Unit 2: Topic 3 - Exchange in the Indian Ocean Flashcards
What new technologies facilated trade?
Navigational devices such as the atrolabe, magnetic compass and lateen sails facilitated trade. Transportation developments resulted in larger, faster ships and allowed for more reiliable navigation and large transports of goods.
What regions particpated in Indian Ocean trade?
East Africa, Mediterian basin, India, Arabia, Southern Asia & China all participated in the Indian Ocean trade network.
What did East Africa trade
East Africa mostly traded slaves & uxary goods (ivory, gold, animal skins, quartz)
What did India trade?
Agricutlural goods (grain spices) + textiles + luxary goods (precious stones + gold + ivory)
What did China trade
The Chinese traded silk, porcelain, tea
What did Arabia trade
Luxury goods (perfumes) + Agricultural products
What did Mediteranean Basin trade?
Crafts (cermanis, glassware, wine, olive oil) + Luxary goods (gold)
To what extent did the expansion of Islam impact networks of change?
The Indian Ocean Trade has existed since 200, however, the expansion of Islamic empires started early globalization. The connection of cities between the African and Asian continents were facilated by technological developments. The expansion of Islamic cities was simulatuously a result of the golden age of Islam. Technogloical developments such as rutters, the magentic compass, and the atrolabe allowed states to take advtage of the monsoon winds of the Indian ocean. The seasonal monsoons meant that trade became much easier allowing for the exchange of knowledge, religion, technology, and people.
Admiral Zheng He
Muslim admiral who traveled on seven voyages to display the might of the MIng Dynasty to the rest of the world and to receive tribute from the people he encountered. Zheng traveled to Indonesia, Ceylon, and other coastal areas on the Indian Ocean. to Arabia, and to the east coast of Africa as well as to the Cape of Good Hope. The expeditions won prestige for the Chinese goverment and opened up new markets for Chinese goods. The voyages inspired some to immgrate to ports in Southeast Asia and elsewhere.
a bustling port city in India for merchants; a thriving center of trade due to interactions with merchants from east Africa and southwest Africa
Lateen Sails
Transportation invention made popular because of their triangle shape; could easily catch winds from different directions
Stern Rudder
Invented by the Chinese, the stern rudder gave ships more stability and made them easy to maneuver
This invention allowed sailors to determine how far north or south they were from the Equator
Malacca (aka Melaka)
Wealthy Muslim city-state that acquired wealth by buidling a navy and forcing ships to pay when they pass through a narrow inlet (the Strait of Malacca) that ships often used to travel
Settlements of people away from their homeland; commonly establshed by merchants along important trade routes which promoted cultural diffusion
Western Indian Rajput kingdowm that became the go-between for trade between the East and West; the revenue from customs was worth many times more than the entire European states
Swahili city-states
Thriving city-states along the east coast of Africa such as Kilwa, Mombasa, and Zanzibar
Indian Ocrean Gyre
One of the five major ocean currents that form the global conveyor belt. The Indian Ocean gyre is composed of two major currents: the South Equatorial Current, and the West Australian Current.
A common sailing vessel in the Indian Ocean region that had one or more masts with lateen sails. Dhows are trading vessels primarily used to carry heavy items, such as fruit, fresh water, or other heavy merchandise, along the coasts of Eastern Arabia, East Africa, Yemen and coastal South Asia (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh).