Pancreas Flashcards
Pancreas ducts:
Santorini- small or major?
Wirsung- small or major?
Pancreas divisum is what? % population? prone to what?S
Santorini is small duct, wirsung is major duct. Pancreas divisum= failure of fusion (5% of population, prone to pancreatitis), santorini is then major duct
Annular pancreas: imaging shows…. rx….
double bubble on XRay; rx obstruction w/ duodenojejunostomy. Do not resect pancreas
Pancreatic cancer: Overall ___% dead in one year
Ca 19-9 (serum marker) is generally high in _______. 90% have mutated ______.
pancreatic cancer; have mutated K-Ras
Celiac plexus block is effective pain relief for ___________. What and where is it? _______.
non-resectable pancreatic cancer; (50% EtOH on both sides of aorta near celiac)
Pancreatic pseudocysts: management?
__% resolve on otheir own?
expectant management if asymptomatic and not enlarging up until ~12 wks after episode of acute pancreatitis. 85% of pseudocysts resolve on their own.
Drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts: __________.
Complications of untreated: _________.
Recurrence %? Much higher with ______.
Internal drainage by cyst-gastrostomy, -duodenostomy, or -jejunostomy. Complications of untreated; bleed, infection, rupture, obstruction of CBD or duodenem. Recurrence 10%. Much higher with external drainage.
1 islet cell tumor overall
Insulinoma: Insulin to glucose ratio _____. Increase/decrease C peptide? ____.
C terminal of hormone is active/inactive? _____.
> 0.4; incr C peptide (as with parathyroid hormone, C terminal of hormone is inactive).
Insulinoma: ___% benign
Rx: ______________
90% benign; Rx enucleation
1 islet cell tumor in MEN (MEN I)
Gastrinoma Location:
___% here: _______. 1- _________. 2- __________. 3 - ____________
90% in gastrinoma triangle: 1- cystic/CBD junction. 2- pancreas neck. 3- 3rd part of duodenum
Gastrinoma: ___% malignant, ___% are multiple
60% malignant; 50% are multiple
Gastrinoma Tests:
Gastrin level: _________; do this test: _________ (normal patients will have __________)
gastrin level >1000; do secretin stimulation test (normal pts will decr gastrin)
Gastrinoma symptoms:
__________, _________, _________
These things help symptoms: __________
severe ulcer disease, diarrhea (due to lipase destruction by acid, malabsorption, and incr secretion), NGT and H2 blockers help diarrhea
__________: Gallstones, steatorrhea, pancreatitis, diabetes
___________: diabetes, glossitis, stomatitis, migratory necrolytic erythema…. these things help _________ and ______
Glucogonoma; streptozocin and octreotide help
__________: WDHA syndrome = watery diarrhea hypokalemia achlohydria
Diarrhea improve with NGT or H2 blockers?
VIP-oma; Diarrhea does not improve with NGT or H2 blockers