Unit 4 Notes: India Flashcards
Indus River Valley
2600 BC
Harappa (capital of the region)
Main crops are wheat and barley
Undeciphered language
Mahenjo - Daro
First great civilization of Indian subcontinent
Ganges River
River running through northern India
Sacred to Hinduism beliefs
Aryan Invasion
1800 BCE
Large body of ancient religious texts for Hinduism
There are four Vedas
Rig Veda
One of the four vedas
a collection o hymns praising the Hindu gods.
Caste System
Part of Hindu beliefs
A system people are born into.
People are put on earth to fulfill a specific job.
You role of society.
Your Dharma is based on what job you have.
inferior to men
where nothing without their husband
didn’t have the same rights as men
Women are supposed to be so distraught and useless that they will kill themselves if their husband dies before them.
Sati was a common practice used up until the 1980s
Caste System Ranks
Caste System Jobs
Brahmans - Priests, teachers, judges
Kshatriyas - warriors
Vaisyas - farmers and merchants
Sudras - craftworkers and laborers
Untouchables or outcasts - street sweepers, garbage collectors, and hide tanners
Ancient writings about the Vedas.
sacred like the vedas.
Bhagavad Gita
large ‘epic’ story
most sacred hindu texts
teaches devotion to Gods
If you do good things good things will happen to you and vice versa.
‘Spiritual scorecard’
If you have enough good Karma you will be at Moksha and you won’t keep being reincarnated.
You will make it back to Brahman.
Moral law.
Karma is based on the laws of Dharma
If you practice good Dharma you get good Karma. You then get to leave Samsara and meet with Brahman.
Incarnations (Gods)
Brahma - creator
Vishnu - protector
Shiva - destroyer
Extreme Ascetics and Ahimsa.
wouldn’t hurt or kill anything
Someone who deprives themselves of specific things such as money, sex ect.
Purifies your soul.
All living things have a soul and you take a vow of ‘non violence’
Beliefs and connections to hinduism
Ahimsa, karma, dharma, samsara.
Believed in impermanence
When you’re released from Samsara
Coming to an end of life.
When you’re done reincarnating because you have become perfect.
Buddhism differences with Hinduism
Reject case system, brahmins (priests), gods. You can reach Nirvana in one Lifetime.
Doesn’t have religious hierarchy.
Mahayan Buddhism
believe that each person is responsible for their fate.
Dali lama is part of Mahayan Buddhism
people who reject nirvana to help those reaching that point.
Dali Lama
The main leader of Buddhism
is reincarnated and found by the senior disciple
Siddartha Guatama
Prince - 600 BCE
His mom has a vision that her son will become a wandering holy man. His father kept him in palace surrounded by luxury to prevent him from leaving.
The four sights vision
He becomes aware of human suffering. He leaves the palace.
Tries to end suffering. Sits under a tree and meditates for a month until he finds the solution. He finds the solution and becomes known as the Buddha. The four sights:
Sick person
Old person
Dead person
Aesetic person
4 Noble Truths
Suffering is part of life
Suffering is caused by ignorance and desire
Suffering can only be eliminated by eliminating desire
Desire can be overcome by following the Eightfold Path (Middle Way) - if you don’t want something, you won’t suffer from its absence.
8-Fold Path
Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration.
earliest form of Hinduism.
High priests for Brahmanism.
Had a lot of power and high status.
“God” of Hinduism.
“Soul” of the earth.
Our souls belong to Brahman.
Brahman is the source of everything.
‘reincarnation’ life, death and rebirth. Keep redoing life to perfect it. They want to find an endpoint, but they must be perfected first.
Mauryan Empire
312 - 185 BCE
Chandragupta - unified India.
Uniting of India
Alexander the Great
Wrecked most of Chandragupta’s enemies.
Attacked weakened states and unified all of them.
Emperor of the Mauryan Dynasty.
Converts to Buddhism after war and gains a conscience. Promotes Buddhism.
Makes it well known.
Empire falls apart under his rule.
The Rock Edicts
The first unified code of law for India.