Unit 5 Flashcards
how information is processed in the mind
a person’s ability to monitor and control his/her own thinking
Various cognitive processes
-productive thinking
- concept formation
- memory
- intelligence
the vast storeroom of information related to experiences, learning, evaluations and prior knowledge
Memory consists of three stages
-Sensory memory
-Short-term memory
-Long-term memory
Long-term memory
Has a seemingly limitless capacity for retaining information.
Short-term memory
interprets information from the sensory memory and can hold this information for only 15 to 30 seconds
Sensory memory
it holds information entering from the senses for just few seconds or a fraction of a second.
Techniques to promote memory
*Elaborative rehearsal
*Mood state
*Humour and exaggeration
Humour and exaggeration
Things are better remembered if they are out of the ordinary.
Mood state
people are more likely to remember information that matches their current mood
When a group of items are remembered as a unit
E.g: instead of remembering each letter separately, you remember “KFC” as one chunk
Breaking up large amounts of information into a smaller sections.
E.g. divide a chapter into three subsections for better understanding.
memory aids that help you remember unrelated facts or figures by organizing them in a way that’s easier to recall.
Elaborative rehearsal
Processing information at deeper levels by making a connection between the object or information to be remembered and something a person already remembers.