Unit 5 : Cognition Module 31-33 Flashcards
Enables fear and aggression
Anterograde amnesia
Inability to form new memories
Retrograde amnesia
Inability to retrieve old memories
Automatic processing
Info goes into long term memory without conscious processing
Basal ganglia
Procedural, muscle memory and motor movement
Used for memory associated with classical conditioning
Organizing info into manageable meaningful units
Context-dependent memory
Memory associated with the environment that surrounds you
Deep processing
Encoding based on meaning of the words (how words work together to create meaning)
Distributed practice
Practice that takes place over a period of time
Echoic memory
Memory associated with sounds and words
Iconic memory
Memory associated with eye sight
Flashbulb memory
Clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event (because amygdala is very active)
Frontal lobes
Responsible for explicit memory
Effortful processing
Encoding that requires attention and consciousness
Processing info into memory (getting memory into brain)
Encoding failure
When you are not consciously paying attention resulting in nothing being encoded
Explicit memory
Declarative memory involves facts and experiences. Can consciously know and declare
Implicit memory
Non declarative memory. Without conscious recall (automatic memory)
Broad concept gets divided into narrow info (social class like structure)
The “save” button for processing memory into storage. If damaged can’t form new memories (anterograde amnesia) responsible for explicit memories
Long-term memory
Permanent memory; has no limit. Incl knowledge, skills, and experiences
Long term potentiation
Increase in cell firing. The more it is fired the more automatic it becomes as it strengthens connections
Misinformation effect
Misleading info being encoded into memory of an event
Memory aids. Use vivid images and organizational devices like first letters of a sentence
Mood congruent memory
Recall experiences that are consistent with current mood (good or bad)
Parallel processing
Processing many aspects of a problem at once (ex sight, smell, and taste)
Unconscious activation of associations with memory (ex morning in happy mood mourning in bad mood)
Proactive interference
Older info interferes with new
Memory where a person must retrieve info learned earlier (fill in the blank test)
Identifying items previously learned (MCQ test)
Learning something faster than the first time (revisions for exams)
Process of getting info out of memory (get info out)
Retrieval cues
Priming, mood congruent, context memory, and serial position
Retroactive interference
New info interferes with old
Sensory memory
Immediate brief recording of sensory info in memory
Serial position effect
You can recall first (primacy effect) and last (recent effect) items on list (leaderboards)
Shallow processing
Encoding on basic level based on structure and appearance of words
Short term memory
Activated memory. Holds few things briefly (ex phone number youre dialing)
Source amnesia
Inability to recall when how and where we learned knowledge (walking)
Keep and retain the info
Testing effect
Enhancing memory after retrieving
Working memory
Short term mem. Focuses on conscious, active processing of auditory and visual info + long term memory
Semantic memory
Explicit Long term; recall words, numbers, and concepts
Memory of everyday events
Long term; how to perform actions and skills
Prospective mem
Parietal Memory for Intentions; allows to carry out planned tasks