Unit 6: Europe 1815-1850 Flashcards
-ideology based on tradition and social stability that favored the maintenance of established institutions organized religion, and obedience to authority, and resisted change, especially abrupt change (revolution)
Edmund Burke
- 1729-1815
- Reflections on the Revolution in France
- reaction to French Rev, especially its radical republican and democratic ideas
- society was a contract
- state was a partnership between those “who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born”
- no one can destroy this partnership→ each generation has a duty to preserve and transmit it to the next
- didn’t like violent overthrow of gov→ didn’t reject all the changes though
- sudden change was unacceptable but that didn’t mean that there should never be gradual ot evolutionary improvements
Joseph de Maistre
- 1753-1821
- conservative; French
- most influential spokesman for counterrevolutionary and authoritarian conservatism
- accepted restoration of hereditary monarchy (divinely sanctioned institution)
- only abs monarch could guarantee “order in society” and avoid chaos generated by movements like the French Rev
Concert of Europe
- means to maintain new status quo that was constructed
- out of reaffirmation of Quadruple Alliance in Nov 1815
- renewed commitment against attempt of restoration of Bonapartist power and agreed to meet periodically in conferences to discuss their common interests and examine measures to keep the ease in Europe
- 4 congresses between 1818-1822
principle of intervention
- great powers of Europe had the right to send armies into countries where there were revolution to restore legitimate monarchs to their thrones
- GB didn’t agree; argued that the Quad Alliance was never intended to interfere in internal affairs, except France
Simon Bolivar (Venezuela) and Jose de San Marina (Argentina)
- leaders of independence movement
- attended European universities, where they imbibed the ideas of the Enlightenment
- resented domination of trade by Spain and Portugal
Simon Bolivar
- GW of Latin America; wanted to free his ppl from Spanish control
- “liberator” of Venezuela 1813
- liberated Columbia, Ecuador, and Peru
Jose de San Marina
- military in Spanish army
- abandoned military career to pursue liberation movement
- Argentina as already free of Spanish control but he believed that the Spaniards must be removed from all of S America of any nation was to remain free
- Battle of Chacabuco 1817= San Martin’s troops in Chile surprised Spaniards
- excited to work with Bolivar but disappointed
- left S America for Europe; 1850= died outside Paris
The Greek Revolt
- Greeks revolted against Ottoman Turkish masters in 1821
- Greeks= subject to Muslim control for 4 yrs but allowed to keep language and Greek Orthodox faith
- revival of Greek national sentiment at beginning of 19th century→ desire for liberation
- soon transformed into a noble cause by outpouring of European sentiment for Greeks struggle
- 1827= GB and French fleet defeated Ottoman armada
- 1828= Russia declared war on ottomans
Treaty of Adrianolpe
- 1829; ended Russian-Turkish war
- Russian recieved a protectorate over 2 provinces
- Ottomans agreed to allow Russia, France, and GB to decide the fate of Greece
- ministers largely dominated gov until 1830
- little desire to change the existing political and electoral system
- dominated by members of landed class
- beginning to receive support from new industrial middle class
- dominated by members of landed class
Corn Law of 1815
- Tory gov response to falling agricultural prices
- measure that imposed very high tariffs on foreign grain
- tariffs benefited landowner → bread prices= rose a lot; harder working class conditions
- mass protests→ Peterloo Massacre
Peterloo Massacre
- mass protest gone wrong; cavalry attacked crown of 60,000 ppl @ St Peter’s Fields in Manchester in 1819→ 11 ppl died
- led Parliament to take more repressive measures
- criticized the king’s willingness to compromise and retain so many features of the Napoleonic era
- hoped to return to monarchical system dominated by privileged landed aristocracy and restore Catholic Church to it’s former position of influence
ministerial responsibility
-ministers of the king were responsible to the legislature
- student societies dedicated to the fostering of the goal of a free, united Germany
- idea/motto= “Honor, Liberty, Fatherland”
- inspired by Friedrich Ludwig Jahn→ organized gymnastic societies during Napoleonic wars to promote regeneration of German youth
Karlsbad Decrees of 1819
- closed the Burschenschaften, provided for censorship of the press and placed the universities under close supervision and control
- Metternich
- maintained conservative status quo
Northern Union
- composed of young aristocrats who served in Napoleonic wars and became aware of world outside Russia; intellectuals alienated by censorship and lack of academic freedom in universities
- favored establishment of constitutional monarchy and abolition o serfdom
- death of Alexander I→ opportunity
**Decembrist Revolt
- December 1825
- Alexander’s (former Russian king, now dead) brother Constantine was heir to the throne but rennounced his claims in favor of his bro Nicholas
- military leaders of the northern Union rebelled against the accession of Nicholas
***The Industrial Revolution
-made GB the wealthiest country in the world (1850); spread to New World
-material wealth used or available for use in the production of more wealth→ for investment in new industrial machines and factories that were needed to house them
flying shuttle
-sped up process of weaving on a loom → double output
spinning jenny
- James Hargreaves; enabled spinners to produce yarn in greater quantities
water frame
- Richard Arkwright; spinning machine; powered by water or horse;
-Samuel Compton; combined aspects of the water frame and spinning jenny; increased yarn production even more
power llom
- Edmund Cartwright; 1787; allowed weaving of of cloth to catch up with the spinning of yarn
James Watt
- created steam engine
- engine steamed by steam that could pump water from mines 3 times as quickly as previous engines
- created rotary engine= turn a shaft and drive machinery
- steam power= applied to spinning and weaving cotton
- fired by coal→ didn’t need to be located near rivers→ flexibility of choice of location for entrepreneurs
- indispensable; tireless (unlike horses)
Cort Process
- puddling
- coke was used to burn away impurities in pig iron (product of smelting iron ore with coke) to produce an iron of high quality called wrought iron (lower carbon content; malleable and able to withstand strain)
- boom in British iron industry
- high quality wrought iron→ widely used metal until production of cheaper steel in 1860s
- new transportation
- start in mining business
- wooden rails→ cast iron rails (still dependent on horsepower)–> mining and industrial districts
- production of steam engine→ radical transformation of railways
Stephenson’s Rocket
- George Stephenson and son
- used on the first public railway line (1830)
- 16 miles per hour
Great Exhibition of 1851
-world’s first industrial fair; displayed products created by the industrial Rev
at the Crystal Palace
-represented imperial power→ goods from India with exhibits of cotton, tea and flax; silk, jewels, shawls, elephant canopy
-domination over nature too (trees)
-displayed Britain’s wealth to the world; symbol of British success
-divine will (accomplish the will of God)
-some ppl thought they were a wasteful and ridiculous excess of the labor intensive production practice of the East, which would not compare to enlightened British labor prices
Crystal Palace
-Kensington in London; made entirely out of glass (tribute to British engineering skills
joint stock investment bank?????
