Unit 5 Study Guide Flashcards
Seizure of a country or territory by a foreign country or territory.
Governing people by providing for their needs but depriving them of rights
The belief that one race is superior to the others
Social Darwinism
A social theory where Charles Darwin’s theory about evolution and natural selection was applied to human society. Those who were fittest for survival enjoyed wealth and success and were considered superior to others. According to the theory, non- Europeans were considered to be on a lower scale of cultural and physical development because they had not made the scientific and technological progress that Europeans had. Europeans believed that this gave them the right/duty to bring their progress to others.
Who ruled in indirect control?
- local government officials were used
who ruled in direct control
- foreign officials brought in to rule
How much self rule in indirect control?
- a limited amount
How much self rule in direct control?
- none
Government institutions in indirect control
- Government institutions are based on European styles but may have local rulers
Government institutions in direct control?
-Government institutions are based only on European styles
Indirict or Direct control- British colonies such as Nigeria, India, Buma
- Indirect
Indirect or Direct control- U.S on Pacific Islands
Indirect or Direct control- French colonies such as Somaliland, Vietnam
- Direct
Indirect or Direct control- German colonies such as German East Africa Portuguese colonies such as Angola
- Direct
A country or a territory governed internally by a foreign power
A counry or a territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power
Sphere of Incluence
An area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges
Economic Imperialism
An independent but less-developed country controlled by private business interests rather than other governments
- Belief that in time the local populations would adopt French culuture and become like the French
Reckognized institutions and culture but regarded them as inferior
How the Industrial Revolution created demand for new markets and raw materials?
The scramble for Africa
- The Berlin Conference established the principle that European occupation of African territory had to be based on effective occupation that was rcognized by other states and that no single European power could claim Africa, which led to the “Scramble For Africa” in which European powers divided up the entire African continent except for the independent countries of Ethiopia and Liberia.
Cecil Rhodes
- wanted to extend the British African Empire from Cape Town to Cairo and decided to annex the Boer Republic.
Right of Extraterritorialitiy
Western nations maintained their own courts in China and Westerns were tried in their own courts
What were colonies sources of?
raw materials
East India Company
How the British controlled India
Matthew Perry
- Led an expedition to Japan. He convinced the shogun to open ports for the US.
How did the colonial powers hold colonies back from developing industries?
- By using colonies as sources of raw materials and marckets for manfactured goods
Missionaries supported colonization, believing that European control would help them spread Christianity, the true religion, in Asia and Africa.
Economic Reasons for Imperialism
- Need for markets
- Raw materials
- Source of investments
Military Reasons for Imperialism
- Need for military bases
- National security
- Source of pride/nationalism
Religious Reasons for Imperialism
- white man’s burden
- spread of christianity
- social darwinism
Technological Reasons for Imperialism
- New medicine
- New investments
- Transportation