Urinary physiology Flashcards
What are the functions of the kidneys?
Removes metabolic waste from blood by filtration and excretion
Regulates plasma electrolytes and blood pressure (by renin-angiotensin mechanism)
Help to stabilize the PH
Reabsorption of small molecules (amino acids. Glucose, and peptides)
Produces erythropoietin (a stimulant of RBC production by bone marrow)
What is the vertebral levels of the kidneys?
Retroperitoneal position at T12-L3
Partly peritonised
What does the urinary system develop from?
Intermediate mesoderm + cloaca
Intermediate Mesoderm (nephrogenic cord/urogenital ridge) gives rise to kidney & ureter
Cloaca gives rise to urinary bladder & urethra
What do the kidneys develop from?
Arises from intermediate mesoderm forming the urogenital ridge either side of the aorta
Develops into three sets of tubular nephric structures
>Mostly progresses, cranial most tube
What happens to the mesonephros?
Located along the midsection of the embryo and develops into mesonephric tubules + duct
Tubules regress, however the duct persists opening into the cloaca
What happens to the metanephros?
Gives rise to the definitive adult kidney.
Develops from an outgrowth of the caudal mesonephric duct, theureteric bud, and from a condensation of nearby intermediate mesoderm, themetanephric blastema.
What does the metanephric blastema go on to create?
excretory portion of kidney (nephron): Excretory tubules (Nephrons) -Bowman’s Capsule -PCT -Loop of Henle -DCT
What does the uteric bud go on to form?
collecting portion of kidney:
Collecting ducts
How does the nephron develop?
Metanephric vesicle turns into the metanephric tubule
This merges with the collecting duct
The glomerulus then invaginates the nephron
The uriniferous tubule lengthens
Why and how do the kidneys ascend?
Mainly due to differential growth of lower body inferiorly away from kidneys (appear to “ascend”)
Kidneys come to lie retroperitoneally in upper abdomen (T12-L3)
Hilum rotates from ventral to medial (~90degrees)
Ascent stops when contact with adrenal (suprarenal) glands
Segmental breakdown and reform of vascular supply during ascent
Accessory renal arteries (always at inferior pole)
How does the cloaca divide?
Cloaca divided by urorectal septum into urogenital sinus and rectum. Parts of UG sinus: Cranial Pelvic Caudal
How does the trigone develop?
Trigone derived from absorption of mesonephric ducts
Mesodermal lining replaced with endodermal epithelium
What does the urogenital sinus become?
Urogenital sinus gives rise to: Cranial part - forms bladder Middle part - forms prostatic and membranous urethra in males, and entire urethra in females Caudal part - forms penile urethra in males
What is the process of filtration?
Receives ~20-25% of CO
No red blood cells and only a fraction of the plasma is filtered through bowman’s capsule
Remainder passes via efferent arterioles into peritubular capillaires and then renal veins
What is filtration dependant on?
Filtration dependent on hydrostatic forces + oncotic pressure
Glomerular capillary pressure higher than other capillaries because afferent arterioles short + wide so high hydrostatic pressure
Combined with efferent being thin builds up pressure to be able to filter
What affects GFR?
Dependent on afferent/efferent diameter controlled by
Sympathetic VC nerves –> afferent and efferent constriction, greater sensitivity of afferent arteriole.
b) Circulating catecholamines –> constriction 1°ily afferent
c) Angiotensin II –> constriction, of efferent at [low], both afferent and efferent at [high].
What is autoregulation?
Renal vasculature has intrinsic ability to adjust resistance in response to arterial BP changes
BF/GFR kept almost constant (autoregulation)
When MBP is 50 or less filtration would stop
Independent of nerves or hormones
Dilation of afferent arterioles if mean arterial pressure decreases, constriction if increases
What happens in the kidneys when bloodpressure is compirmised?
I.e in haemorrhage
Activation of sympathetic VC nerves and AII can override autoregulation liberating blood to immediately more important organs
However, prolonged exposure to a reduction on renal BP can lead to irreparable damage and potential death
What is responsible for reabsorption?
Peritubular vessels
How does reabsorption happen in the kidneys?
Offers resistance along whole length of peritubuluar vessels, so large pressure drop allowing hydrostatic pressure to fall as well
PPC very low because hydrostatic P overcoming frictional resistancein efferent arteriols
PP high compared to normal, loss of 20% plasma concentrates plasma protein
PP»_space; PPC only reabsorption
What are the mechanisms of reabsorption?
