Unit 3 : Learning Flashcards
Acquiring new and enduring info/behavior
Organisms reduce response to a stimulus with repeated exposure to it
classical conditional
Associate 2 stimuli and anicipate response
Lighting comes with thunder
associative learning
Learning that certain events occur together like conditioning or responses / concequences in operant conditioning
Any event / stimulation that evokes a response
operant conditioning
Associate response with concequences. Learn good results and repeat them and avoid bad ones
Behavior is strenthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher
cognitive learning
Acquisititation of mental info, whether by observing events, watching others, through language (look and learn)
Should be objective
Study behavior without reference to mental processes
(Agree with 1 not 2)
neutral stimulus (NS)
Classical conditioning where stimulus that elicts no response before conditioning
unconditioned response (UR)
Unlearned naturally occuring response (salivation) to an unconditional stimulus (food in mouth)
unconditioned stimulus (US)
Stimulus that is unconditioned, naturally and automatically triggers a response
conditioned stimulus
Originally irrelevant stimulus that after association with US comes to trigger CR
Linkage of NS and US so that the NS begins triggering the CR. In operant conditioning the strengthening of a reinforced response
higher-order conditioning
Tge CS in one conditioning experiment is paired with a new NS creating a 2nd weaker CR
Diminishing of CR, occurs in CC when US does not follow CS. Occurs in OC when a respoinse is no longer reinforced
spontaneous recovery
Reappearance, after a pause of an extinguished CR (supressed but not eliminated)
Response for similar stimuli as CS to have similar responses
Learned ability to distinguish between CS (predicts US) and other irrelevent stimuli
law of effect
Thorndike; behavior followed by favorable consequences become more likely and that behavior followed by unfacorable concequences becomes less likely
operant chamber
Skinner box; bar and key that an animal can manipulate to obtqain a food/water reinforcer
Any event that strengthens behavior it folloes
Reinforcers guide behavior towards closer and closer desired behavior