Dictatorships and The Second World War Flashcards
What was the nature of twentieth-century dictatorship and authoritarian rule?
- conservative authoritarianism
What are the similarities and differences between the political social and economic systems of Stalin Mussolini and Hitler?
What conditions afforded the rise of these dictators in the twentieth century?
Authoritarian states
- Conservative authoritarianism
- Conservative authoritarianism revived after the First World War in eastern Europe, Spain and Portugal
Conservative authoritarianism
- Conservative authorities had deep roots in European history and led to an anti-democratic form of government that believed in avoiding change but was limited in its power and objectives
Conversavative authoritism revied after the First World War in eastern Europe, Spain and Portugal
- These countries lacked a strong tradition of self- government
- Many were torn by ethnic conflicts
- Large landowners and the church looked to dictators to save them from land reform
What were the new Authoritarian States concerned with?
- More concerned with maintaining the status quo then forcing society into rapid change
Hungary as an example of conservative authoritiarnism?
- Rule by landlords in highly nationlistic and conservative- without reform
Examples of conservative authoritarianism
Hungary, Portugal and Portland
Totalitarisanism vs Fascism (simularities)
- Structured on the idea that all aspects of society are controlled by the leader
- Removes rights (e.g. freedom of speech, freedom of the press)
Totalitarisanism vs Fascism (differences)
- Totalitarianism is thought to have emerged from the First World War and the Russian civil war when individual liberties were subordinated to a total war effort
- Totalitarianism controlled everything
- Fascism is just a form of totalitarism but the emphasis on empansionsits nationalsim and anti socialism - but historians don’t agree on a set def
A revolt against liberalism
- Totalitarism was a radical revolt against liberalism
- Unlike old- fashioned authoritariansism, which was based on elites, modern totalitarisanism was based on the masses
- Totalitarian regimes believed in mobilizing society toward some great goal
- Fascism is a form of totalistariansim- with emphasis on expansionists nationalism and anti socialism- but historians do not agree as to a precise definition, arguing that fascism varied from country to country
Emphasied the rights fo the individual
Russian Revolution
- 1921 the economy of Russia had been destroyed
Stalin’s Soviet Union
- From Lenin To Stalin
From Lenin To Stalin
- By 1921 the economy of Russia had been destoryed
- In 1921 Lenin’s New Economic Policyu re-established limited economic freedom in an attempt to rebuild agriculture and industry
- Peasants bought and sold goods
[there was more that I didn’t catch]
Stalin Takes Control
Lenin is gone so Stalin takes over, and met the ethnic demadns for independence within the multinational Soviet State by granting minority groups limited freedoms
Stalin’s theory of “socialism in one country” or Russia buliding its own socialist society was more attractive to many JCommunists than Trosky’s theory of “permanent revolution,” or the overthrow of other European states.
- By 1927 Stalin had curhsed all opposition and was ready to launch and economic-0 social revolution
Lif ein Stalinist Society
- Communists wanted to rewrite society and human personality
- Stalin was so terrifying that no one opposed him
- Propaganda and indoctrination were common and art/literature was political
- Benefits were better education
Women in the soviet Union
- given better opputunities in work and education because highly gendered splits were lifed
- 1917 revolution got their complete equality of rights for women
- 1920’s: Divorce and abortion made easy, and women were urged to work outside the home and were given more freedom in how they displayed the sexual sides of them
Mussolini and Fascism in Italy
- Mussolini was against liberasim; made first fascist movement; midway point beween conservative authiratism and mondern totalitariansism
- The fascist seizure
The fascist seizure of power (Mussolini and Italy)
- Italy was was moving towards democracy but Catholics conservaties and landowenrs hated liberasim and the country was divided
The 1st World War and post war problems ended the move toward democracy in Italy
- Workers and peasents felt cheated because war-time promises of reform were not carried out
- Nationalists felt cheated by the war settlement
0 The Russian revolution energized Italy;’s socialists into occupiying factories and farms
- by 1922: most italians opposed to literal parlintary gov
[more I didn’t get]
Mussolini’s Regime in Action
- Builds one party but didn’t establish a fully totalitarian state
- Catholic Church (which had a lot of influence on the people) chose to support Mussolini
- Women were repressed but Jews were not persecuted until late in the Second World War- Overall Mussolini’;s fascist Italy was never really totalitarian