Dictatorships of WWII and Postwar Uncertainty Flashcards
What Enlightenment belief did the war destroy?
- That reason would prevail and progress would continue
How did the people react to questioning their traditional beliefs?
- Some looked for answers using science
- They enjoyed how technology had improved
How had technology improved during the war?
- Better communication and transportation
What happened as society became more open?
- Young people adopted new values
- Women demanded more rights
What did the new styles of art, music, literature, and philosophy reflect?
Uncertain times
Which scientists’ ideas had enormous impacts in the 20th century
- Albert Einstien
- Sigmud Freid
Einstein’s idea
Theory of Relativity
Sigmund Freid’s idea
- The human mind is split into the conscious and the unconscious mind
How did Sigmud Freid’s idea weaken faith in logic
- He said that the majority of the human mind was unconsious, and illogical
How did certain writers and thinkers express their anxieties
- They described disturbing visions of the present and future, leaning towards a more modernist view of society
- They became part of modernist and expressionistic movements
What did T.S Elliot write in 1922 about Western society?
- He wrote that Western Society had lost its values and described the postwar world as a barren wasteland drained of hope and faith
Which poem did this passage come from, and who wrote it?
“Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; / Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.”
“The Second Coming” by William Butler Yeats
During the 1920’s, many American writers left the US to go live where?
What did Gertrude Stein refer to the ‘many American writers who left the US to go live in Europe’ as and why?
“The Lost Generation” because they were trying to find meaning in life
What did the books by Franz Kafka depict?
- People caught in frightening situations that they couldn’t understand or escape
Who and which idea did many authors pull their inspiration from?
Freud’s idea of the unconsious
Who wrote Ulysses
James Joyce wrote it.
What was Ulysses about?
It was about a single day in the lives of Dublin for 3 separate people.
How did Ulysses by James Joyce capture Sigmud Freud’s idea of the unconsious?
- It was a stream of consiousness from the characters
- It broke normal sentence structures to show how people think
What did thinkers turn to when searching for meaning in the uncertain world?
What do existentialists believe?
- That there is no universal meaning to life, and that each individual gives it meaning
Who were existantialists influenced by?
Freidrich Neitzsche
Who wrote that Western ideas such as reason, democracy, and progress stifled people’s creativity and actions
Freidrich Neitzsche
What did Freidrich Neitzsche urge?
A return to the aincent values of heroism, pride, assertaveness, and strength.
A philosophy that everything is meaningless. It rejects morals/values.
What philosophy had an influence on politics in the 1920’s/1930’s?
Describe the timeline of the development of the arts durring the war?
New directions in music and art were introduced in the prewar period, but these ideas evolved after the war
Art went from it’s earlier romantic and realistic to _______
Modernism and expressionism
What did Artists want to depict during the war?
Emotion and imagination
How did painters like Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky paint in expressionistic styles?
They used bold colors and distorted or exaggerated forms
Who founded Cubism?
Georges Barques and Pablo Picasso
Who were the founders of Cubism inspired by?
Traditional African Art
- Art style
- Turns objects into geometric shapes.
- Often several different perspectives shown at a time
- style of the arts where artists tried to call on the unconscious parts of their minds
Who’s ideas were surrealism inspired by?
How did Igor Stravinsky use more abstract styles in his composition of “Rite of Spring”
used irregular rhythms and dissonances, or harsh combinations of sound.
What popular type of music emerged
How did society challenge traditional social patterns?
Young people broke traditional values norms and romantacism
What new law changed women’s rights?
- After the war women’s suffarage became a law in many countries
How did women style themselves in the 20’s
- they abandoned restricting clothes, cut their hair short, and wore shorter and looser clothes
In what ways did women act that differed from the ways of pre1920’s?
they smoke, drank, and drove in public
What did Margaret Sanger and Emma Goldman risk arrest for?
Birth control
Women and jobs in 1920
Increase of working women
What did many African Americans do before the end of WW1?
Left the south and migrated north to cities such as Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia and Pittsburg
How did the automobile evolve from wartime inventions?
Air filled tires, electric starters, and more powerful engines
Changes in the automobile after the war
- Evolved from wartime inventions
- Now sleek and brightly polished
- Affordable to middle class
How did increased auto use change family life?
- Increased travel for leisure
- Increased commutes
Where did 2 British piolts fly in 1919
From Newfoundland, across the atlantic, to Ireland
Where did Charles Lindenburgh fly in 1927?
from New York to Paris
What was the objective when it came to airplanes?
- To use them for travel
Radio and Movies after WW2
- use increased
- used for advertising
Push for radio development came when?
durring World War 1
First radio commercial station. It became popular quickly
Charlie Chaplain was best known for what?
- Being a comedic genius in silent films, best known for portrayl of lonley little tramp confused by life
When was sound added to movies?
Late 1920’s
How did household appliances change life for women?
It made the standard of cleaness in the home higher
Household appliance examples
Coffee Pot
Washing Machine
Vacuum cleaner