Unit 7, Part 2 Flashcards
Thomas Edison
-American; invented light bulb
Alexander Graham Bell
-invented the telephone in 1876
Guglielmo Marconi
- sent the first radio waves across the atlantic in 1901
Gottlieb Daimler
- invented the light engine; key to development of automobiles
Henry Ford
- American; revolutionized car industry with mass production of the model T
Wilbur and Oliver Wright
-US,made the first flight in a fixed-wing plane powered by gasoline engine
protective tariffs
-guaranteed domestic markets for products of their own industries (protect industry from being squashed by a bigger industry before they even get started)
- formed to decreased competition internally
- independent enterprises worked together to control prices and fix production quotas→ retrain competition → reduced prices
- Germany→ bank protect investments by eliminating anarchy of competition
- larger factories
- ????
- type of employment in which a worker is paid a fixed piece rate for each unit produced or action performed regardless of time
- poorly paid, long hours; poorest paid jobs= “slop work”
- women had no choice but to work in these places
white collar jobs
- service jobs
- belonging or pertaining to the ranks of office and professional workers whose jobs generally do not involve manual labor or the wearing of a uniform or work clothes
- increase demand ans decrease in male workers= more women workers
- clerks, typists, secretaries
- need education → more teachers; modern hospital services→ increase in nurses
- unexciting
- escape from “dirty work” of the lower class
- shift in women’s work from factories to white collar; no real increase
Josephine Butler
- objected laws that punished women but not men who suffered from venereal disease
- “shrieking sisters”= discussed sexual matters in public
- successful in gaining the repeal in 1886
Wilhelm Liebknecht and August Bebel
-Marxist leaders of the Social Democratic Party in Germany
Social Democratic Party
-it espoused revolutionary Marxist rhetoric while organizing itself as a mass political party competing in elections for Reichstag (German Parliament)
-once in Reichstag; SDP delegates work to enact legislation to improve condition of the working class
-gov tried to stop this; it only grew more
1912= received 4 million votes; largest single party in Germany
Jean Jaures
- leader of French socialism; independent
- looked to the French revolutionary tradition rather than Marxism to justify revolutionary socialism
evolutionary socialism (revisionism)
- rejection of authoritarian rule and violent revolution
- believed that in time the capitalist system would wither away and that ppl (democratically elected reps) would replace capitalist social and economic system with a socialist one
Edward Bernstein
- evolutionary socialist; member of German SDP
- argued that some of Marx’s ideas were wrong→ capitalist system was not broken down→ the middle class was expanding to declining (Evolutionary Socialism book)
- discarded Marx’s idea about class struggle and revolution
- workers must work together in mass political parties with other advanced elements in a nation to bring change
- evolution would achieve goal of socialism
- German and French socialism leaders (and Second International) condemned evolutionary socialism as heresy and opportunism→ but many socialist parties (German SDP) had revolutionary slogans but had a gradualist approach
trade unions
- unions formed by workers
- to improve working conditions
- unsuccessful
- a political theory that holds that all govs and existing social institutions are unnecessary and advocates a society based on voluntary cooperation
- prominent in less industrialized and less democratic areas
- true freedom can only be achieved by abolishing that state and all existing institutions
- early anarchists believed that ppl were inherently good but had been corrupt by state and society
- some countries went radical
Michael Bakunin
- Russian anarchist
- Russian; believed that small groups of well-trained, fanatical revolutionaries could perpetrate so much violence that the state and all its institutions would disintegrate→ anarchist golden age
- died 1876→ anarchist revolutions used assassination as primary instrument or terror (like a Russian tsar in 1881, president of the French Republic in 1894, the king of Italy in 1900, and the US president in 1901)
The Public Health Act of 1875
-Britain; prohibited construction of new buildings without running water and internal drainage system
Housing Act of 1890
- Britain; empowered local town councils to collect new taxes and construct cheap housing for the working class
- first communities to take advantage of new powers= London and Liverpool
- similar something in Germany
- failed to do much to meet housing needs or working class
- wealthy elite; industrialists; bankers, merchants
- aristocrats and plutocrats= become wealthy upper middle class; bought nice houses; country living
- common bonds
cult of middle class domesticity
- true womanhood
- women’s natural job was to work in the home
universal elementary education
- after 1870= functions of state were extended to include development of mass education in state run systems
- most W govs began to offer at least primary edu to girls and boys (most= not optional)
- states assume responsibility for quality of teachers → teacher training schools
- liberals thought that education was important to personal and social improvements and sought to teach Christian education with moral and civic training based on secular values