Many substances reabsorbed by carrier proteins
Have maximum transport capacity due to saturation of carriers
If maximum exceeded, rest is excreted
Glucose is one such molecule, freely filtered. Up to 10mmoles will be reabsorbed
How does the kidney regulate substances?
Sulphate and phosphate ions for example
Their Tm set at a level where normal plasma causes saturation
Causes excretion of anything above normal
How is sodium reabsorbed?
Reabsorbed via active transport in proximal tubule
Chlorine follows the electrical chemical gradient
Causes osmotic force that brings water with it
What is the process of reabsorption for the main ions?
Sodium by active transport
Electrochemical gradient drives anion reabsorption
Water moves by osmoles
Concenterations of other solutes increases as other fluid in lumen decreases
>Non actively reabsorbed solutes depends on the amount of water removed, and permeability of membrane to any solute
Why is sodium reabsorption so important for the kidneys?
Concentrates the tubule creating greater concentration gradient for passive molecules
High sodium in tubule facilitates glucose transport, low sodium inhibits as they share the same molecule from the lumen side
What is tubular secretion>
Transport substances from peritubular capillaries into the lumen
Important for protein bound molecules due to restricted filtration
Carrier proteins not very specific so that organic acids can be used for other molecules like drugs
How do the kidneys handle potassium?
Balance essential for life (based on Tm)
Reabsorbed at proximal tubule
Any increase in renal tubule cell potassium will lead to postassium secretion. And reduction in intracellular potassium leads to decreased secretion.
How does aldosterone affect potassium secretion?
Secretion also regulated by aldosterone
Increase in potassium in ECF stimulates aldosterone release
Aldosterone stimulates kidneys to increase tubule cell potassium secretion
Also stimulates sodium reabsorption at distal tubule
Hydrogen ions actively secreted from tubule cells to maintain acid/base balance
What is the maximum concentration of urine?
4x concentration of plasma
What is obligatory water loss?
Waste products + excess ions that must be excreted every day ~ 600mosmoles
Requires at least 500mls of water to be excreted
Must ingest water otherwise will urinate to death
If excess water intake can have 10x dilution
What mechanism is behind water being extracted form urine?
In loop of henle, the ascending limb actively co-transports sodium/chlorine out of tubule lumen into intersitium. Impermeable to water
Descending limb is freely permeable to water, buy relativelt impermeable to sodium chloride
What is the process of the loop of henle?
Descending limb exposed to greater osmolarity in interstitium, water moves out to equate it
Water reabsorbed into the vasa recta (no longer in interstitium)
Concentrated fluid in descending limb delivers high concentration to ascending limb
Here sodium chloride Is actively transported out, further concentrating interstitium
Net effect, progressively concentrated as it moves down descending limb
Progressively diluted as it moves up ascending limb
Never more than 200osmole gradient at any horizontal level
What effect does furosemide have on the loop of henle?
Stops use of active transporter of NaCl from ascending limb so all concentration differences lost - isotonic urine
What does the counter current in the loop of henle accomplish?
Significance - increasingly concentrated gradient in interstitium
Functions of vasa recta
1. Provide O2 for medulla.
2. In providing O2 must not disturb gradient.
3. Removes volume from the interstitium
What are the vasa recta?
Specialised arrancement of peritubular capillaries
Arranged in hair-pin loops so they do not interfere with the gradient
Freely permeable to water and solutes
flow rate through the vasa recta is very low so that there is plenty of time for equilibration to occur with the interstitium, further ensuring that the medullary gradient is not disturbed
What controls the permability of the collecting duct?
What is ADH?
A polypeptide synthesises in hypothalamus
Posterior pituirary hormone
Half life ~10 minutes so can be rapidly adjusted to body’s need
What is the primary function of ADH?
Plasma osmolarity control
When plasma osmolarity pressure increases, ADH secretion increases
Changes in neuronal discharge mediated by osmoreceptors in anterior hypothalamus
Other receptors mediate thirst
What is the mechanism of osmoreceptors?
When high osmolarity, water leaves cell shrinking it
Stretch sensitive ion channels activated leading to more ADH secretion
When low osmolarity water enters cell swelling it
>Decrease in ADH
Small changes in either direction lead to rapid secretion/ inhibition of ADH
Osmolarity and not tonicity
How does ADH achieve its effect?
Concentrates urine in the collecting duct via controlling its permeability
Due to water channels in luminal membrane
What happens in maximal ADH levels?
Small volume of highly concentrated urine
Water absorbed by vasa recta
1200 mOsM
What happens in the absence of ADH?
Colloecting duct impermeable to water, so no water moves out
Therefore no change in water content
Some ions can be further absorbed, so osmolarity can decrease further
What happens to urea in the presence of ADH?
