Unit 3 Essay Question 2: Cleopatra Flashcards
Paragraph 1 Topic
Suicide by Snakebite
Paragraph 1 evidence why it’s True
A snake may have been brought in, in a basket by a servant and she held out her arm to be bitten.
- (Doc C - Plutarch Life of Antony)
Paragraph 1 evidence why it’s True
Painting shows her with a snake wrapped around her, insinuating that the snake killed her.
- (Doc A - Michelangelo painting)
Paragraph 1 evidence why it’s true
Play showing how she committed suicide by allowing a snake to bite her and kill her.
- (Doc B - Shakespeare play - Antony and Cleopatra)
Paragraph 1 evidence to disprove it
No one was allowed in her chambers to bring a snake in (Pat Brown video)
Paragraph 1 evidence to disprove it
Snake would have to be 5-6ft to kill all the women
- (Doc E - Scholarly Journal)
Paragraph 1 evidence to disprove it
50% chance venom will be released.
(Pat Brown video)
Paragraph 1 evidence to disprove it
Most women wouldn’t continue to let a snake bite them after watching Cleopatra die
- (Pat Brown Video)
Paragraph 1 evidence to disprove it
People think she died of snakes because she had lots of snakes as part of her family symbol. Could be confused with a real snake
- (Doc E Scholarly Journal)
Paragraph 2 Topic
Murder by poison
Paragraph 2 evidence why it’s true
Augustus had the mode, means and opportunity to kill her
(Pat Brown Video)
Paragraph 2 evidence to disprove it
Not strong enough poison at the time to kill her fast enough - (Pat Brown Video)
Paragraph 3 Topic
Suicide by poison
Paragraph 3 evidence why it’s true
She kept poison in her comb
- (Doc E Scholarly Journal)
Paragraph 3 evidence why it’s true
Had extensive knowledge about poison
- (Doc E Scholarly Journal)
Paragraph 3 evidence why it’s true
No one came in or out of her chambers
- (Pat Brown Video)
Paragraph 3 evidence why it’s true
Once Antony died, and she was captured she knew she would be paraded around by Augustus and eventually killed. There was no reason for her to live.
- (Pat Brown Video)
Paragraph 3 evidence why it’s true
Augustus was upset when he saw her dead.
- (Doc C - Plutarch Life of Antony)