Unit 7 Nots: Middle Ages & Reformation Flashcards
An area under the pastoral care of a bishop
The main bishop and head of the Roman Catholic Church
Ambrose of Milan
Separated who’s in charge
states in charge of laws
Church in charge of church matters
(church stays out of political matters)
Arian Beliefs
Christ was a created and individual being. not actually God
Nestorius Beliefs
Believed in the joined Godhead
Nestorians Bible
Used late 4th century latin translation because only they spoke latin,
Nicene Creed
Statement of beliefs written in 325 AD to settle disagreements.
only creed affirmed by Roman Catholic Church
St. Jerome’s Vulgate
in 382 AD Jerome translated the Vulgate for Pope Damasus I
he revised the Vetus Latina Gospels used by the Roman Catholic Church
A latin version of the Bible
St. Augustine
Proposed the ideas:
a “City of God” (prosperous and holy city on earth)
the idea of Heaven
Roman Catholic Church gains power in Western Europe
Focus on Cultural preservation
started welfare
Alms given
the way the church made money
Pope Gregory I
Believes in “kingdom of God”
Secular/political power given to the Pope:
Lay investiture
the king has the right to appoint religious figures
Eastern Orthodox Church
In Constantinople
Contrast with Catholicism:
Marriage - more open to different marriages
Greek - understood greek/original bible
Iconoclast Controversy
Emperor Leo III lead the Orthodox Church and proclaimed Iconoclasm.
believed that God was infinite and divine so he cannot be in any pictures or defined as a person
Great Schism
600 AD
east and west split over beliefs. Eastern monasteries were worshiping idols, western Romans don’t like that.
Terrorize England
Some would come fight for plunder, some would invade and live there.
Canute 1016 AD
King Canute conquers England
Alfred the Great
held off the Vikings for a bit.
People thought he was the answer to the Viking prayers
Anglo Saxons
King Canute Combined the Anglos and Saxons Combined Vikings into society as well
Edward the confessor
Successor to King Canute.
Died without heir.
Causes civil war over who should be the new King.
William the Conqueror
takes over after Edward because they’re cousins. Duke of Normandy.
Descendant of Vikings.
Harold Godwinson
Claims throne at the same time as William
They cause civil war.
Harold dies and William declares England his.
a member of a people who originated in the Urals and migrated westward to settle in what is now Hungary in the 9th century AD.
kings had control over territory,
no set country borders
Mutual Obligation (Feudalism)
Everyone gets something out of ruling
Lord (Feudalism)
Kings put Lords in charge of a small portion of territory
Vassal (Feudalism)
People the Lords give land to
they run the land and the Lords get part of the profit
Fief/Fiefdom (Feudalism)
Land or things given by Lords so you can help others in return (small states/territories)
Peasants and serfs
work the land that is given to their bosses
Plantagenets (england)
henry II
Sends judges and juries in every part of their territory, making decisions loyal to him.
Expanded territory and took control of Aquitaine
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Wife of Louis VII then Henry II
Luis divorces her for not having a son
One of the most important women in History
Wife to two kings and gives birth to two kings
Mother of Richard the Lionhearted
Very powerful
Richard Lionhearted
fights and dies during 3rd crusade
very powerful king
everyone loves him
conquers many lands
good leader
King John
Took over after his older brother Richard the Lionhearted died
Really bad king
“John the SoftSword”
Lost Normandy and all of Aquitaine to the French
Horrible to his subjects
Raised taxes so high that the nobles rebelled and made John sign the Magna Carta
Magna Carta
‘Constitution’ gives more power to the people and protects them from King John.
Edward I
subjects were not happy with him so he started Parliament so the people were mad at their decisions and not the king
group of people called together to make governmental decisions.
When they raised taxes, it put blame on Parliament, not the King.
The crusades
Pope Urban II launches the Crusades by calling all Christians in Europe to war against Muslims in order to reclaim the Holy Land.
Muslim leader that lead crusades
reclaims Jerusalem, 1187
Baldwin IV
king of Jerusalem 1172-1185
‘leper king’ - died at 16
led an outnumbered Christian force against Saladin’s troops and won
one of the most famous battles of the Crusades
Guy d’ Lusignan
Took over Jerusalem after Baldwin IV
lead the battle of Hittan
lost the city of Jerusalem to the Muslims
Battle of Hittan
battle in northern Palestine that marked the defeat and annihilation of the Christian Crusader armies of Guy de Lusignan,
Breaks the treaty between the Muslims and Christians over who controlled Jerusalem
He was gifted ice cream before being executed by
Guy d’ Lusignan
3rd crusade
3 kings lead the war
Philip II of france - went to war out of obligation.
Goes home after Philip takes Acre.
Richard the Lion Hearted - Richard gets stuck in Sicily
and is late to help Philip II. Philip gets mad at him
for being late.
Frederick I of Germany - drowns in river trying to cross
while leading army. Many soldiers go home when
Frederick dies.
Siege of Acre
Richard Lionhearted takes over Acre and the King of Acre pays ransom and gives remnants of Christ’s cross.