In presence of ADH, water moving from collection ducts concentrates the urea in the ducts
Permeability of membrane to urea increased by ADH
So in antidiurectics with high ADH levels, more urea is reabsorbed in order to save water
Water conservation more important than urea effects
What happens to the ECF volumes with varying levels of ADH?
Increase ECF volume with decrease [ADH]
Decrease ECF volume with increase [ADH]
Inverse relationship
Low pressure receptors in L/R atria + great veins - monito return of blood to heart
High P receptors carotic/aortic arch baroreceptors
If fluid levels drop, like in haemmorhage, ADH increases
What stimuli increase ADH release?
Pain, emotion, stress, exercise, nicotine, morphine. Following traumatic surgery, inappropriate ADH secretion occurs, need to be careful about monitoring H2O intake.
What stimuli decrease ADH?
What is diabetes insipidus?
Hypothalmic areas become diseased or otherwise damaged
Or collecting duct insensitive to ADH
Patients characterised by polyuria and polydipsia
Treated by giving ADH
What is peripheral diabetes insipidus?
Peripheral DI when collecting duct unresponsive to ADH
can’t give ADH,
>normally secondary to hypokalaemia/calcaemia
>returns to normal after ion disorders corrected
What is sodium regulation dependant on?
Dependent on high/low pressure baroreceptors
How does a decrease in ECF volume affect sodium regulation?
Decrease in blood pressure.
Detected by carotid sinus
Sympathetic discharge + ADH release
Causes renal arterial constriction + renin and increase in angiotensin II
End result increase in proximal tubule NaCl + water reabsorption
Increase in aldosterone, leading to distal tubule reabsorption
What does sympathetic innervation of the kidneys lead to?
Increased arteriolar constriction and renin
The increased renin leads to more angiotensin II being produced
ATII leads to sodium reabsorption from proximal tubule due to decrease in peritubular hydrostatic pressure
Also leads to more aldosterone thus increase in sodium reabsorption in distal tubule
What is angiotensin important for?
Important in regulation of distal tubule sodium reabsorption
>Increases potassium secretion at distal tubule
Increase in weight due to water retention
>Volume expansion
What does prolonged aldosterone lead to?
Stimulates ANP from atrial cells
>Loss of sodium/water
(Although continued loss of potassium)
What is the juxtaglomerular apparatus?
Smooth muscle of the media of the afferent arteriole, just before it enters the glomerulus has become specialized, containing large epithelial cells with plentiful granules = Juxtaglomerular cells (JG).
They are closely associated with a histologically specialized loop of the distal tubule = the macula densa. The two together form the Juxtaglomerular apparatus.
Produce renin
What is renin?
Proteolytic enzyme acting on angiotensin
Produced by JG cells
Splits angiotensin I allowing it to be converted into angiotensin II by ACE
What is the function of angiotensin?
Angiotensin stimulates aldosterne secreting cells in zona glomerulosa of adrenal cortex
Aldosterone passes in the blood to the kidney where it stimulate sodium reabsorption in distal tubule
Potent vaso constrictor - contributes to TPR increase
Stimulates ADH secretion
Stimulates thirst mechanism
Whatt influences renin release?
Increase when pressure in afferent arteriole decreases
Increased by Sympathetic nerve activity (release by b1 cells)
Inversely proptional to rate of delievery of NaCl at macula densa
Angiotensin feedback control
ADH inhibits renin release
How is GFR regulated?
When GFR increases (and hence flow past macula densa)
>Macula densa sends signals to afferent arterioles to constrict
Resistance in afferent article increases
Hydrostatic pressure in glomerulus decreases
And thus GFR decreases
Opposite to increase GFR
What effect does loss of brain perfusion + loss of sufficient volume have on ADH + fluid balance?
Normally, osmolarity is main determinant of ADH
>But if sufficient volume change to compromise brain perfusion, volume becomes primary drive
Once volume is restored, then osmolarity will be normalised
What is ANP?
Atrial natriutetic peptide
Promotes sodium excretion
Counteracts aldosterone sodium reabsorption
Lowers blood volume
What is osmotic diuresis?
In uncontrolled DM where BG exceeds maximum reabsorptive capacity
Net result less water and sodium reabsorbed + glucose
Results in large volume of isotonic urine and venous pressure decreases
>Releases ADH but lack of intersitial gradient means inneffective
Severe salt/water depletion
Potential hyperglycaemic coma
What is the process of osmotic diuresis in the proximal tubule?
