Unit 5: The French Revolution and Napoleon Flashcards
balance of power
-how to counterbalance the power of one state by another to prevent any one state from dominating others
reason of state
-principle that a nation should act on the basis of it’s long term interests and not merely to further the dynastic interests of its ruling families
The War of Austrian Succession
- 1740-1748
- Frederick II the Great invaded Austria to invade Silesia (took advantage of Maria)
- war→ Austria and England= fought Prussia and France; Prussia seized Selisa; France took Austrian succession; not only in Europe
- peace treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle= 1748; promised return of all occupied territories except Silesia to their original owners
- refusal to give back silesia granted another war (Prussia and Austria)
Pragmatic Sanction
-agreed to recognize Charles VI’s daughter as legal heir (Maria Theresa)
The Seven Year’s War
- 1756-1763
- Maria Theresa= build army
- foreign minister= Count Wenzel von Kaunitz→ separate Prussia from ally, France
- france & Austria vs Prussia and GB
- diplomatic revolution
- Russia joined alliance
- diplomatic revolution of 1756⇒ led to another war; 3 major areas of conflict→ Europe, India, and N America
- some historians call the 7 yrs war the first civil war
- Europe= clash of British and Prussians against Austrians, Russians, and French
- India= Anglo-French struggle
diplomatic revolution
- change of alliances due to reason
- don’t care about past rivalries just what is best for the country
War in India
- Anglo-French struggle
- Great War for Empire
- fought in India and N America
- French returned Madras to Britain After the War of Austrian Succession but French and British supported opposing native princes
- Robert Clive
- Treat of Paris
**Robert Clive
- British general
- India
Treaty of Paris in 1763
- French withdrew and left India for the British
French and Indian War-
- French allied with Indians who thought they were less threatening than the British
- french relied on navy
- British defeated their navy
- treaty of paris= French cede Canada and lands of the east of Mississippi to Britain; Spain gave spanish Florida to British; French gave Louisiana territory to Spanish
- British= greatest colonial power in the world 1763
-practice of treating the first son as the favorite
-abandoning children at fondling homes
agricultural revolution
-application of new agricultural techniques that allowed for a large increase in productivity
Jethro Tull
- English
- 1674-1741
- discovered that using a hoe to help keep the soil loose allowed air and moisture to reach plants and enabled them to grow better
- seed drill
seed drill
- Jethro Tull
- drill to plant seeds in rows rather than scattering them by hand (lost seeds to birds)
***enclosure acts
- enclosed open fields and common land in the country, creating legal property rights to land that was before considered common
- England
- England became land of large estates; small farmers were forced to become wage workers
- destroyed traditional patterns of English village life
Bank of England
- founded in 1694; deposits and exchange foreign currencies
- loans→ lend money to gov→ allowed to issue paper “banknotes” backed by by credit
- negotiable; paper substitute for gold and silver currency