King of Acre can’t keep promise to pay full ransom.
Asks to pay in installments.
Richard gets mad at late payments and lines up 3,000 hostages and executes all of them.
Battle of Arsuf, 1191
Big battle leads to a stalemate.
Truce - muslims get control of jerusalem, but
Chrisitians can enter unarmed into the city to
All other conquered land belongs to the
Christians don’t like truce.
Capetian Dynasty
Hugh Capet
Expands and rebuilds France
Not great rulers but maintained the people
United fiefdoms
Louis VII
1137-80 - 2nd Capetian King
2nd Crusade - fails
People love him for going on crusade
First France King to go on Crusade
First husband to Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Was Duke of Aquitaine
Philip II (Augustus)
3rd crusade
“1st king of france”
Most powerful Capetian King
Goes on 3rd crusade with Richard Lionhearted
Takes land from King John
Triples the size of france
Philip IV
Starts The Third Estate - a meeting of commoners is called to fight against the church
This makes him very popular
Conflicts with the church a lot.
1st Crusade
Struggles - wiped out. Unarmed and unprepared
Peasants fought
Made it to Antioch
Takes over Jerusalem, 1099
Muslims fight back and take more land back
Muslim Turks threaten Constantinople
Pope Urban II calls for a “holy war”
People listen and fight
Says anyone who dies on Crusade will be forgiven of all sins
Crusader motivations
God said so
- forgiveness of sins
Gold, land and wealth
2nd Crusade
Crusader Kingdoms fall
Defeated by turks in Anatolia
4th Crusade
Sacking of Zara
Sacking of Constantinople
King Alexios pays crusaders to take back Zara. Zara was a Christian city that rebelled against Venice.
Crusaders get paid to take control of Zara.
Christian crusaders sack Christian city to get money from the king.
Crusaders fight and go to Constantinople the money’s gone and they don’t get paid.
Venice King promises crusaders money if they bring him back to power
Crusades end with Constantinople because they lose purpose for their fighting
Conquest of Granada, 1492
Christopher Columbus left.
Went on crusades in Asia to convert everyone to Catholicism.
Spanish Inquisition
expulsion of non-catholics
Effects of Crusades
Effects of Crusades
Trade - becomes popular with all the people going through Italy for Crusade
Itallian City-states
Cultural exchange
Intellectual and economic growth contributes to renaissance and reformation
After plague ends people come out of middle ages and live life in different ways
Kings Gain power, Church loses it
East-west Schism - east and west don’t work together. They separate and believe different things
Jewish Persecution - jews were killed and persecuted.
Christian-Muslim relations - after seige of acre, muslims and christains can’t coexist
Social causes of the reformation
The renaissance values of humanism and secularism led people to question the church
The printing press helped to spread ideas critical of the church.
Political causes for the reformation
Powerful monarch challenged the church as the supreme power in europe
Many leaders viewed the pope as a foreign ruler and challenged his authority.
Economic causes for the reformation
European princes and kings were jealous of the Church’s wealth
Merchants and others resented having to pay taxes to the Church
Religious causes for the reformation
Some church leaders had become worldly and corrupt
Many people found church practices such as the sale of indulgences unacceptable
People would pay the church to help being forgiven of sins and to have a better chance of going to heaven
Pope’s exploited people for money
Martin Luther
German Catholic Monk
Hated indulgences
95 Theses
List of 95 things that the Catholic church is doing wrong.
Put on trial for heresy.
Pope Leo Excommunicated Luther
Devout followers of Luther become Lutherans
Edict of Worms
Holy Roman Emperor Charles V claims that Luther’s beliefs are wrong and his writing should be
Luther’s teachings/beliefs
Only faith in God is needed for Salvation
All church teachings should be clearly based on the bible
All people of faith are equals
Catholic Church teachings
Faith and good works are needed for salvation
Church and Bible are equal authorities
Only through the church can people have a relationship with God.
Germany’s civil war
“Protesting” princes rebel - rebelled against the church and become known as Protestants
Lutherans and Catholics fight for 20 years
peace of Augsburg
Truce of the German Civil War
They both agree that the Princes can decide what religion their Fiefdom believes.
Small German Fiefdoms are mixed between Catholic, Lutheran, and Protestant
Counter reformation
Council of Trent:
The Church finalizes their interpretation of the
Said Indulgences are good and an expression of
Go on campaign to burn all books against the
catholic church
English Reformation
Act of Supremacy
Henry VIII wants to divorce queen because she can’t produce Heir
Catholic church says he can’t divorce her. He leaves Catholic Church
Henry VIII leaves church and starts Anglican Church. Becomes head of the church in England
Elizabeth I
joined parts of Lutheran and Catholic church to bring people together and stop them from fighting.
she creates modern day catholicism
John Calvin
Starts Calvinism
Says people are sinful by nature
Starts a model society in Sweden. Harsh rule and
punishment to make people ‘good’
John calvin belief that God chooses who he wants to be saved before they are born
- Limited amount of people get saved
John Knox
Takes Calvinism and goes to Scotland and becomes known as Prespiterian
Prespiterian becomes official Scotland religion