Glucose remains in tubule and exerts osmotic effect to retain water
Sodium concentration decreased as more water
>Therefore sodium gradient decreased and thus reabsorption
Furthermore decreased ability to absorb glucose due to shared synport with sodium
What is the process of osmotic diuresis in the loop of henle + distal tubule?
In descending limb of loop of henle movement of water out of the tubule is reduced
Due to osmotic gradient reduced, thus lower concentration of fluid
Fluid in ascending limb is thus less concentrated, and considerable reduction in volume of NaCl/water reabsorbed
Interstitial gradient gradually abolished
Large volume in distal tubule inhibits renin release, thus less sodium reabsorbed
What are the sources of pH changes?
Respiratory acid
Metabolic acid
How is respiratory acid formed?
Formation of carbonic acid
Usually not a net contributor because increase in acid causes increase in ventilation to get rid of it
Problems occur if lung function impaired
How is metabolic acid formed?
Via metabolism
Inorganic acids - Containing amino acids (Sulphuric and phosphoric acids) from phospholipids
Organic acids - fatty/lactic acids
In normal diet net gain to body of hydrogen
What are buffers?
Minimise changes in pH when hydrogen’s added/removed
pH definied in terms of ratio of base to acid
Exracelular bufers
>Need 20 units of bicarbonate to carbonic acid
What are the normal ranges for biochem?
pH - 7.4: 7.37-7.43
pCO2 5.3kpa: 4.8-5.9 (4ommHg: 36-44)
HCO3 24mmoles/l: 22-26
How is the buffer system maintained?
To bring pH down, H+ + HCO3- forms carbonic acid
Carbonic acid dissolves in water to form water + carbon dioxide
To stop the equilibrium, ventilation is increased to decrease CO2
Allows for more carbonic acid to dissolve and keeps pH constant
H+ has not been elimited from the body, only buffered
Ventilation decreases to free up the hydrogen ions if an increase in pH
How can pH be eliminated from the body?
Via kidneys
\excretion coupled to regulation of plasma bicarbonate
What are the other buffers in the ECF?
Plasma proteins
Dibasic phosphate
What are intracellular buffers?
Proteins, organic/inorganic phosphates,
>in erythrocytes haemoglobin
Buffering causes changes in plasma electrolytes to maintain chemical neutrality.
>Movement of hydrogen must be accompanied by Cl-, or exchanged for a cation like K+
In acidosis, K+ out of cells into plasma can cause hyperkalaemia and potential death
Bone carbonate provides additional store of buffer, but in chronic renal failure can lead to wasting of bones
How do the kidneys regulate bicarbonate?
Reabsorbs filtered bicarbonate
Generated new bicarbonate
Both depend on active hydrogen ion secretion from tubule cells into lumen
Hos is bicarbonate reabsorbed by the kidneys?
Active H+ secretion from tubule cells coupled to passive Na+ reabsorption
Filtered bicarbonate reacts with secreted hydrogen to form carbonic acid.
>IN presence of carbonic anhydrase in luminal membrane it dissolves in to carbon dioxide/water
CO2 freely permable and enters cell
Within cell, CO2 forms carbonic acid again, and dissociates into H+ and bicarbonate
Hydrogen ions secreted
Bicarbonate pass into peritubular capillaries with sodium
What is the normal pH range of urine?
4.5-5 - 8
Buffered in urine as well
What is titratable acidity?
- Na2HPO4 in the lumen. One Na+ is reabsorbed in exchange for secreted H+.
>This monobasic phosphate removes H+ from the body. - Source of new bicarbonate indirectly from CO2 from blood. Enters tubule cells, forms carbonic acid + dissociates.
>New CO3- passes into peritubular capillaries with Na+ - Occurs in distal tubule via K+ ions not reabsorbed
- Dependent on carbon dioxide in blood
How is ammonium excreted?
Generates new bicarbonate and excretes hydrogen
>Only used for acid loads
NH3 is lipid soluble, NH4+ is not
Produced via desegregation of amino acids. Moves into tubule lumen and combines with excreted H+
NH4+ then combines with Cl- to form NH4Cl which is excreted
New bicarbonate absorbed with sodium
In proximal tubule, NH4+/Na+ cotransporter, but net result same
When pH falls, increase in renal glutaminase activity to produce more ammonium ions
Takes 4-5 days to reach maximal effect
Takes time to switch off as well
What is respiratory acidosis?
pH fallen due to respiratory change
Reduced ventilation and therefore retention of CO2
Causes increase secretion of hydrogen ions and increase in bicarbonate but takes time
High PCO2
What are the acute causes of respiratory acidosis?
