Repro wk 6 Flashcards
What is FGM?
All procedures that involve partial or total removal of external female genitalia
Or other injury to female genital organs for cultural or non-medical reasons
How many types of FGM are there?
What is type 1 FGM?
Clitoridectomy (partial/total removal of clitoris)
What is type 2 FGM?
Parital/total removal of clitoris and labia minor
+/- removal of labia majora
What is type 3 FGM?
Infibulation - narrowing of vaginal opening through creation of covering seal
Seal formed by cutting + re-positioning inner/outer labia
+/- removal of clitoris
What is type 4 FGM?
All other harmful procedures to female genitalia for non-medical purposes
What is de-infeibulation?
Surgical procedure to opening up the closed vagina of FGM type 3?
What are the complications fo FGM?
Severe pain/shock Infection Injury to adjacent tissues Sprains, disolcations, broken bones/injuries from being restrained Immediate fatal haemorrhaging Infection by blood bourne virus
What are the long term complications of FGM?
Urine retention Difficulties with menstration Uterine, vaginal, pelvic infections Cysts /neuromas INcreased risk of fistula On-going impact of trauma/PTSD Sexual dysfunction
What are the psychological effects of FGM?
PTSD Anxiety Depression Fear of intimacy Loss of trust Unresolved anger NIghtmares Flashbacks
What increases the risk of FGM?
Mother has FGM Siblings/cousins undergone FGM MOther/father request reinfibulation Parents express views valuing practice Girl withdrawn from teaching classes on personal/social/health education
What are the types of breast cancer?
In situ carcinoma Invasive carcinoma >Ductal >Lobular >Tubular >Cribriform >Medullary
When are women screened for breast cancer?
Aged 50-70 every 3 years
Through GP practice
What is looked for in breast screening?
Lump/thickening in breast (often painles) Discharge/bleeding from nipple Change in size/contours of breast Change in colour or appearance of areola Redness or pitting of skin
What tests are used to diagnose breast cancer?
Clinical exam
FNA cytology