- no more common sense for machines→ need for more knowledge/educated ppl→ more possibilities for jobs
- mass compulsory education instilled patriotism and nationalized the masses→ opportunities for greater national integration
mass leisure
- not during work; forms of leisure that appeal to large numbers of ppl in society, including the working class
- music; dance; sports; tourism; amusement parks
mass society
- society in which the concerns of the majority-the lower classes play a prominent role
- characterized by extension of voting rights, and improved living standard of living for the lower class, and mass education
mass politics
ーW European states; a political order characterized by mass political parties and universal males and (eventually) female suffrage
Reform Act of 1884
- gave vote to all men who paid regular rents or taxes; enfranchised agricultural workers
- added another 2 million male voters to electorate
- women still denied right to vote
home rule
-self government for having separate Parliament but not complete independence
Paris Commune
-March 26, 1871= radical republicans formed independent republican gov against the French gov after France’s defeat in the Franco-Prussian War
The Third Republic
- French gov from 1870-1940
- after second empire
- parliamentary republic
- marked by social stability (except for the Alfred Dreyfus affair), industrialization, and establishment of a professional civil service
General Georges Boulanger
- popular military officer; attracted public attention of all ppl who didn’t like Third Republic (monarchists, Bonapartist, aristocrate, nationalists) who favored war against Germany (revenge)
- thought he would “save France” by a coup d’etat; 1889= lost nerve; fled
the Generation of 1898
- group on young intellectuals; called for political and social reforms
- Liberals and Conservatives attempted to enlarge electorate and win masses’ support for policies
- reforms didn’t reduce the unrest; growth of industrialization→ workers become radical socialists and anarchists
- revolt in Barcelona 1909= made clear that reform would not come easy (Catholic Church; large landowners, army= tied to conservative social order
- Bismarck’s attack on the Catholic Church; “struggle for civilization”
- secularity and reducing the role and power of the Roman Catholic Church in Prussia
- 1871-1878
nationalities problem
- Austria Hungary= problem of minorities; ethnic Germans govern Austria but felt threatened by Czechs, Poles, and other Slavic groups; difficulties dealing with this
- try to solve it by Magyarization→ Magyar language imposed on all schools; it was the only language that could be used by gov and military officials
Alexander III
- son of Alexander II (after assassination of Alexander II by populists)= thought reform was a mistake
- expand powers of secret police
- advocates of constitutional monarchy and rev groups were persecuted
- martial law
- decreased power of zemstvos
- radical Russification program
Emmeline Pankhurst
- founded Women’s Social and Political Union in 1903; enrolled mostly middle and upper class women; radical
- realized the value of the media and used unusual publicity stunts to call attention to demands
- suffragettes
- radical–> pelted gov officials with eggs; chained themselves to lampposts; smashed windows of dept store; burned railroad cars went on hunger strikes in jail
- a woman seeking the right to vote through organized protest.
- minority; diminutive
anti Semitism
- prejudice against Jews; blamed Jews for corruption of German culture
- Karl Lueger
-organized massacres
- Jewish nationalist movement; focus= Palestine
- many Jews thought that Palestine (the ancient Israel) had long been the land of their dreams
- Jews wanted national independence (like the Germans and Italians)
Theodor Herzl
- key figure in the growth of political Zionism
- The Jewish Stature= said that “Jews who wish it will have their state”
Labour Party
- 1900= reps of the trade unions and Fabian Socialists worked together to form the Labour Party
- It grew out of the trade union movement and socialist political parties of the nineteenth century
- socialist
David Lloyd George
- orator from Wales; moved by misery of Welsh coal miners; served as chancellor of Exchequer from 1908-1915
- increased tax burden on the wealthy class
- he was forced to confront the power of the House of Lords, who opposed his effort to reform tax
- transformismo; system in which old political groups were transformed into new gov coalitions by political and economic liberty
The Dreyfus affair..
-Alfred Dreyfus (Jew and captain)= found guilty by secret military court of selling army secrets; condemned to life in prison on Devil’s Island
-another officer (Catholic) was the traitor but he wasn’t held on trial bc the army (Catholic and aristocratic officers)
-public outrage= new trial→ Dreyfus was pardoned 1899; 1906= fully acquitted
impact went -everywhere→ France= change in gov
Revolution of 1905
- wave of mass political and social unrest that spread through vast areas of the Russian Empire
- Jan 9 1905= procession of workers went to the Winter Palace in St Petersburg to present a petition of grievances to the tsar
- troops opened fire in the peaceful demonstration; killed lots of ppl
- “Bloody Sunday”–> incite ppl to form strikes and form unions
- zemstvos demanded parliamentary; ethnic groups revolted; peasants burned landowners houses
- Russian
- Oct 1905= gov capitulated → October Manifesto= granted civil liberties and agreed to create a legislative assembly
- imperial
- nicholas II