Unit 4 Part 1 - Hematology, Coagulation Flashcards
the study of blood
deficiency of hemoglobin or RBC
section of lab that is concerned with the clotting mechanism of the blood
coagulation dept
tests for WBC, RBC, Hgb, Hct, indices, and differential
*only panel allowed, esp in hospitals
CBC (complete blood count)
determined the % of different types of WBCs (neuts, lymphs, monos, eos, basos) as well as RBC morphology and platelet # estimation
an anticoagulant used in hematology tubes (lavender)
EDTA means
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
used to determine if inflammation is present, also referred to as sed rate
ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)
% by volume of RBCs in whole blood, also called PVC (packed cell count)
Hematocrit (Hct)
counting chamber for manual WBCs, RBCs, pltelets, sperm counts, etc.
section of the lab that studies blood cells, may include coagulation and urinalysis
hematology dept
the substance in RBCs that carry oxygen and CO2
the stoppage of bleeding
cells involved in the clotting of blood
another term for platelets
calculations to determine the size and contents of RBCs
red blood cell indices
cells containing hemoglobin that transports O2 to the body and CO2 away to the lungs
red blood cells
another term for red blood cells
immature RBC
reticulocyte (retic)
cells involved in infection control and immunity
white blood cells
another term for white blood cells
main stain used in hematology for doing differentials
wrights stain
tests done in ____:
CBC - (WBC, RBC Hgb, Hct, indices, differential & platelet count)
Retic count
Sed Rate
Sickle cells
Eosinophil count
an increase in WBC, usually happens when a person has an infection
a decrease in WBC, usually happens when the immune system is compromised
a sudden huge increase in WBC may indicate
an increase in RBC may indicate
this test will tell if the patient has enough O2 carrying capacity
oxygen binds to ___ on hemoglobin
normal adult ranges for Hgb
Female: 120-160 g/L
Male: 140-180 g/L
test that reflects the relationship between the amount of RBCs and the amount of plasma in a blood sample
quick test for anemia and blood doping
normal adult ranges for Hct
Female: 0.35-0.47 L/L
Male: 0.4 - 0.52 L/L
increasing RBCs in blood to be able to carry more O2, allowing athletes improved performance
blood doping
mean corpuscular volume
increasing amount of RBC in blood to be able to carry more O2, allowing athletes to improve performance
blood doping
mean corpuscular hemoglobin
mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
expresses the average volume of RBCs
expressed in femtoliters (fl)
normal value: 80-100 fl
estimates weight of hgb in RBC
expressed in picograms (pg)
normal value: 27-32 pg/cell
expresses the concentration of hgb in RBCs relative to their size
expressed in grams per deciliter (g/dl)
normal value: 32-37 g/dl
most common anemia, caused by a decrease in iron which is needed for hgb production + TIBC
treatment: iron supplements
iron deficiency anemia
anemia caused by a lack of intrinsic factor in the digestive tract
treatment: Vit B 12 injections
pernicious anemia
required for the absorption of Vit B12, which is necessary for normal maturing of RBCs
intrinsic factor
anemia caused by the failure of bone marrow to produce enough RBCs as well as WBCs and platelets
treatment: bone marrow transplant
aplastic anemia
anemia caused by an excessive destruction of RBCs, often because they are deformed
causes jaundice due to increased amount of bilirubin in the blood
treatment: splenectomy
hemolytic anemia
may be done on automatic cell counter, or manually on a hematocytometer by counting all the platelets in the centre area
platelet count
normal values for platelet counts
150k - 450k per cubic ml
platelets are fragments of a ___
__ blood smear is often to detect malaria
__ blood smear is often to perform a manual differential
types of blood smears
to prepare this blood smear, place large drop of blood at centre of glass, and spread with the corner of another slide until size of dime and let it dry
thick blood smear
to prepare this smear, the push wedge method is used and takes a lot of practice
thin blood smear
the push wedge method involves 3 main steps:
the adhesion step in the push wedge method involves the slider being held at
30-40 degree angle
a blood smear is too thin if the drop was too __, or the spreader was too __
small, low
a blood smear is too thick if the drop was too __, or the spreader was too __
large, high
a patient with ___ hemoglobin will make the smear look too __
low, thin
blood smears need to be prepared within __ from collection, and note that high humidity will prolong drying time
1 hr
the wright stain is left on a slide for 5 mins, and uses a ___ stain