Units (2) Flashcards
Exposure Dose units
(R) Roentgen
based upon the ionization of air
amount of radiation to liberate positive and negative charges in 1cm³ air
Absorbed Dose Units
(RAD) Radiation Absorbed Dose [CGS]
(Gy) Gray [SI]
unit of dose in matter to produce 100ergs (CGS) or 1j (SI) of energy.
Conversion for RAD to Gy
100 RAD = 1 Gy
Weighting Factor units
(RBE) Relative Biological Effectiveness [CGS]
(Q) Quality Factor [SI]
ratio of biological damage from the absorption of radiation relative to radiation type
Weighting Factors for different types of Radiation
Beta = 1 Gamma = 1 X-Ray = 1 Electron = 1
Neutron <10KeV = 3
Neutron >10KeV = 10
Alpha = 20 Fission = 20 Recoil = 20
Dose Equivalent units
(Rem) Roentgen Equivalent Man [CGS]
(Sv) Sievert [SI]
used to express human biological doses as a result of radiation exposure
Formula for Dose Equivalent
Rem = RAD x RBE
Sv = Gy x Q
Conversion for Rem and Sv
1 Sv = 100 Rem