Unit 5, Part 2 Flashcards
***Abbe Sieyes
- pamphlet→ What is Third Estate? Everything. What has it been thus far in the political order? Nothing. What does it demand? to become something.
- not general feeling of nation→ some ppl still wanted to make changes within the framework of respect for authority of king (revival or reform didn’t mean to overthrow traditional institutions)
National Assembly
- evolutionary assembly formed by the representatives of the Third Estate of the Estates-General
- thereafter it was known as the National Constituent Assembly
- wanted to make a new constitution
Tennis Court Oath
- National Assembly swore that they would meet until they had produced a French constitution (break with estates general)
- both the first step in the French revolution (third estate had no legal right to act as the National Assembly
- revolution in jeopardy; king sided with first estate and wanted to dissolve Estates-General→ Louis XVI use force
Fall of the Bastille
- most famous urban uprisings
- it used to be a prison
- parisian mob attacked the bastille
- marquis de launay= commander, wanted to negotiate
- he surrendered
- Parisians think of it as a great victory and it became the popular symbol of triumph over despotism
The Great Fear
- vast panic that spread like wildfire through france between July 20-August 6
- fear of invasion of foreign troops supported by aristocrats
- encouraged formation of more citizen’s militias and permanent committees
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
- provided for an ideological foundation for its actions and an educational device for nation
- charter for basic liberties
- French enlightened ideas; from dec of independence and US constitution
- natural rights
- no privileges
- no exemption from taxation
- freedom of speech and press
Olympe de Gouges
- French playwright and pamphleteer
- the chief advocate for political rights of women
- didn’t like exclusion of women from political rights
- Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen= insisted that women should have all the same rights as men
- National Assembly ignored her
***Women’s March to Versaille
- October 5= Parisian women, thousands, marched to Versaille (from 12 miles away) to confront the king and the National Assembly
- meeting with delegation of women→ told how children were starving for lack of break
-form of paper money; issued based on the collateral of the newly nationalized church property
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
- july 1790
- bishops and priest of Catholic Church were to be elected by the ppl and paid by state
- all clergy were required to swear an oath of allegiance to the Civil Constitution
- pope forbade this
- only 54% of French parish clergy took the oath and majority of bishops refused
- Church= still important institution in lives of French ppl but enemy of Revolution
- counterrevolution= popular base for ppl to operate
- emerged as a gathering of more radical deputies at the beginning of the Revolution
-member= usually elite and tradesppl and artisans
**Legislative Assembly
- followed the National Assembly
- clerics and nobles were mostly gone
- most of reps were men of property; many were lawyers
- until national convention
Declaration of Pillnitz
- passed by Emperor Leopold II of Austria and King Frederick William of Prussia
- invites other European monarchs to take effectual means to put the king of France in a state to strengthen, in perfect liberty, the bases of a monarchical gov equally becoming to the rights of sovereigns and to the well-being of the French Nation
- against French Revolution
La Marseillaise
- French army invaded Austrian Netherlands (Belgium) but was routed; Paris feared invasion→ National Assembly called for 20,000 National Guardsmen from provinces to come and defend Paris
- one group came from Marseille and sang this song
- national anthem for France
*****national convention
-chosen on the basis of universal male suffrage to decide on the future form of gov
***Paris Commune
- power was passed onto them from the legislative assembly
- composed of many who proudly call themselves the sans-culottes
-ordinary patriots without fine clothes
George Danton
- newly appointed minister of justice
- led the sans-culottes seeking revenge on those who aided the king and resisted the popular will
- fears of treachery→ advance of Prussia army on Paris
- presumed traitors arrested; massacred
National Convention
- Sept 1792
- single chamber assembly, called to draft a new constitution; also acted as sovereign ruling body of France
- dominated by lawyers, pros and property owners; and some artisans;
- almost all had political experience; most didn’t trust king and his activities
- 1st major step= sept 21; abolish monarchy and establish republic
- split into factions over fate of the king
- Girondin and the Mountain
- leaders came from dept of Gironde, located in SW France
- feared the radical mobs in Paris; wanted to keep king alive as a hedge against future eventualities
- both members of Jacobin club
the Mountain
- members’ seats were on the side of the convention hall where the floor slanted upward
- represented interests in city of Paris; owed much of it’s strength to radical and popular elements of city
- middle class
**the Vendee
Committee of Public Safety
- executive committee initially dominated by Danton -12 member -gave country leadership to control domestic and foreign crisis of 1793 Maximilien Robespierre
Maximilien Robespierre
- small town lawyer, member of Estates-General
- wanted to use power to benefit the ppl (love the ppl (in general, not one-to-one))
Reign of Terror
- established by National Convention and Committee of Public Safety
- revolutionary courts were organized to protect Republic from internal enemies (those who supported tyranny and were not a part of the revolution)
- victims of Reign of Terror (50,000 ppl) = ranged from royalists (Marie Antoinette) to former rev Girondins (Olympe de Gouge)
- revolutionary device for quick and efficient separation of heads from bodies
- most of executions= in the Vendee and in cities, like Lyons and Marseille (places open in rebellion against authority of National Convention
Law of the General Maximum
- established price control on goods declared of first necessity (food, drink, fuel, clothing)
- controls failed to work very well bc the gov lacked machinery to enforce them
- secularization of church
- aimed at creating secular society by eliminating Christian forms and institutions from French society
- “saint” removed from street names; churches pillaged and closed by rev armies; priest encouraged to marry
- Temple of REASON
Temple of Reason
- cathedral of Notre Dame
- ceremony dedicated to worship the reason
- liberty
new republican calendar
- (Oct 5 1793)→ years not numbered by birth of Jesus but from Sept 22, 1792, the day the French Republic was proclaimed→ by now French are living in year II
- 12 months; each month had 3 10 day weeks called decades
- 10th day of each week a rest day (decadai)
- no more Sunday worship days, church holidays, → less non-working holidays
- religious festivals replaced by revolutionary festivals
- 5 days at end of the year to celebrate revolutionary virtues during festival→ Virtue, Intelligence, Labor, Opinion, and Rewards
- rename months
- opposition!!!!
