Unit 8: Topic 6 - Newly Independent States Flashcards
Aswan High Dam
The Aswan High Dam’s creation caused the relocation of over 100,000 people. The dam was a significant priority for the government of Egypt after Egypt’s successful coup in 1952. The government was anti-imperialist and focused on liberation and industrialization.
Black September
Black September was a war fought between the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The PLO is a group without a state due to the creation of Israel. As a result, they began to move their camps to Jordan and attack Israel from there. After a PLO victory on the border of Jordan and the West Bank, they began openly calling for the Hashemite Monarchy overthrow. The current king did not take that threat lightly and started a campaign against the PLO and their ally, the PLA (Palestine Liberation Army). The conflict ended after the surrender of 2000 PLO troops in January 1971.
Tazara Railway
The Tazara Railway was constructed from 1970 to 1975 and funded by China. It was created to remove Tanzania’s dependence on Rhodesia and South Africa.
Yom Kippur War
The Yom Kippur War was a surprise attack on Israel by Egypt and Syria on their holiday of Yom Kippur. Israel repelled it, and a ceasefire was declared 18 days later. No new territory was gained or lost as a result.
Partition of India
The partition of India refers to the division of British India in 1947 into two separate territories: the Dominion of India (later the Republic of India) and the Dominion of Pakistan (later split into the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the People’s Republic of Bangladesh). The partition was carried out on religious lines, with India gaining independence from British rule on August 15, 1947, and was marked by violence, displacement and loss of life. The partition of India is considered one of the largest mass migrations in human history, with an estimated 14 million people moving across the newly drawn borders.
Balfour Declaration
The Balfour Declaration was a British public statement that announced support for creating a Jewish State in Palestine, despite a local population already living in Palestine.
West Bank
The West Bank is a landlocked territory west of Israel and borders the Dead Sea and Jordan. Israel won control during the Six-Day War and still controls it with joint jurisdiction with the PNA (Palestine National Authority).
Arusha Declaration
The Arusha Declaration was created by the TANU (Tanganyika African National Union), and it outlines African Socialism. TANU made it to increase support for African Independence and a return to a more traditional African system.
The parent state of a colony
Six-Day War
High tensions between Egypt and Israel caused the Six-Day War. After closing the Suez Canal to Israel’s business, Israel launched a strike on Egypt. Egypt’s Allies, Jordan and Syria, tried to help but could not do much. The outcome was Israel taking control of the West Bank, Golan Heights, and the Gaza Strip, and Egypt closing the Suez Canal to all traffic for a time.
Camp David Accords
The Camp David Accords is a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel that Jimmy Carter brokered at Camp David. He invited leaders of both countries to come to the US where they could make a peace deal outside of the spotlight of the press. The treaty was successful and remained in effect today; it was the first time Israel made peace with an Arab Nation.
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
The PLO is the only recognized government of Palestine. The US has declared the PLO a terrorist organization due to its role in the First and Second Intifada; however, it still has an observer role in the UN. The PLO used to recognize Israel, but recently they have halted all relationships with Israel.
The Fatah is a political group within the PLO. It is the largest faction, and it currently has control of the PLO. The Fatah also is associated with several militant groups.
Hamas is a political group within the PLO that is the rival to the Fatah. It has three wings: a fundamentalist, militant, and nationalist organization.
Khmer Rouge
Khmer Rouge was the communist party of Cambodia; they took power after the Cambodian Civil War and were highly repressive of their people. They imitated China’s great leap forward. As a result, 25% of Cambodia’s population died during their reign. Communist Vietnam invaded Cambodia and easily defeated the Khmer Rouge. The exiled government moved to Thailand until Cambodia’s monarchy was restored. A democratic government was instituted, and Khmer Rouge was disbanded.
Kashmir is north of India, east of Pakistan, and southwest of China. All three countries contest it, and multiple conflicts have risen over this territory.
Julius Nyerere
Nyerere was the Prime Minister of Tangayanica and founder of TANU and promoted African Socialism.