Unit 12 Notes: American & French Revolutions Flashcards
Military Causes of American Revolution
French and Indian War
French and indians fought against the british and colonists
British ‘occupation’
Proclamation line of 1763
Proclamation Line of 1763
A line that the colonists couldn’t cross and go west.
British didn’t want colonists to expand west because they would have to fight off natives which was expensive.
Social Causes of American Revolution
English loyalty and identity
people didn’t want nobility, and wanted more equality
‘Sons of liberty’
Sons of Liberty
Propaganda group very interested in independence
Samuel Adams and Paul Revere help start Sons of Liberty
responsible for organizing Boston Tea Party
Economic causes of the American Revolution
British increase taxes to pay off french and indian war
Britain wants all trade to be sent to them before shipping to other countries so they get the money
Colonists would smuggle trades into other countries without going through britain
Tobacco prices
Tobacco is sold on credit.
It crashes and british banks were collapsing
People started calling in loans and economy crashes
Political causes of American Revolution
Enlightenment ideas
Liberty, tyranny, sovereignty
Local government
“Virtual” representation
Taxation without representation
First continental congress
They set up committees and come together
Boston Massacre
Locals didn’t like that british soldiers would take extra jobs that they needed
The protests got the soldiers involved and colonists died
Paul revere creates drawing to put British in very bad light to rial people up against the british
Stamp act
It imposed a tax on all papers and official documents in the American colonies, but not in England.
townshend act
“luxury tax”
taxes on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea.
rich people riled up the poor people to help them stop the taxes
tea act
Lowers price of tea but stopped the smuggling of tea which made them mad
Leads to Boston Tea Party
$4 million in damages
intolerable acts
Closed Boston Harbor
Caused a lot of unemployment
Made people very mad
Stripped local government
Took power from colonists
Sent people from Britain to rule
Quartering act
Government can’t force people to house soldiers
Second Continental Congress
Second Continental Congress
Creates Olive Branch Petition, 1775
signs declaration of Independence 1776
George Washington becomes leader of second continental congress
Olive Branch Petition
Tries to see if they can get their rights back and they will behave better
King George III says no, and says they will be charged with treason if they continue to fight
Declaration of Independence
written mostly by Thomas Jefferson
adopted July 4th 1776 during second continental congress
signed august 2nd 1776 during second continental congress
Early British Sucesses
Lexington and Concord
Bunker Hill
New York
Lexington and Concord
First unofficial battle of Revolutionary War
Occurred in Massachusetts
John Hancock and John Adams were there
“Shot heard around the world”
British success, but a lot more british die than colonists
Battle of Bunker Hill
British storm Breed’s hill hoping to scare away colonists
Colonists have high ground and start destroying British
British have way more men and eventually win
“Don’t shoot till you see the whites of their eyes”
1000 british die, 300 colonists die
Shows how determined british are to end the revolution
Common Sense
written by Thomas Payne
advocated for independence from the British
Battle of Long Island (new york)
Hessians (German militia) helped fight with British
British drive people to Philadelphia where continental Congress flees
George Washington loses battles and it looks like British are about to win the war
Battle of trenton
American Victory
Dec. 1776
Morale is down so Washington crosses Delaware and storms Trenton and attacks Hessians at night.
Killed 30, captured 980.
Boosts morale
Battle of Saratoga
When the rest of the world notices the Revolutionary war.
Primarily France
French support America after Saratoga
General Burgoyne
British General that takes british south from Canada to attack Colonists
They can’t make the trip from canada to Philadelphia
Many die and they run out of supplies
They are surrounded by colonists and forced to surrender
Valley Forge
2000 colonists die of cold and starvation
Marquis de Lafayette
20 year old french aristocrat that helps train the colonists
Washington allows him to lead a battle
Frederich von Stueben
Russian captain that trains the colonists to become soldiers
Battle of Yorktown
October 1781
Final major battle of Revolutionary war
British surrender
British set up camp
French fleet arrives and traps the british in chesapeake bay because the british are cut off from trade and supplies.
Takes one month for british to surrender
Treaty of Paris
British are forced to acknowledge America as independent country
The British still have some trade rights and can occupy Canada.
Military causes of French Revolution
Seven Years War (French & Indian War)
American Revolution
These wars cause a lot of debt
Social causes of french revolution
The Old Regime
Feudal states get pulled into France
The rich, upper class
Working, lower class
economic causes of french revolution
Raises very high taxes for war
Royal debt
Economic recession
High taxes and grain shortage leads to economic
Grain shortages
Makes everything very expensive
political causes of french revolution
Poor leadership
Louis and Marie
Enlightenment ideas
Three estates
three estates
Religious leaders (Clergy)
Royal Leaders
Poor and lower class
Meeting of the Estates - 1789
3rd estate rebels
They have no power in government because the
nobility and clergy would always vote against them
They were locked out of the National Assembly
The third estate meets at tennis court and makes
Tennis Court Oath
They start their own government and passing laws
storming of Bastille - July 14th
The third estate storms the bastille to get gun powder to fight the monarchy.
