Unit 8 Flashcards
How did advertising change America’s shopping patterns during the 1920’s?
people bought more stuff
Describe government’s attitude toward business during the 1920s?
laissez-faire economics
Who benefitted from the growing economy of the 1920s and who was excluded?
women benefitted. unions and farmers did not
What was the direct impact of prohibition?
enforcement was nearly impossible especially because many politicians, police, and local officials privately drank and made profits from bootlegging
How did the 19th amendment impact women?
double standard. flapper look. many more women were becoming educated and graduating from high school or college
What were some of the impacts of the sexual revolution?
men and women revolted against sexual taboos, premarital sex viewed as an invention of the modern age, greater promiscuity seen through movies, novels, and dancing
Why is the 1920’s seen as a time of conflict and change?
changing traditional roles for women and minorities, scientific knowledge, advances in technology
Why was there an increase in the KKK during the 1920s?
increase in immigration
What groups were targeted by Quota Laws in the 1920s?
southern and Eastern Europeans
isolationists wanted minimal contact with Europe and saw immigrants as radicals
What was the issue behind the Scopes Trial?
taught evolution and got in trouble
What was the Harlem renaissance?
artistic movement that took pride in being black
What type of music became popular?
What were some new inventions?
radio, movies
What are the four main causes of the Great Depression?
credit, overproduction, overspeculation, loans
How did Hoover and FDR respond to the Great Depression?
Hoover-nothing. FDR-new deal
Agricultural Adjustment Act. Recovery. Raised farm prices by reducing acreage in cultivation and paying farm subsidies for lost acreage
created by the Glass-Steagall Act, guaranteed bank deposits in an effort to prevent runs on banks
employed young men to plant trees, construct dams, and complete other conservation projects
created jobs in building; sponsored artists, scholars, photographers, and writers; promoted local history research
planned industry standards to put people back to work at decent jobs and under working conditions to stimulate purchasing power and thus production
Social Security Administration
provided unemployment insurance, retirement benefits, and disability payments to workers and aided widows and dependent children in the event of a workers death
What is relief?
brought immediate assistance to those in dire need
What is recovery?
help to restore the economy, bring the nation out of depression over time
aimed to prevent a similar disastrous depression, tried to correct unsound banking and investment practices
What were the “fireside chats”
radio show by FDR explaining to the public what he was going to do
What was the impact of the New Deal?
closed banks and helped the economy
How were native Americans and african americans treated under the new deal?
they could not take advantage of the new deal programs
What was an activity used to “escape” the depression?
What caused the dust bowl? Who were the okies?
overfarming, grasshoppers, harsh winds. Okies were migrant workers who eventually went to California
Who was Huey Long?
governor of Louisiana. “Share the wealth”
Why did FDR want to “pack” the court with liberal judges? Did his court reorganization plan work?
Most judges are conservatives. His plan didn’t work since people found out
What did the hawley smoot tariff do?
raised the tariff
What was the United States foreign Policy between 1920-1930
stay out of the war and raise tariffs
What started World War 2?
Germany’s invasion of Poland
What happened on December 7th 1941
Pearl Harbor
Why did the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor?
the embargo on oil upset the Japanese so they wanted to scare us into staying out of the war
What countries belonged to the Allies?
U.S. Britain and France
Who were the “big three”
Rooseveltt, Churchill, and Stalin
Who were the axis powers?
Germany Italy and Japan
Why did African Americans join the military in WW2
they wanted to earn equal rights
How were women affected by WW2? Who was the “symbol” for women?
entered the work force. “Rosie the Riveter”
What did Native Americans contribute to the war effort?
“code talkers”
Why did the U.S. intern Japanese citizens?
they were suspected of being spies
What types of items were rationed on the homefront?
food, gasoline, water
What was the purpose of the draft?
to recruit boys to join the U.S. army
What was the military strategy used by the United States in the pacific?
island hopping
What was the strategy used by the United States in europe
get hitler first
What was Hitler’s strategy in Europe?
force Britain out of the war before the United States could intervene
What was the Japanese strategy in the Pacific?
invade Australia and Hawaii and scare the United States
What two cities were targeted by the atomic bomb?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
What was the name of the project that created the atomic bomb?
Manhattan Project
Who were the victims of the holocaust?
What did the Geneva convention state?
attempted to ensure the humane treatment of prisoners of war by establishing rules to be followed by all nations
How was Germany divided?
US and Britain got West and Soviet Union got east
What was the purpose of the United States?
was formed for nations of the world to try and prevent future global wars
What was the Lend Lease Act?
lending materials to the allies
lightening war. began in 1939
the systematic and purposeful destruction of a racial, politcal, religious, or cultural group
What was Kamikaze?
Japans military tactics. used in Iwo Jima and Okinawa
Why were we called the Arsenal of Democracy?
we were supplying Britain and helping protect Democracy
What are the four freedoms?
freedom of speech
freedom of religion
freedom from want
freedom from fear
Why was the battle of Stalingrad important?
turning point of the war. Hitler will not be able to gain Soviet Oil fields
El Ahamein
allies win to prevent Germany from gaining access to arab oil
Normandy (D-Day invasion)
biggest land invasion ever
Iwo Jima and Okinawa
U.s. gets very close to Japan and prepares for land attack. Kamikaze
Battle of Midway
turning point in Pacific in Pacific allows U.S. to start island hopping. Japan can’t take any more land