Thyroid and Parathyroid Flashcards
Parafollicular C cells derived form………. produce……. which does what?
derived from neural crest, produce calcitonin (decr serum calcium)
T3: ____ times as active as t4, half life= _____
3 times as active; 3 days half life
PTU: prevents ______; crosses placenta -> ______; rare but dreadful _______
DIT, MIT coupling; crossess placenta -> cretinism; rare but dreadful aplastic anemia
____, ____, ___ all block peripheral conversion of T4 to T3
PTU; Propranolol, Prednisone
Wold Chaikoff effect: high __ doses do what? useful in what?
high I-doses (lugol’s, KI) inhibit TSH, useful in thyroid storm
FNA cannot distinguish malignant/benign with ____ and ____; what do you need?
follicular and Hurthle cell; need tissue
Most common thyroid cancer; what %?
Papillary throid CA (85%, P for popular)
Papillary thyroid cancer:
Spread? How do nodes predict survival?
___% of adults and ___% of children are node positive
Lymphatic spread, but nodes don’t predict survival;
20% of adults, 80% of children node positive; 80% are multicentric
psammoma bodes on path of what cancer? what does it represent?
papillary thyroid cancer, represents deposited calcium
History of exposure to _____ incr risk of papillary thyroid cancer
F:M ratio in papillary thyroid ca: ____
1/2 papillary thyroid cancer presents before age ___
3:1; age 40
MACIS criteria for thyroid carcinoma
Mets, age (M>50, F>40 is worse), completeness of resection, invasiveness and size (>1.5cm generally means total thyroidectomy needed)
Follicular thyroid CA:
___ Spread? ___% present with mets; F:M ratio ___? Present a older/younger? _____; Needle dx adequate? ___; Rx? ____
Spreads hematogenously; 60% present with mets; presents a little older (50s); also F:M 3:1; needle dx NOT adequate; generally do total thyroidectomy with ablative RI post-op
Medullary thyroid CA (MTC): 20% have ____
MEN2 (tend to be bilateral, younger, worse prognosis)
Amyloid on path of thyroid tissue….
Pathognomonic for medullary thyroid CA
____ is used as provocative test for medullary thyroid CA
gastrin (incr calcitonin)
This cancer originates from parafollicular C cells
Medullary thyroid CA
RET proto-oncogene is diagnostic for __________
medullary thyroid CA
Medullary thyroid CA Rx? what if node +?
Total thyroidectomy, neck dissection if node (+)
Which more likely cancer- cold/hot nodule?
cold, duh
1st step in work-up of thyroid nodule after H&P is ____
FNA (Every year)
When to operate on thyroids when pregnant? ____;
Use radioactive iodine?
Operate in 2nd trimester if possible; no radioactive iodine during pregnancy
Radioactive iodine only useful for __________
well-differentiated tumors (papillary and follicular)
Super laryngeal n., external branch: motor _______ injury _____ sensory _____
motor to cricothyroid muscle, injury= loss of projection, high pitch; provides sensory to supraglottis
Recurrent laryngeal n. innervates ______; bilateral injury= ____
innervates all of larynx except cricothyroid; bilateral injury= occluded airway
Superior parathyroids from ____; inferior (and thymus) from ___; which more variable?
Sup- 4th pouch; inf/thymus from 3rd pouch; inferior more variable
All parathyroids generally receive blood supply from _____
inferior thyroid artery
Which is active/inactive? n-terminal, c terminal
N terminal is active; c terminal is inactive in hormones (as with insulin)
3 functions of PTH
incr calcium bind protein to incr gut absorption of Ca; incr kidney Ca absorption; incr PO4 loss
Hyperparathyroidism; a/w _____ (gene) and h/o _____
prad oncogene; and h/o radiation exposure
Hyperparathyroidism; what happens to Ca, ph,cl-:ph ratio
incr Ca; decr phos; Cl-:ph ratio > 3:1
osteofibrosa cystica is pathognomonic for
Hyperparathyroidism; urina ca should be?
urine ca should be high; (r/o FHH= familal hypocalciuric hypercalcemia)
Symptoms of most pts w hyperPTH
most patients are asymptomatic, found incidentally with high Ca
IN hyperPTH, ___% have ____ adenoma(s)
85% have single gland adenoma (except in MEN where incr PTH is due to 4 gland hyperplasia)
Palpable mass, very high Ca; what is it? what do you do?
Rare parathyroid adenocarcinoma: very high ca; resect widely
‘PPP’; Pancreatic islet cell tumor, pituitary tumor, hyperparathyroidism
‘2 MPH’ Medullary thyroid CA (nearly all patient) pheocromocytoma; hyperPTH
medullary thyroid CA (nearly all patients), pheochromocytoma, mucosal neuromas/marfan’s syndrome