Drugs depressing medullary respiratory centre
Obstructions of major airways
What are the chronic causes of respiratory acidosis?
Lung disease
>Bronchitis, emphysema, asthma
Blood gases never normalised due to primary disturbance remaining unresolved
Problems develop if patients with lung disease develops renal dysfunction
What is respiratory alkalosis?
Fall in PCO2 through increased ventilation
Alkaline conditions dealt with via bicarbonate reabsorptive mechanism
Less hydrogen secreted, thus less bicarbonate reabsorbed
Ventilation must be normalised to correct disturbance
What are the acute causes of respiratory acidosis?
Voluntary hyperventilation
First ascent to altitude
What are the chronic causes of respiratory alkalosis?
Long term residence at altitude
Stimulates peripheral chemoreceptors to increase ventilation
What is metabolic acidosis?
Decrease in bicarbonate concentration
Either loss of ions or increased buffering
PCO2 must be decreased to protect pH
Stimulates ventilation
What are the causes of metabolic acidosis?
Increase in hydrogen production (ketoacidosis in diabetics, lactic acidosis)
Failure to excrete normal dietary load (ie renal failure)
Loss of bicarbonate in diarrhoea
What is kussmaul sign?
Established clinical sign of renal failure o diabetic ketoacidosis
Increased depth of ventilation
What does an increase in metabolic hydorgen ions lead to?
Immediate buffering in ECF and then ICF
Respiratory compensation within minutes
Renal correction of distrubance takes longer to develop the full response to increase hydrogen excretion and generate new bicarbonate
Respiratory compensation delays renal correction, but protects pH
What is metabolic alkalosis?
Increase in bicarbonate, needs increase in PCO2 to protect pH
What are the causes of metabolic alkalosis?
Increase ion loss with vomiting
Aldosterone excess, excess liquorice ingestion - increased renal hydrogen loss
Excess administration of bicarbonate - only likely if renal function impaired
Massive blood transfusions due to citrate in blood bank - 8 units before effect
What is the summary of respiratory acidosis?
Hydrogen ions: Increase
pH: Decrease
Primary disturbance: increase if PCO2
Compensation: Increase of HCO3
What is the summary of respiratory alkalosis?
Hydrogen ions: Decrease
pH: Increase
Primary disturbance: Decrease if PCO2
Compensation: Decrease of HCO3
What is the summary for metabolic acidosis?
Hydrogen ions: Increase
pH: Decrease
Primary disturbance: Decrease of HCO3
Compensation: Decrease if PCO2
What is the summary for metabolic alkalosis?
Hydrogen ions: Decrease
pH: Increase
Primary disturbance: Increase of HCO3
Compensation: Increase if PCO2
What factors affect creatinine?
Muscle mass
Dietary intake
What is PAH?
Organic anion - para-amino-hippuric acid
Used to measure renal plasma flow
90% normally cleared from plasma
How are the sphincters of the bladder controlled?
nternal sphincter - passively controlled
External - skeletal muscle - higher CNS
Where does micturition get its motor innervation from?
Pelvic nerves - parasympathetic
>Increase in activity leads to increase in contraction of detrusor muscle
Sparse sympathetic supply (hypogastric nerves) inhibit bladder
>Close internal urethral sphincter
>Prevent reflux of semen into bladder during ejaculation L1-L3
Somatic mononeurones (pudenal nerves) innervate external sphincter
>Keeps sphincter closed, even against strong S2-S4 bladder contractions
Where does micturition gets its sensory innervation from?
Stretch receptor afferents from bladder wall
As it filled increase innervation of nerves to spinal cord via interneurones
Leads to
Excitation of parasympathetic outflow
Inhibition of sympathetic outflow
Inhibition of somatic motoneurones to external sphincter
Pathways to sensory cortex convey sensation of fullness
How is voluntary delay of micturition acheived?
Descending pathways
Inhibit somatic motor neurones
Relaxation of muscles of pelvic floor
Perineal muscles and external sphincter can be contracted voluntarily, preventing urine flow flowing down the urethra or interrupting the flow once urination begins.
After urination, female urethra empties by gravity.
Urine remaining in the male urethra is expelled by contractions of the bulbocavernosus muscle
How is involuntary delay of micturition achieved?
Inhibit parasympathetic
Stimulate somatic nerves to external spincter
What can lead to abnormalities in micturition?
Interruption of afferent nerves
interruption of both afferent and efferent nerves
interruption of facilitatory and inhibitory descending pathways from the brain.
In all 3 types the bladder contracts but the contractions are generally insufficient to empty the bladder completely and urine is left in the bladder.