Unit Ten - Evolution Flashcards
Definition of Evolution (4)
- Theory used to explain the change in a species overtime
- Alteration of an existing species
- Creation of a New Species
- Not all change is evolution (change during one’s lifetime)
Definition of Niche
Role or position an organism occupies in its ecosystem
Definition of Species (3)
- Group of organisms
- Can reproduce w/eo
- Produce fertile offspring
Definition of Instant Speciation (2)
- New species arises very rapidly
- Polyploidy in Hybridization of Plants
Definition of Macroevolution
Large-scale evolutionary changes that occur over long period
Ex: New species, genera, families
Definition of Microevolution
Small-scale changes in the genetic makeup over a few generations (short)
Ex: Mutations & Natural Selection
Definition of Allele Frequency (Microevolution)
If a certain allele provides a survival advantage, individuals with that allele are more likely to reproduce and pass it on, increasing its frequency in the population
Definition of Lamarck’s theory of Evolution (4)
- Evolution was driven by an organism’s desire/need to improve
- Acquired (by need) - Traits used were exaggerated & traits not used were diminished
- Offspring inherit traits achieved by parents
- Theory discredited but paved the way for Natural Selection
Definition of Darwin’s theory of Evolution (2)
- Natural Selection
- Fittest organisms with the best adapted traits survive & reproduce
What factors contribute to natural selection? (3)
- Overpopulation & Limited Resources
- Creates Competition for Survival & Reproduction
- Variation in population structure/behavior
What are two theories accepted for Pace of Evolution?
Gradualism & Punctuated Equilibrium
Definition of Gradualism (2)
- Slow steady change over time
- Change in allele frequencies over millions of years
Definition of Punctuated Equilibrium
Instant Speciation
What are examples of evidence for evolution?
- Fossil Record
- Anatomical Similarities
- Comparative Embryology
- Biochemical DIfferences
- DNA Hybridization
Definition of Homologous Structures (2)
- Same Structure, Different Function (Type of Anatomical Similarity)
- Help demonstrate divergent evolution/common ancestor
Definition of Divergent Evolution (4)
- Two or more related species
- Share a Common Ancestor
- Adapt to Different Environments/Different Niche
- Leads to difference in distinct traits/characteristics
Ex: Darwin’s Finches (Beak Sizes)
Definition of Analogous Structures (2)
- Different Structure, Similar Function (Type of Anatomical Similarity)
- Help demonstrate convergent evolution
Definition of Convergent Evolution (3)
- Unrelated species
- Adapt to Same Environments/Same Niche
- Develop similar traits/characteristics
Definition of Comparative Embryology (4)
- Adult animals are easily distinguishable
- Early embryos are difficult to tell apart
- Closer 2 organisms are related, the more similar parts are developed
- Resembling embryos must share a common ancestor
Definition of Biochemical Differences
Differences of Species on a Molecular Level (AA Sequence)
Definition of Cladogram
Diagram that shows evolutionary relationships among groups
Definition of Evolutionary Classification
- Grouping of Organisms
- Through Pattern of Evolution
- Based on Physical & Microscopic - Level Appearance