causes of the civil war quiz Flashcards
bleeding kansas
competition ensues between north and south to populate the kansas territory
john brown attacked a proslavery farm settlements killing 5 (God told him)
president pierce did nothing to address the violence
fighting even sparked in congress
(Sen. Sumner beaten over the head with a cane by a South Congress man Preston Brooks Country further split
Abraham Lincoln
won the electoral college during the election of 1860
compromise of 1850
proposed by henry clay
CA admitted as a free state and all territories gained in the Mexican Cession may use popular sovereignty
the fugitive slave act: harsher punishments for runaway slaves and those that helped them
Dred Scott Decision
Dred Scott was a slave from Missouri who had been taken to a free state where he lived for 2 years. Sued for his freedom because he lived in the North he was now free. Ruled against Scott because you are not free even if you live in a free state. He had no right to sue because he was propetry, not a person
Free-Soil Party
made up of North Democrats and Whigs. No more slavery in terriotires
Fugitive Slave Act
any captured “Slave” even if they were a freeman, were to be denied trail by jury. Those who attempted to help or hide a runaway were subject to heavy penalties
Harriet Beecher Stowe
wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Henry Clay
proposed the compromise of 1850
James Buchanan
needed to decide what to do about Kansas. Pushed Congress to accept the Lecompton Constitution
Jefferson Davis
ordered all blacks taken into battle to be sent back to the states
John Brown
attacked a proslavery farm. settlements killing 5
Kansas-Nebraska Act
proposed by Stephen Douglas. Nebraska Territory was split into 2 states. Settlers to use popular sovereignty to decide slave issue
popular sovereignty
concept proposed by Lewis Cass (whig) meant the slavery issue should be decided as territories became states
voted for Lincoln
grew due to growing ethnic tensions in the North. Hated Irish immigrants
Stephen Douglas
proposed Kansas-Nebraska Act
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Showed harshness of slavery. South did not respond well
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Douglas won seat but lost Democratic Party support especially in the south