Unit 7: Europe 1850-1914 Flashcards
**Louis Napoleon
- 1808-1873
- first president of the French Second Empire–> became emperor Napoleon III
- chief of state
- improve worldwide economic economic prosperity as well as his own economic policies
- reconstruction of Paris; direction of Baron Haussmann
- liberalized regime
- not successful in Mexican foreign policy
Baron Haussmann
- directed the reconstruction of Paris
- medieval parts were destroyed and replaced with modern stuff (boulevards; spacious buildings; circular plazas; public squares; underground sewage system; new public water supply; gaslights)
- military and aesthetic purpose
- broad streets make it difficult to put up barricades and easier for troops to move rapidly through cities to put down revolts
Archduke Maximilian of Austria
- Napoleon installed him as emperor of Mexico
- when french troops were needed in europe; max became an emperor without an army
- surrendered to mexican liberal forces in may 1867; executed in june
***The Crimean War
- 1854-8156
- ottoman empire declining
- start of war= 1853; Russians demanded right to protect Christian shrines in Palestine (already extended to french)–> Ottomans refuse; russians took 2 provinces→ couldn’t resolve; declare war oct 4, 1854
- 1855 March 28; Brit and France declare war on Russia bc british feared a upset in the balance of powers; french were insulted by russians bccongress of vienna and now replaced them as the protectors of christians living in the ottoman empire?
- Austrians didn’t help russians
- Treaty of Paris march 1856; russians forced to give up Bessarabia and accept neutrality of black sea
- 2 provinces under great powers’ control
- destroyed concert of europe and broke up long-standing european power relationships
Florence Nightingale
- helped make nursing an admirable profession for middle class women
- more soldiers would have died if not for her in the Crimean War
- insistence on strict sanitary conditions saved lives
***Victor Emmanuel II
- king of Piedmont
- Count Camillo di Cavour as prime minister in 1852
- became
**Count Camillo di Cavour
- an Italian statesman and a leading figure in the movement toward Italian unification
- economic expansion
- more money for large armies
- ???
Giuseppe Garibaldi
-southern Italy
- new leader of italian unification; patriot; supported Mazzini and Young Italy
-army= Red Shirts
-won most of Sicily; wanted to march to rome
-Cavour thought that marching to rome would bring war with france (papal defenders); he didn’t let Garibaldi do this
- German customs union; 1834
- formed by prussia
- eliminated tolls on rivers and roads in member states; stimulated trade and added to the prosperity of its member states
- 1825= all GErman states except austria joined Prussian dominated customs union
- middle class liberals began to see Prussia differently→ some thought it would bring German unification
King William I
- king after Frederick William IV
- he and advisors believed that the mary was in dire need of change if prussia was to remain a great power
- wanted to double the size of it; institute 3 yrs of military service for all young men
- middle class liberals scared of this bc they believed the gov would use it to inculcate obedience to the monarchy and strengthen the influence of conservative-military clique in Prussia
Count Otto von Bismarck
-prime minister
-determined course of modern German history
- politics of reality; politics based on practical concerns rather than theorists or ethics
- succeeded in guiding prussia’s unification of Germany
- moderate; waged war only when all other diplomatic alternatives had been exhausted and when he was reasonably sure that all the military and diplomatic advantages were on his side
- 1862-1866= he governed prussia by ignoring parliament; parliament did nothing
- wars were more diplomatic and political rather than military
- always made sure that prussia was fighting one opponent and that the opponent was isolated diplomatically
- Danish war arose over these duchies
- Danish go wanted to incorporate the 2 duchies into denmark→ German nationalists didn’t like this bc both had large German population and regarded as German states
- Danes were defeated
- surrendered Schleswig and Holstein; Prussia took Schleswig and Austria administered Holstein
***The Austro-Prussian War
- 1866
- russia and france= neutral
- austria and prussia isolated
- prussia had better weapons
- prusssian victory over austria and creation of N German Confederation= proved to NApoleon III’s dictum that nationalism and authoritarian gov could be combined
- Bismarck used nationalism to win support of liberals and prevent gov reform; liberalism and nationalism could be separated
North German Confederation
- German states north of Main River organized into this during the austro-prussian war
- controlled by prussia
- southern states independent
- constitution= local gov; king of prussia was head of confederation; chancellor (bismarck) was responsibly directly to the king
The Franco-Prussian War
- 1870-1871
- Bismarck and WIlliam I achieved goals (prussia dominate all of N Germany and Austria excluded from any sig role in german affairs)
- France would never be content with strong german states to its east bc of potential threat to French security
- Napoleon needed diplomatic triumph to offset domestic problems; French wanted to humiliated prussians
- Spain overthrowing Isabella II for Leopold (Hohenzollern)–> France is encircled by members of Hohenzollern dynasty
- French lose war (pay 1 billion dollars)
- Germany merged into Prussia (not prussia into germany)
- William I= proclaimed emperor of Second German Empire
***Ems Telegram
- telegram from William I for france
- Bismarck made it seem more insulting to France than it actually was–> French declare war
Ausgleich of 1867
- Compromise; created a Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary
- each empire has own constitution, bicameral legislature, gov machinery for domestic affairs, and capital
- single monarch= Francis Joseph (emperor of Austria and king of Hungary); common army, foreign policy, system of finances
- domestic affairs= hungary was independent
- didn’t satisfy other nationalities→ enabled German speaking Austrians and Hungarians Magyars to dominate the minorities (Salvs) in their respectives states
