Unit 3 Part 2 (3.4) Flashcards
James I of England
- was James VI of Scotland
- 1603-1625
- believed in the divine right of kings
- Puritans wanted James to eliminate the episcopal system of church organization used in the Church of England (bishops/episcopos played major admin role)
- they wanted a Presbyterian model (used in Scotland; patterned after Calvin’s church organization in Geneva; ministers/elders (presbyters) played an important governing role)
- James refused→ bishops were a major support to the crown
- he said “no bishops, no king”
balanced polity
- monarch and Parliament ruled England together
- what parliament believed
-Protestants in the Anglican Church inspired by Calvinist theology
Charles I
-son of James I
-Parliament passed the Petition of Right
-at first he accepted it but then he grew to not like the limitations it took on royal power
-1629-1640= didn’t summoned Parliament; personal rule without Parliament
-he married a Catholic woman→ suspicions about his religious inclinations
-Charles and William Laud (archbishop of canterbury) → introduced more ritual into the Anglican Church→ Puritans though this as a return to popery
-calling Parliament= focus on discontent throughout the land
-they imposed Anglican Book of Common Prayer on Scottish Presbyterians⇒ Scots rose in rebellions to Charles
-Long Parliament= put limitations on royal power
Petition of Right
- 1628 (during Charles I)
- king was supposed to accept before being granted any tax revenues
- prohibited taxation without Parliament’s consent, arbitrary imprisonment, quartering of soldiers in private houses, and declaration of martial law in peacetime
English Civil War
- 1642-1646
- Parliament victorious
- New Model Army= made up of more extreme Puritans (Independents) who thought they were doing a battle for the Lord
- Oliver Cromwell
- captured Charles I and executed him
- split in the parliamentary forces (Presbyterian and army (radical Independents)
- Cavaliers vs Roundheads
- ppl who want strong monarchy and Anglican Church governed by bishops appointed by crown vs ppl who favored Parliamentary monarchy and Presbyterian Church
Oliver Cromwell
- one of the New Model Army’s leaders
- his crusaders were well disciplined and trained in the latest military tactics
- held power after civil war
- The Commonwealth= abolished monarchy and House of Lords
- power= Cromwell + Parliament
- fought Levellers
- crushed radicals
- Protestant landlords replaced Catholic property owners
- 1/2 of Ireland’s population perished from famine/plague
- Navigation Act 1651= barred Dutch ships from carrying goods between other countries and england
- game England greater control over American colonies
- 1655→ Cromwell ended Parliament; divided country into 11 regions, each ruled by a major general who served virtually as a military governor
- he died in 1658
- radicals; advocated ideas as freedom of speech, religious toleration, and democratic republic
- equal rights to all
- argued for the right to vote for all male householders over the age of 21
- called for annual Parliaments , women’s equality with men, and gov programs to care for the poor
- rejected religious hierarchies
- allowed women to preach at their meetings
Restoration of the Monarchy
- restored the monarchy, the Church of England, and Parliament
- Charles II and James II
Charles II
-eldest son of Charles I
-11 yrs of exile→ return to England
-Charles II had his own ideas
new Parliament (Cavalier Parliament) men in 1661; restored Anglican Church as official church of England
-laws were passed to force everyone (Catholics and Puritan Dissenters) to conform to the Anglican Church
-Charles= sympathetic to Catholicism
-bro James= Catholic
-1672= Declaration of Indulgence⇒ suspended the laws against Catholics and Puritans
-Parliament didn’t like this → wanted king to temp stop declaration
-Parliament passes the Test Act of 1673
Test Act of 1673
- passed by Parliament
- only Anglicans could hold military and civil offices
Whigs and Tories
- Whigs= wanted to exclude James and establish a Protestant king with toleration of Dissenters
- Tories= supported king, despite their dislike of James as a Catholic bc they believed Parliament should not play with the lawful succession to the throne
- they were the first political parties in the English speaking world
James II
- 1685-1688
- Catholic
- opposite of Test Act⇒ James named Catholics to high positions in gov, army, navy, and universities
- new Declaration of Indulgence 1687= suspended all alwa barring Catholics and Dissenters from office
- no rebellion bc he is an old man, might die soon→ daughters Anne and Mary = Protestant (1st wife)
- 1688 June 10→ son of James born (2nd wife who is a Catholic)
Glorious Revolution
- 1688
- William of Orange and Mary (wife) were invited by the united Whigs and Tories to overthrow James for the sake of Protestantism
- James II fled to France
- 1689 Jan Convention Parliament= declared that James tried to overthrow the constitution by “breaking the original contract between king and people” and declared the throne of England vacant
- Bill of Rights, 1689= William and Mary were required to follow this
- revolution ended the 17 century struggle between king and Parliament