The people destroy the Bastille brick by brick
Bastille Day = French Independence Day - July 14th
The national assembly
They take power from Louis
Write the declaration of the Rights of Man
Church is now controlled by the government
Limited constitutional monarchy
Louis loses power to make laws
He has power to enforce laws
Wanted pure democracy
Wanted the king gone
Very extreme
Jacobin Club
Very smart, highly educated radical group that wanted philosophical change
Radical commoners
Wore long trousers to show that they were against the monarchy and rich
Long pants were a symbol of revolutionists
Wanted some change in government, but not total reform
Wanted democracy
Weren’t as extreme as radicals
Wanted more change than conservatives
Supported limited monarchy.
Wanted the monarchy, but wanted limited power for the King
Third estate was strict Catholic Conservatives.
They didn’t like that the church was paying France’s debts.
They thought the church was getting attacked
radicals take control
War with Austria 1792
september massacres
execution of Louis
National convention
committee of public safety 1793
september massacres
Half the prison population murdered
1600 prisoners
execution of Louis
National assembly becomes national convention after Louis’s death
national convention
Men get the right to vote and hold office
Vendee Rebellion
Counter revolution killing supporters of the
Killed 15-20,000 revolutionists
Sunk people on boats
committee of public safety
Group of 12 men
Maximilien Robespierre becomes leader
Forcing people into the military or labor
price fixing
Trying to prevent monopolies, hoarding and economic collapse
reign of terror
Committee of public safety uses terror as means of control
Robespierre initially against killing people, eventually called for hundreds of thousands of deaths.
thermidorian reaction
Convention turns against Robespierre
Robespierre executed 1794
Realizes how many people have been killed and their mistakes
Created in 1795 after Robespierre execution
Helps bring country to order and ends reign of terror
People love Napoleon
Born in Corsica
Graduates military school at 16
Joins army of new government when French revolt
Fought at battle of Toulon, 1793
Artillery lieutenant
napoleon defense of the directory
Government of moderates after Robspierre’s death
Defends directory from loyalist protests
Napoleon fires on crowd of civilian’s immediately
Seen as good guy that protects the revolutionists
Given credit for saving the revolution
Napoleon’s victory in italy 1796-97
Fights the austrians
Crosses the alps and destroys austrians
Becomes extremely popular
egypt 1798
Battle of the pyramids
Battle of the nile
Napoleon loses but the government doesn’t allow the people to know about his losses because they like him.
French propaganda makes people think that Napoleon won
coup detat 1799
Napoleon is made commander in chief because of his popularity
He takes his army and marches on the directory and takes over
Becomes ‘first consul’
Made emperor, 1804
victory over the 3rd coalition
battle of austerlitz
napoleon’s reforms
National Bank
Creates economic stability
Civil service system
Government entities where people work for the
Creates government schools to train children to be
Put in charge by merit, not birth or class
Napoleon let’s church be independent
Let’s church be involved in church, but not
The Napoleonic Code
Laws to protect peace and control
Restricts freedom of speech and press
Restores colonial slavery for economic reasons
fall of napoleon
Rebellion on St. Domingue
Napoleon brings slavery back to the Louisiana territory
Uprising against slavery
He sends troops into stop the rebellion
He can’t stop them due to the large rebellion and malaria kills large amount of troops
louisiana purchase
Sold Louisiana territory to America because he couldn’t control the land and he needed money for boats and equipment.
the continental system
French try to stop countries trading with Britain.
Napoleon can’t enforce other countries to stop trade. They rely on British trade
the peninsular war
Spain won’t conform to the continental trade so Napoleon sends troops in to force them to be part of the Continental system
He loses most of his troops and loses a lot of money
He puts his brother on the Spanish throne and the people hate him.
invasion of russia
Raises massive army
They can’t feed all the troops
Seizing of moscow
The Russians burn anything in Russia that the French
could use
They fight over Moscow then find that it is burned to
the ground
Napoleon surrenders
He gives up his throne
He was exiled to Elba
He escapes and comes back to france
King Louis XVIII takes over and leaves after Napoleon
comes back
100 Days
Napoleon rules for 100 days and tries to raise armies
and take over Belgium
He is exiled permanently to St. Helena
Dies 7 years later
the congress of vienna
The only legitimate rulers of europe are the royal
Old rulers are put back on their thrones
concert of europe
A pact that will end republic revolution
Every country will help end democracy wherever each country has revolts