Unit 10 Notes: Colonialism Flashcards
American Southwest Tribes/Civilizations
Hohokam, Anasazi, Pueblo, Hopi
(don’t know how they disappeared)
Southwest Trade and irrigation
Trade was very important. helped them survive and get items not normally available to them
New irrigation systems allowed them to survive in aired places
Cliff Dwellings
Puebloans lived in canyons, on cliffs and in caves
Mississippian Culture
Mound builders
- in Hopewell (OH) and Cahokia (IL)
Mound Building
Built massive mounds out of mud and sticks to live in. Little mud huts.
Built mounds because the midwest was flat and they could see everything if they built up.
When Chiefs died they were buried in their mound and their loved ones were killed and buried with the chief so they can go to the next world together.
Mississippian Afterlife
When Chiefs died they were buried in their mound and their loved ones were killed and buried with the chief so they can go to the next world together.
Aztecs discovered that ashes from cooking fires mixed with water created an alkaline lime mixture that softened, partially dissolved, and helped remove the kernel’s tough outer skin, making corn easier to cook and make into masa (dough).
used by the Incas to keep records and communicate information using string and knots
Mesoamerica Olmec
1200-400 BCE
Found off of gulf of mexico
rubber trees
ball game - combination of soccer and basketball. Loser would be sacrificed
oldest civilization in mexico
detailed stone head carvings - showed how advance and civilized they were
mesoamerica Zapotec
Southeast Mexico
Monte Alban
- Step Pyramids
Obsidian - really hard rock used for tools
shows their sophistication
Andean Civilization
Chavin Civilization
900-200 BC
Northern Peru
known for…
advanced acoustics
temperature control
Andean Civilization
200-600 AD
advanced gold work
Andean Civilization
100-700 AD
Southern Peruvian Coast
line carvings
Classical Period 250-900 AD
Individual city-states emerge
middle class forms
Plumed serpents is a higher status/class
Mayan government
Feudalistic society
Religious significance gave people power, not money or status
united through culture, language, trade
Mayans were the first to use chocolate
- smoked it
no common currency
- traded cocoa beans
Mayan Achievements
complex writing system
Popul Vuh - mayan creation myth
came up with 365 day calender
-believed time was a burden
-each god took the burden of each day
-planned day upon which god was in charge that day
developed the concept of 0.
Mayan Religion
science and religion
Kept Gods happy by blood sacrifice
-best gift you can give your god is to be sacrificed
-people were cut and offered blood to the Gods
Mayan decline
cities mysteriously were abandoned around 1400
- no one knows why
Aztecs time frame
1428-1521 AD
The Toltec Civilization
violent and warlike people
used human sacrifice a lot
Capital of Aztec empire
used Chinampa farming
The triple alliance
Emperor took over and ruled three city-states
Aztec God
- their God they make sacrifices to
Aztec military and political impact
sacrifices leads to depopulation and rebellion
Aztec Expansion consequences
conquered people rebel because of harsh ruling
Aztec Collapse
Montezuma II is the Aztec leader at the time of downfall
Hernan Cortes takes over Aztecs
Hernan Cortes
Montezuma fights against Cortes at first - causes Cortez to retreat
When Cortes comes back to try to take over he realizes the Aztecs are killed by disease.
Cortez takes over
Incan Founder/leader
“reformer of the world”
Incan Empire Size
largest of the three mesoamerican empire
Incan Society and government
very violent
military expansion
required tributes through gold, food and labor.
four city-states
Incan Capital
Incan government philosophy
- everyone shared labor and food
Incan Mita
Labor tax
worked certain amount of days per year for the government
Built major road systems
Incan Religion
“great creator”
Main Incan God
Inti and the Emperor
Emperor that was thought to be the “Sun God” that was born from Viracocha
Incan Temple of the Sun
built in Cuzco (capital)
All emperors were ‘born’ from the God Inti
Incan Religious beliefs
Less Gods than the Mayans and Aztecs
Believed in child sacrifice
used mummification
worshiped their dead ancestors
Incan Collapse
Civil war:
Atahualpa and brother fight over who becomes next Emperor
Atahualpa wins and kills brother
Civil war weakens Incas so Pizarro can come and take over
Spanish Arrival
Fransisco Pizarro
asks for all the gold from Incas
kills them later
disease wipes out the surviving Incas.
All survivors become slaves to Spanish
Causes for European Exploration (3 G’s)
Economic reasons for european exploration
Black death - killed ⅔ population leaving lots of money, less people
Fall of Constantinople
Religious reasons for european exploration
Crusades and reconquista
Renaissance spirit
competition among crowns
(like space race)
Global Contact and trade
Intellectual/tech progress
Small spanish or portuguese sailing ship
first to use lateen sails:
allows them to go greater distances
could handle cross winds
Ptolemy’s Geography
most accurate atlas than maps of that time
made 1500 years before Columbus
Magnetic compass
allows you to know your direction at all times
Allows you to know your latitude and longitude at all times
Iberian Exploration: Portugal
Henry the navigator’ (1394-1460)
- very rich
- sponsors lots of exploration
- makes Portugal rich and important from money brought in from
Iberian Exploration: Brazil
sugarcane was found by Portuguese and made tons of money.
Iberian Exploration: Spain
Columbus (1492)
Cortes (mexico - 1519)
Pizarro (peru - 1532)
Ferdinand Magellan (1519)
Treaty of Tordesillas
1494 - debate between who gets America
Spain and Portugal go to Pope over the issue
Pope splits the territories in half for Spain and Portugal
Portuguese and Spanish Assimilation
encomienda system:
- tributary payments
- Lord of the land exploited native people for labor
- spanish built churches
- forced slave/tributary system
forced-labor draft imposed by the Spaniards on the indigenous inhabitants of Peru
Mestizo Population
Spanish and Portuguese people have children with native people to assimilate people by making them mixed
Valladolid Debate
man arrives as one of first european settlers in america.
opposes the encomienda system
gives up his slaves and advocates before king charles V and advocates for native’s rights
believed natives needed to be educated and nurtured
said african slaves should do slave labor and natives shouldn’t be slaves.
Black legend
spanish take on a reputation for being cruel
other european countries claim their mistreatment of natives is okay because it’s not as bad as the Spanish treatment
new spain - mexico city
new granada - columbia
la plata - argentina
The columbian Exchange
sugar and the transatlantic slave trade
1525 - first slave trade
Slaves went to west Indies - southern america (under florida)
Middle Passage
slave route from africa to the americas