Unit 3 - Post. Thigh Muscles Flashcards
Hamstring muscles (3)
Biceps Femoris
All hamstring muscles have what attachment?
Proximal attachment to the ischial tuberosity
Hamstrings span what 2 joints
Hamstrings movement
Extends the thigh and flex the leg
Innervation of hamstrings
Tibial branch of the sciatic nerve
What part of biceps femoris is NOT considered a hamstring
Short head
Full flexion of the knee does what to hip extension
Impairs it-
And full hip extension impairs knee flexion
Active insufficiency
The inability of a muscle, which spans two or more joints to exert enough tension and shorten sufficiently to cause a full range of movement in all joints at the same time
Passive insufficiency
The inability of a muscle that spans two or more joints to be stretched sufficiently to produce a full range of motion in all the joints simultaneously
When the thigh and leg are fixed, the hamstrings:
Extend the trunk at the hip joint
Hamstring muscles are involved in ______ and most active during:
During an eccentric contraction resisting hip flexion and knee extension
OINA for semitendinosus
OR: Ischial tuberosity
INS: Pes anserinus, medial tibia
NS: Tibial division, sciatic nerve
AC: Flexes leg
Extends thigh
Extends the trunk when leg/thigh is fixed
Tendons of the pes anserinus
Semitentinosus tendon
Gracilis tendon
Sartorius tendon
OINA for semimembranosus
OR: Ischial tuberosity
INS: Post. Medial condyle of tibia
NS: Tibial division, sciatic nerve
AC: Flexes leg
Extends thigh
Extends the trunk when leg/thigh is fixed
3 distal attachment parts for the semimembranosus
1- direct attachment to the post. Medial tibial condyle (most direct)
2- part blends with the popliteal fascia
3- reflected part (oblique popliteal ligament) reinforces the intercondylar part of the knee capsule
OINA for biceps femoris
OR: Long head- ischial tuberosity
Short head- linea aspera and supracondylar ridge of femur
INS: Head of fibula
NS: Long head- Tibial division, sciatic nerve
Short head- Common perineal division, sciatic nerve
AC: Flexes leg
Extends thigh
The long head of biceps femoris covers the:
Sciatic nerve as it descends from the medial gluteal region through the posterior thigh to the popliteal fossa
Sciatic nerve comes out underneath the: