ and _____ (rx)
pelvic fx- extraperitoneal, generally need foley drainage only; NO pelvic fx- usually dome rupture (full bladder in MVA); needs OR, 3 layer closure, keep foley
Prostate cancer: mets to _____ are ______
mets to bone are osteoblastic, radio-dense
____________ most common (especially after small bowel resection); ______ (elements)
oxalate stones; Mg Am Ph 15%, urate 8%
_____-> struvite stones, “staghorn”. Why?
Proteus infection; (urease producing)
RCC triad
abdominal pain (capsule stretching), mass, hematuria
RCC: can see these effects….
erythrocytosis due to incr erythropoetin; fever; HTN; stouffer syndrome (decr hepatic flow)
Erythropoetin: ___% made in ____; stimulated by ___; decr production in ____
95% made by kidney; stimulated by hypoxia, decr production in ESRD