Unit 5 Notes: Ancient China Flashcards
Geography of China
Western side is mountains and deserts
most people live on eastern side with plains
yellow and yangtze river
bright orange water color because of the large amounts of loess in it.
very fertile soil
makes yellow and yangtze river orange
Xia dynasty (shay)
first dynasty (legendary)
2070-1600 BCE
no archeological evidence of its existence
when they take over the yellow river they use it as irrigation and create first civilzations
Shang Dynasty (shong)
1600-1050 BCE
Capital is Anyang
first civilization with written record
record written on ‘bamboo annals’
war-like civilizations
used bronze and copper as weapons
violent people
cut off most prisoners heads
warriors and heros owned the land - peasants worked the land.
defeats competing tribes
first to use chariots
Oracle Bones
questions were written on tortoise shells
they would put the shell in fire and wait until it cracks
they would dechiper the cracks to find answers to important questions
(like having your palm read)
Zhou Dynasty (joe)
1050-246 BCE
used iron
used feudalism
allows rich and powerful people to own the land while peasants worked the land
Mandates of Heaven
belief that Gods rule everything
“the Gods are mad at us” whenever something goes wrong in their lives
Warring States Period
475-221 BCE
Uses professional infantries
invented crossbow
an ancient Chinese philosophy and religion that instructs believers on how to exist in harmony with the universe. balances their chi’ (energy)
Stressing the importance of correct behaviour, loyalty and obedience to hierarchy, Confucianism is a system of ethics. Confucianism focused on education as a means of attaining worth and status
strict, literal, or excessive conformity to the law.
dependence on moral law rather than on personal religious faith.
Qin Dynasty
221-206 BCE
Shi Huangdi
imprisoned, tortured, killed anyone who opposed his philosophy
authoritarian government/dictatorship
burning of books critical of legalism
took power from lower rulers and gave land to the poor - forced everyone else to live in capital city,
started 36 military districts.
high taxes
forced labor
First emperor
Shi Huangdi
Great Wall
Shi Huangdi connected walls and built the great wall.
25ft high, built a road at the top.
forced labor and many died while building it
Qin Collapse
Quick Collapse (206 BC)
anger over high taxes, forced labor caused people to rebel.
civil war - people want power
Han Dynasty
206 BCE - 220 AD
Qin dynasty falls apart after Shi Haungdi dies
Lui bang leads a rebellion and takes over.
lui bang becomes new emperor 20 years later
Lui Bang
Illiterate farmer/peasant that climbs his way up and becomes emperor
restructures centralized government
lowers taxes
lessens punishments
ends legalist policies
starts confucian system
appoints confucian advisors
bases leaders on education, not power/forcefulness/money or connections
Emperor during Han dynasty
Expands china
Strengthens government and economy
improves roads, canals, communication ect.
Conquered most of Asia from greece to korea
silk becomes precious and an expensive commodity
Starts state-run monopolies:
grain production
buys all grain when it’s cheap and abundant
sells extra when it’s expensive and in shortage
managed economic stability
Silk Road
During Han Dyansty
Built during Wudi’s reign
built the Silk Road - 4000 miles
Road that splits in many directions to connect all of asia through trade routes.
new foods and products such as silk and spices get traded into China
Wudi starts trade relays to improve speed of trade
Wang Mang
9-23 AD
- most people don’t like the change Wang Mang brought compared to Wudi
Starts land distribution
loses power because of big floods and rebellions.
Han Dynasty Achievements
started chemistry, botany, astronomy, zoology, fine arts improves, invented acupuncture
invents paper and is kept a secret for 500 years. paper makes them very rich
Han Collapse
220 AD
“Age of Division” 220-589 AD
Sui Dynasty
581-618 BCE
built the Grand Canal - greatest achievement
taxes due to grand canal building leads to rebellion. emperor is killed
Uses written exams to test the competence of leaders
dynasty ends early due to the oppressive taxes and rebellions
Tang Dynasty (Tong)
peace and stability
land redistribution
use confucian principles
well educated officials - very effective government
Collapse of Tang Dynasty
lose the mandate of heaven
high taxes - due to war expenses
battle of Talas River - Muslims attack Chinese and defeat them.
Rebels burn the capital city and kill the young emperor.
Song Dynasty
Found in present day Southern China.
Moves Capital to southern China
Continued cultural progress
Song Advancements
Mechanical clock
moveable type
paper currency
China’s Golden age - from Tang and Song Dynasty
Foreign cultural exchange:
vietnamese rice
japan - emulates chinese culture and lifestyles
Golden Age cultural changes
middle class - social movement
women - goal is to be a trophy wife, and don’t bring real value to families
elite status based on education and competence, not money and land owning.