Tsar Alexander II
- came to power in midst of Crimean War; all energy to reboot Russia
- wanted to abolish serfdom (biggest problem in russia)
- village commune, collectively responsible for the peasant’s land payments to the gov
- mir technically owned the land, not the individual peasants
- didn’t allow peasants to leave their land
Alexander Herzen
- (russian exile living in london)–> “Land and Freedom”; believed that russian peasant must be the chief instrument for social reform
- peasant communes should be self gov bodies that would form the basis of a new russia→ became known as **populism
-aim= create new society through revolutionary acts of the peasants
Benjamin Disraeli
- tory leader
- motivated by desire to win over newly enfranchised groups to Conservative Party
- Reform Act of 1867
- believed that this would benefit the Conservatives→ it was a Liberal victory in 1868
William Gladstone
- Liberal (ed act of 1870= no abuses; allow ppl w talent compete fairly→ strengthen nation & institutions
- liberal reforms= opened civil service positions to competitive exams rather than patronage (secret ballot for voting
- abolished practice of purchasing military commission
- Education Act of 1870= attempted to make elementary schools available for all children
Reform Act of 1867
- important step towards democratization of GB
- lower monetary requirements for voting (taxes paid or income earned) → enfranchised many make urban workers
- number of votes increased
Louis Pasteur
- Frenchman; biologist; made germ theory of disease
- enormous practical applications in development of modern scientific medical practices
- proved that microorganisms of various kinds were responsible for the process of fermentation→ launch of science of bacteriology
- vaccines
Dmitri Mendeleyev
- Russian; classified all material elements then known on the basis of their atomic wieghts and provided the systematic foundation for periodic law
Michael Faraday
- Englishman; discovered phenomenon of electromagnetic induction and put together a primitive generator that laid the foundation for the use of electricity (economically efficient generators were not built until 1870s)
- the belief that everything mental, spiritual, or ideal was simply a result of physical forces
- truth= found in concrete material existence of human beings, not in revelations gained by feeling or intuitive flashes (Romanticism)
- development of theory of organic evolution according to natural selection
Charles Darwin
- scientist; ameteur; studied animals and plants on an official Royal Navy scientific expedition on the H.M.S Beagle
- compare animals untouched by external influence with those on the mainland
- no special creation–> evolution
- natural selection and organic evolution
- ppl didn’t like his ideas at first
- some believed that his theory made humans look ordinary products of nature, not unique
- others= disturbed by implications of life as struggle for survival (no place for moral values)
- ppl who believed in rational order→ his ideas eliminated purpose and design from the universe
natural selection
- organisms that are most adaptable to their environments survive and pass on variations that enabled them to survive, while less adaptable organisms become exintct
- “survival of the fittest”
- On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
organic evolution
- all plants and animals had evolved over a long period of time from earlier and simpler forms of life
- idea from Thomas Malthus
- struggle for existence bc more ppl are produced than can possibly survive
- ppl who succeeded adapted to env
- process made by appearance of variants→ chance variations that were in the process of inheritance enabled some organisms to be more adaptable (natural selection)
- humans too
- heating of a product to destroy the organisms causing spoilage
Joseph Lister
- developed antiseptic principle; one of the first ppl to deal with this problem
- thought that bacteria enters a wound and causes infection
- used carbolic acid (disinfectant) to eliminate infections during surgery
- patient no longer suffered from “hospital gangrene”
- sulfuric ether= used in operations→ chloroform used as anesthetic
Elizabeth Blackwell
- achieved first major breakthrough for women in medicine
- admitted to geneva College of Medicine by mistake→ perseverance and intelligent won her respect from male students; received M.D degree in 1849; established her own clinic in NYC
- firsted used in 1850 to describe a new style of painting and soon spread to literature
- emphasized everyday life of ordinary ppl, depicted with photographic accuracy; in an interest in the natural environment
Gustave Flaubert
- Frenchman; leading novelist in 1850s-1860s
perfected the realist novel
-Madame Bovary= straightforward description of barren and sordid small town life in France
-contempt for bourgeois society
William Thackeray
- wrote Britain’s prototypical Realist novel→ Vanity Fair: A Novel Without a Hero
- thought a novel should convey as strongly as possible the sentiment of reality as opposed to a tragedy ot poem which may be heroical
Charles Dickens
- greatest Victorian novelist; realist novels focus on lower nad middle classes in Britain’s early industrial age
- successful; descriptions of the urban poor and brutalization of human life were vividly realistic
Gustave Courbet
- most famous artist in realist school; word realism first used to describe one of his paintings
- everyday life
- subjects= factory workers; peasants; wives of saloon keepers
- representation of human misery
Jean Francois Millet
- painter; scenes from rural life (peasants laboring in fields)
- his realism contained some romantic sentimentality
- The Gleaners= peasant women gather in grain field→ symbiotic relationship between humans and nature
Franz Liszt
- Hungarian born composer; example of New German School achievements; prodigy; credited with introducing the concept of the modern piano recital
- invented the term symphonic poem to refer to his orchestral works (not really traditional, based on literary or pictorial ideas)
- greatest pianist of all time
*****The Ring of the Nibelungen (The Ring Cycle)
-series of 4 music dramas dealing with th mythical gods of the ancient German epic
-Richard Wagner