reading notes for chapter 28 and 29 Flashcards
new frontier
a term used by JFK in his acceptance speech to inspire America to support him
clean air act, 1963
to implement and enforce regulations reducing air pollutant emissions
peace corps
a volunteer program run by the United States government. the stated mission was to help people outside the United States to understand american culture and helping americans to understand the cultures of other countries
bay of pigs
a failed military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the CIA sponsored paramilitary group brigade
cuban missile crisis
a 13-day confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union over soviet ballistic missiles deployed in cuba
the easing of hostility or strained relations between countries
great society
a domestic program in the administration of president LBJ that instituted federally sponsored social welfare programs
economic opportunity act
authorized the formation of local community action agencies as part of the war on poverty. these agencies are directly regulated by the federal government
medicare and Medicaid
medicare is designed to help senior citizens and medicaid is designed to help the other people who need help and cant afford it
immigration act of 1965
ends the discriminatory system of national origins quotas established in 1924
department of housing and urban development
legislators approved funds for education and housing
motor vehicle safety act
required states to establish highway safety programs and set first federal safety standards for automobiles
thurgood marshall
the courts first black justice
miranda v arizona
requires police to advice a suspect of his or her constitutional right to remain silent and to have a counsel present during interrogation
Civil Rights Act, 1963
banned racial discrimination and segregation in public accommodations
voting rights act
invalidated the use of any test of device to deny the vote and authorized federal examiners to register voters in states that had disfranchised blacks
disdained regular employment and consumerism, preferring to make what they needed, share it with others, and not want what they did not have
a music festival celebrating their vision of freedom and harmony
Tet offensive
americans reacted to the realization that no area of south Vietnam was secure from the enemy and that a fore that the president had claimed was beaten could initiate attacks
My Lai Massacre
under the command of first lieutenant william calley, the men of charlie company attacked the hamlet of my lai in march 1968. believing it to be a viet cong stronghold they massacred some five hundred unarmed villagers, mostly women and children
limited each nation to two antiballistic missile systems, froze each sides offensive nuclear missiles for five years and committed both countries to strategic equality rather than nuclear superiority
greensboro sit ins
a series of nonviolent protests in Greensboro