Marching Towards War Flashcards
Europe nation relations at the turn of the 20th century
Describe the rising tensions in Europe
- Europe was calm on the surface, but the tension was growing between and within nations
Devotion to one’s national group
Where did the first important ideas of nationalism begin?
In the French and American revolutions
After the idea of nationalism began in the French and American revolutions, where did the idea spread?
Latin America and Europe
What united the forces of Italy and Germany?
Effects of Nationalism on the Ottoman Empire
The different ethnic groups within the empire started nationalist movements which divided the empire. The Ottoman Empire weakened because the groups all tried to expand and because other groups joined Russia and Austria- Hungary.
What caused rivarly in Europe’s great powers
- Economic rivalry (industrialization [caused competition for materials and markets])
- Political Rivalry
- Imperialism and Militarism (European countries competed for land in Africa and Asia which grew their resentment for one another).
Why did all the major countries in Europe have large standing armies
-There was a race for European arms
- It was believed that to be a great country, you needed a great military
What did military experts stress?
military experts stressed the importance of being able to quickly mobilize, or organize and move troops in case of a war.
The policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war was known as militarism.
What were the people’s feelings about having a large standing army?
Having a large and strong standing army made citizens feel patriotic. However, it also frightened some people.
What was Frédéric Passy’s concern?
Frederic Passy expressed the concern that a minor incident could ignite a devastating war throughout Europe.
What caused a web of Alliances
Growing rivalries and mutual mistrust
What did Otto Von Bismark do between Between 1864 and 1871?
Used war to unify Germany, before proclaiming Germany satisfactory in 1871 and focusing on maintaining the peace in Europe.
From Dual Alliance to Triple Alliance
between Germany and Austria-Hungary. Three years later, Italy joined the two countries, forming the Triple Alliance.
Kaiser Wilham
Becomes ruler of germany, then forces Otto Van Bismark to resign.
What was Russia’s response to the lapse (on Germany’s part) in their treaty with Germany?
They allied with France
Why was Russia’s allying with France bad for Germany?
Going into war would mean going a two front war
Two rival camps in Europe in 1907
On one side was the Triple Alliance—Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. On the other side was the Triple Entente-Great Britain, France, and Russia.
Where in Europe was a dispute most likely to happen and why?
Balkan Penin sula because the many ethnic groups there clashed.
What resulted in the decline of the Ottoman Empire
While some Balkan groups struggled to free themselves from the Ottoman Turks, others had already succeeded in breaking away from their Turkish rulers. These peoples had formed new nations, including Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia.
What was a strong force in the countries that broke away from the ottoman Empire and what did it drive them to do?
Nationalism. It drived them to expand.
Why did Russia support Serbian nationalism?
Because they both had large Slavic populations.
Why did Austria oppose Serbian nationalism?
Austria feared that efforts to create a Slavic state would stir rebellion among its Slavic population.
What was the Serbian response to the Austrian annex?
In 1908, Austria annexed, or took over, Bosnia and Herzegovina. These were two Balkan areas with large Slavic populations. In the years that followed, tensions between Serbia and Austria rose steadily. The Serbs vowed to take Bosnia and Herzegovina away from Austria. In response, Austria-Hungary vowed to crush any Serbian effort to undermine its authority in the Balkans.
Direct cause of WW1
On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and his wife, Sophie. paid a state visit to Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. It would be their last. The royal pair were shot at point-blank range as they rode through the streets of Sarajevo in an open car.
What was the Black Hand
The Black Hand was a secret society committed to ridding Bosnia of Austrian rule.
How did Austria react to the Siberian assasin?
They decided to send Siberia an ultimatum, which would give them a reason to attack when the impossible demands were not met.
Why were Aremanians sometimes seen as a foreign element?
Armenians had their own language and a strong communal identity.
What caused American relations between the people and government to go strained?
When some Armenian activists called for an independent state, relations between Armenians and the government grew strained.
Which side did Austria-Hungary join?
Germany and Austria-Hungary
What did the Armeniam govermnent claim in order to deport neary 2 million Armenians and confiscate their land?
Claiming that Armenian revolutionaries planned to support the Triple Entente powers, the government deported nearly 2 million Armenians and confiscated their land.
Why were so few Armenians not a part of the empire by 1920?
On their trek through the desert to camps in the south, more than 600,000 Armenians were killed or died of starvation. By 1920, fewer than 400,000
Armenians remained in the former Ottoman Empire.