Unit 7: Topic 1 - Shifting Power Flashcards
The Alliance, or Society, founded by Sun Yat-Sen on August 20, 1905 with the goal of overthrowing the Qing dynasty. They succeeded in 1911. The Tongmenghui would later form the core of Sun’s new political party the Kuomingtang, or the Chinese Nationalist Party.
The term to describe the period where General Porfirio Díaz ruled Mexico (1876-1911). There was stability and some economic progress during this time. However, too many foreign investors owned too much of Mexico’s resources. It ended after the fraudulent 1910 elections. Mexico underwent a revolution, and Diaz was forced to resign.
Plan of San Luis Potosi
A declaration written by Francisco Madero after escaping incarceration from Diaz. In this declaration, Madero rejects the outcome of the elections and implores Mexicans to engage in an armed revolt against the illegitimate ruler, Díaz. The release of this document marks the beginning of the Mexican Revolution.
1917 Constitution of Mexico
The constitution adopted by Mexico after the Mexican Revolution. It included the goals of land redistribution, universal suffrage, and public education. These principles continued to guide Mexico’s government.
The Three People’s Principles
A book by Sun Yat-Sen where he promoted his ideas for traditions that the Chinese should follow. He syncretized Christian ideas with Confucian principles such as loyalty and respect for ancestors. The three principles he promoted in his book were Democracy, Nationalism, and Livelihood.
an organized massacre of a certain ethnic group, typically jews
Mexican Revolution
Started when Porfirio Diaz imprisoned Francisco Madero, his opposing candidate for president. This, combined with growing resentment against Diaz’s actions, ignited the Revolution. Diaz was eventually overthrown.
A surname for Mustafa Kemal who led the Turkish Nationalists to defeat the British and other forces in 1921 to gain Self-Determination. Was the first president of the Republic of Turkey established in 1923. His policies focused on reforming Turkey to resemble Western democracies and wanted to create a secular nation, not an Islamic one. Implemented multiple progressive reforms such as public education for all and expanding suffrage to include women. Unfortunately, he still ruled as a dictator for 15 years.
Porifirio Díaz
The dictator controlling Mexico entering the 20th century. He oversaw a period of stability and economic progress. However, he allowed foreign investors to control many of the country’s resources. The wealthiest one percent of Mexico controlled 97 percent of the land while most Mexican peasants were landless. Due to his strong-armed policies, accommodation to foreign powers, opposition to land reform, and jailing of his political rival, the Mexican Revolution was ignited in 1910.
Sun Yat-Sen
He led the revolution that overthrew the Qing Dynasty in 1911. He is considered the first leader of the Republic of China, and he attempted to implement his principles presented in his book The Three People’s Principles. Unfortunately, he realized his position wasn’t very powerful. Various warlords across the country controlled most of the power. He gave up his position to a military leader.
Francisco Madero
Was a candidate for president in Mexico, opposing Porifirio Díaz. Diaz jailed him in 1910, which was a cause for the Mexican Revolution. Madero escaped and set up revolutionary offices in El Paso, Texas.
Young Turks
A group of reformers that emerged after the Ottoman Empire began to decline. They advocated for a constitution similar to European states and for Turkification. Many Armenians had a difficult time adapting to the Turkification and were scapegoated for the empire’s economic problems.
An effort advocated by the Young Turks to make all citizens of the Ottoman empire identify with the heavily Islamic Turkish culture.
An organization representing the revolutionary working class of Russia under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin. It seized power of Russia in the fall of 1917 and set up a government with Lenin at its head. They were communists that believed workers in factories should own the factory and therefore the products produced from the factory. They believed this collective ownership would lead to collective prosperity and a just society.
Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)
A political party formed in Mexico in 1929. Although it was widely criticized as corrupt, it dominated Mexican politics. Until 2000, all Mexican presidents were members of this party.
Emiliano Zapata
A revolutionary leader during the Mexican Revolution. He began the actual process of redistributing land to impoverished peasants.
The last emperor of the Qing (Manchu) Dynasty. He became emperor at 2 years old, and was forced to abdicate at 12 years old following several revolutions.