Ireland’s Great Hunger
- most oppressed areas in Europe
- cultivation of the potato= gave Irish peasants a basic staple that enabled them to survive and expand
- depend on potato to survive
- ppl started to marry earlier and have kids earlier→ population growth (doubled)
- 1845= potato crop was struck with fungus that turned the potatoes black
- more the 1 mill ppl died of starvation; 2 mil ppl emigrated to US or Britain
- emigration= most came from Ireland or Germany where peasant life was reduced
- the outer ring of the city→ individual houses and gardens
Poor Law Commission
- detailed reports
- investigators were struck by physically and morally debilitating effects of urban life on the poor
- young working class men were shorter and skinnier→ more prone to disease
- alarmed by moral consequences of these living conditions (prostitution, crime, sexual immorality) → effects of horrible living conditions
Edwin Chadwick
- one of the best of a new breed of urban reformers
- wanted to eliminated poverty and squalor in metropolitan areas
- Report on the Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain= research about living conditions and their causes
- it was because of atmospheric impurities produced by decomposing animal and vegetable substances, by damp and filth, and close overcrowding places everywhere
- need to fix this (modern sanitary reforms→ efficient sewers and supply of piped water)
- 6 yrs later→ Britain’s first Public Health Act created the National Board of Health empowered to form local boards that would establish modern sanitary systems
- ppl were willing to support bc they feared cholera
- middle class
- existed since middle ages-
***Barclays and Lloyds
new elite
-wealthiest members of bourgeois (have estates, and social respectability) merge with old elite
working class
- mix of groups
- eventually form a industrial proletariat
- artisans/craftsppl= largest group of urban workers during first half of 19th
- some crafts ppl (build coaches, clock making) formed a kind of aristocracy of labor and earned higher wages than others
- artisans= not factory workers; traditionally organized in guilds (apprentices)
- guilds losing power, especially in industrialized countries
- artisans were scared of losing to industries (make things cheaper), so they went against it
- industrialist welcomed the decline of skilled craftsppl
- servants= large group of urban workers (London and Paris) → many from countryside; dependent
bad air
gas fumes from coal mines
child labor
- important
- work in fields, carding, or spinning
- delicate for spinning
- small=crawl under machines to get loose cotton
- VERY low wages
- worked 12-15 hrs per day; 6 days a week in cotton mills
- pauper apprentices= orphans or abandoned children who wound up in local parishes
- Parliament eventually fixed some of the problems
- only affected child labor in textile factories and mines, not small workshops or nanofactory trades
**cyclical depressions
-depression that comes and goes
Combination Acts
- 1799 and 1800
- outlaw associations of workers
- didn’t prevent the formation of trade union
- 1824= accepted the argument of some members that they had formed unions
- unions are tolerated but other legislation enabled authorities to keep close watch over activities
trade unions
- formed by skilled workers in a number of new industries
- association of workers in the same trade, formed to help members get better wages, benefits, and working conditions
- to preserve their own worker’s position by limiting entry to their trade
- to gain benefits from other employers
- win improvements
Robert Owen
- 1771-1858
- believed in the creation of voluntary associations that would demonstrate to others the benefits of cooperative rather than competitive living
- ideas appeals to trade union leaders
Grand National Consolidated Trades Union
- formed feb 1934
- national federation of trade unions
- primary purpose= coordinated a general strike for the 8hr working day
- by summer of 1934= lack of real working-class support led to the federation’s total collapse→ union movement reverted to trade unions for individual crafts
- largest and most successful= Amalgamated Society of Engineers in 1850
- practical gains
- Luddites= skilled craftsppl in the Midlands and N England who attacked the machines that they believed threatened their livelihoods in 1812
- attacks failed
- eruption of feeling against unrestrained industrial capitalism
- first important political movement of working men organized during the 19th century
- aim= achieve political democracy
- Chartism attempted to encourage change through peaceful, constitutional means (but there was a threat of force)
- women participated (female sections) but fought for political rights for their husbands, not themselves (Chartist platform didn’t include the right of women to vote)
- isn’t pose a threat
factory acts
- 1802-1819; limited labor of children between 9 and 16 years old to 12 hours a day
- employment of children under 9 yrs old was forbidden
- specified that children were to receive instruction in reading and arithmetic during working hours
- only applied to cotton mills, not factories or mines (where some of the worst abuses were)
- no provision was made for enforcing the acts through a system of inspection
- 1833= all factories were included
- children between ages 9 and 13 could only work 8 hours a day; ages 13-18 work 12 hours
- factory inspectors were appointed with the ability to fine those who broke the law
Ten Hours Act
- 1847; reduced the workday for children between ages 13-18 to ten hours
- women were included in the 10 hour limit