Toussaint L’Ouverture
-took leadership of revolt; son of African slaves, seized control of Hispaniola
Napoleon liked equality but thought that the massacres showed the true savage nature of slaves
-he was captured
-Jan 1 1804→ western part of Hispaniola (Haiti) announced its freedom and became first independent state in Latin America
*** Thermidorian Reaction
- execution of Robespierre
- was a revolt within the French Revolution against the leadership of the Jacobin Club over the Committee of Public Safety
- executive authority
-5 directors elected by Council of Elders from a list presented by Council of 500
Gracchus Baebuf
radical; went beyond earlier goals
- wanted to abolished private property and eliminate private enterprise
- Conspiracy of Equals → 1796 crushed; he was executed in 1797
- before ppl wanted to either restore the monarchy or not restore monarchy
Napoleone Buonaparte
-dominated French and European history from 1799-1815
-great military commander
- read works of philosophes (Rousseau); educated himself on in military matter by studying campaigns of great military leaders from the past
-Josephine de Beauharnais
-1804= crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I
-wanted to limit arbitrary ogv→ became more autocratic than the old regime
(kinda like a dictator)
*****Italian and Egyptian Campaign
-Napoleon wanted to take Egypt and threaten India, a major source of British wealth→ weakened Britain but British cut of supplies to his army in Egypt
***First Consul
- there were 3 consuls but they thought that the decision of the first consul was good enough
- Napoleon was First Consul→ controlled executive authority of gov
- influence over legislature; appointed members of bureaucracy, controlled army, conducted foreign affairs
the Concordat
-agreement between pope and Napoleon
-1801; pope gained right to depose French bishops but little real control over French Catholic Church
-state has real control
-clergy and ministers paid by state
The Civil Code
- Code Napoleon; preserved most of the revolutionary gains
- reflected the revolutionary desire for a uniform legal system, legal equality, and protection of property and individuals
- equality of citizens before the law
- religious toleration; no serfdom and feudalism
- undid ease of divorce and undid the restricted rights of fathers/husband made in the Rev
- responsible for supervising all aspects of local gov; agents of central gov
- not local men→ careers depended on central gov
Germaine de Stael
- prominent writer; refused to accept Napoleon’s growing despotism
- educated in enlightened ideas
- set up a salon in Paris→ prominent intellectual center by 1800
- she wrote novels and political works→ denounced Napoleon’s rule as tyrannical
- Napoleon banned her books and exiled her to German states→ continued to write
- returned to Paris after Napoleon was overthrown
**Peace of Amiens
- treaty signed GB, France, Britain
- didn’t last bc British and French both regarded it as temporary and had little intention of adhering to its terms
Battle at Austerlitz
- more war after peace of amiens
- Napoleon vs Tsar Alexander I (Russian army) and Austrian troops
- French outnumbered by tsar picked poor terrain; Napoleon defeated them; tsar went back to Russia
The Grand Empire
-Napoleon; 3 major parts
-French empire (inner core of Grand Empire); dependent states (Spain, Netherlands, kingdom of Italy; Swiss republic; Grand Duchy of Warsaw; Confederation of the Rhine (union of all german states except Austria and Prussia)
); allied states (Russia, Austria, and Russia)
-demanded obedience
-tried to destroy old order→ nobility and clergy lost privileges
-merit; equality before law; religious toleration
Battle at Trafalgar
- Napoleon (with help of Spanish navy) couldn’t defeat the British navy
- Britain’s survival= seapower; as long as they ruled the sea, they were invulnerable to military attack
Continental System
- it attempted to prevent British goods from reaching the European continent in order to weaken Britain economically and destroy its capacity to wage war
- allied resented
- new markets in Mediterranean and Latin America for British
-emphasis on fraternite= brotherhood
Johann Gottlieb Fichte
- philosopher; at first welcomed the French Revolution for freeing the human spirit
- became a supporter of German national spirit radically different from that of France
- awaken dream of German nationalism (19th century)
- where Napoleon was sent after he was defeated the first time
- allowed to ruled this island
Battle of Waterloo
- Napoleon came back to France; still thought of himself as Emperor
- Napoleon raised an army to fight allied forces
- June 18 1814
- Napoleon vs Prussian army and British army
Saint Helena
-where Napoleon was exiled to the second time after coming back to France (Waterloo)
Congress of Vienna
- GB, Austria, Prussia, and Russia= Quadruple Alliance
- defeated Napoleon→ restore Bourbon monarchy to France (Louis XVIII)
- Congress of Vienna= In sept 1814 to arrange a final peace settlement
- order established by Congress of Vienna managed to avoid general European conflict for almost 100 yrs
Prince Klemens von Metternich
- leader at Congress of Vienna
- experience diplomat
- conceited self assured
- Metternich thought that he was guided at Vienna by the principle of legitimacy
principle of legitimacy
- idea that peace should be established (after Napoleon) in Europe by restoring legitimate monarchs who would preserve traditional institutions
- this was done in France and Spain (restoration of Bourbons) and in Italian states (rulers returned to throne)
- some places ignored this
balance of power
- to prevent any one country from dominating Europe
- Prussia and Austria needed to be strengthened to balance Russia’s gains→ avoid great danger